Four-legged donors

A day later, a familiar dog with a seam on the belly has tried happily wagging his tail. A great sense of gratitude to the dog, whose blood I carried in a container are not haunted. I was plagued by dozens of questions. And if at first (as it turned out to be the most popular) - the donor is alive, I have an indirect answer was - hardly someone began to write on the package nickname dead dog, then the rest of me still to understand.

Internet search even more intrigued. They found only one photo of the donor dog: Labrador charming, understanding the responsibility of the problem, calmly lies with the needle in the neck, next to it a bright red bag ... Photo overseas. With further study showed mention British shares «Pet Blood Bank» and again, the only photos of donor dogs, calling the owners to participate in the charity program.

From abroad more or less clear, but what is happening here?

Donated blood is constantly needed animals. Operations, infectious diseases and accidents happen with pets almost as often as the people. But veterinary creation of synthetic blood no one did. Yes, and most of the drugs fill blood components used for humans, animals are not suitable. Without blood banks will not do.

Address lab "Chance Bio" every practitioner veterinarian Moscow and the region says heart. This is where the country's only blood bank.

Laboratory private, no grants for the establishment and did not receive in government programs did not participate.

In the West, animal blood banks exist because volunteers and donations.
Or not at all banks - every veterinarian has its donors in case of need.
Sometimes there is a state database of donor animals with access to it for all the country's veterinarians.
We are all different.

No campaigning hosts on the streets, not catch them at exhibitions, does not stop at pet stores. It does not explain the importance and necessity of organ donation. Do not wait in the corridors for their turn on letting Pekingese and Labrador. And even if you looked at his Italian greyhound, decide that it should help the brethren - you will be denied. Where does donated blood?

Blood rent entire nurseries, and donors do not bring to the laboratory, veterinarians themselves come to him. This is sure to large dogs, such as Caucasians or Central Asian Shepherd. The breed of the donor does not matter, you can pour blood Chihuahua pitbull and vice versa. That's just it can pass only 30 milliliters and fuss just as much as with a large dog.

Donors are allowed to take up to 15% of blood volume is half percent by weight. It turns out that 60-pound dog at a time can donate up to 900 ml. You will need 30 Chihuahua and a few days for delivery of the same amount of blood.

The procedure for putting almost the same as in humans. First, the dog passes a medical examination: pale gums, pulse, temperature. Availability of vaccines, the lack of chronic diseases and pregnancy. Is that a red heart in the paws do not give and do not ask for work cam.

In Europe, blood is taken from the jugular vein in the neck, while desyatisantimetrovyh vybrivaya band are sanitary norms. Neither the owner of the dog in the exhibition is not going. Veterinarians understand the peculiarities of Russian and dismantle fur hands reaching out to the skin on the leg.

About 30 minutes the dog is ...

or lies ...

until the package is filled with blood.

In this case no soothing injections are used. Dogs are looking forward to the end of the procedure - they know that then get snacks.

Veterinarians even joke that collect donated saliva, not blood - so dogs are waiting for compensation.

Per day thus possible to collect blood from 18 animals.

So what is obtained dogs and their owners? Money, fame, badge "Honorable donor?»

If we talk about the material, it is a survey of dogs, laboratory tests, and significant discounts on analyzes and veterinarians.

Healthy, regularly passing examinations dog, profitable and blood bank and, of course, the owners of nurseries. Blood repeatedly scanned permanent donor can not be compared with the one-time freshman who came by chance with an unknown history.

In cats, the blood is collected about the same. Just as donors because of its size and nature, are the Maine Coon - the usual five-kilogram domestic cat can pass only 50 ml.

To get the donor animal blood, you will need:
- At any time of day to call the lab and the number of required reserve;
- To deliver a blood sample to a laboratory for analysis recipient for compatibility with the donor's blood.
- After a twenty-minute analysis of pay and take away the right blood.

The blood is kept only 30 days, the plasma - a year. "Old" is utilized, so the process of collecting never stops.

With canine blood in the capital no problem. Need to calculate a seasonal bursts known: the disease piroplasmosis and time baiting rats.

Despite the fact that in dogs, as many as 8 major blood groups, the first transfusion does not require selection of the group - they have no antibodies, issuing an immune response to foreign blood. But for the re-transfusion is not just suitable donor material. But the test for compatibility is in any event. This rule, which can not be derogated.

With the cat blood shortages may be, their mass diseases weakly to forecast. However, the maximum delay - a few hours. In the morning the blood can not be, and in the evening it will be.
Unlike dogs, cats are only two blood groups - A and B (the third AB is very rare). But blood transfused the wrong group will lead to the death - the cat is not 0 and the universal donor group as a person.
Cat Mania - honored donor. Despite the paralyzed part of the body, it is already five times helps clients vetkliniki Hachiko. Though she herself is in the same patient - once I picked her up and brought here one of the employees.

Her predecessor Nedao taken in good hands. Manya now waiting for its new owner, in between times, saving the lives of kittens and crawling on the veterinary clinic.

Source: ottenki-serogo.livejournal.com