The promotion of web sites
Fifty one million five hundred seventeen thousand seven hundred twelve
European web Studio kodulehe tegemine wants to share with you my thoughts. For many site owners, the concept of "site donor" refers to the theory to promote the web resources, since the owners often either by themselves or with someone's help, create web sites and promote sites prefer using the services of professionals. It should be noted that this model requires a lot of financial investment and not always effective. Where will be more important and more effective to use the technology to promote resources with the help of the donor site, whose owner will be the person who wishes to promote in this way and their own and other people's websites.
Of course, that the boundary between the donor and the usual site is blurred, because successfully promoted resource can generate income not only from the ad units placed on the website, but by using a host of paid links leading to other resources. But, if you look, there is a difference and it is extremely significant, as post links to other sites must be done very carefully because if you exceed a certain number of links leading to third-party resources the site automatically will start to lose ground in search results.
Kodulehe valmistamine argues that any self-respecting expert on promotion of sites, and just an active owner sites that won't wait, and will actively create and develop the donor site. They are not required any investment, except that you will need to order articles on topics that sell well on the Internet, and then time will do the trick. Web Studio koduleht can confidently say that the longer a site is, the greater he or she gets from the search engines, and the more often you add new informative articles, the more quality is considered from the point of view of search engines. Two main rules and time that form a high-quality donor sites, and do not need to invest crazy money in promotion, and do not need to make contact with platforms donors in the top 3 at the high frequency keywords.
Only need to create sites on popular topics, post articles thirty, no less, and gradually, you can once a month, add a few articles. Over time, the search engines will begin to assess donor sites and even to rise in search results, but the important thing is to wait at least a year so that the sites do become perceived by the search engines as a valuable site, and links that will be assessed highly. Earn on the resources-the donors can be much more than an ordinary informative websites.
European web Studio kodulehe tegemine wants to share with you my thoughts. For many site owners, the concept of "site donor" refers to the theory to promote the web resources, since the owners often either by themselves or with someone's help, create web sites and promote sites prefer using the services of professionals. It should be noted that this model requires a lot of financial investment and not always effective. Where will be more important and more effective to use the technology to promote resources with the help of the donor site, whose owner will be the person who wishes to promote in this way and their own and other people's websites.

Of course, that the boundary between the donor and the usual site is blurred, because successfully promoted resource can generate income not only from the ad units placed on the website, but by using a host of paid links leading to other resources. But, if you look, there is a difference and it is extremely significant, as post links to other sites must be done very carefully because if you exceed a certain number of links leading to third-party resources the site automatically will start to lose ground in search results.
Kodulehe valmistamine argues that any self-respecting expert on promotion of sites, and just an active owner sites that won't wait, and will actively create and develop the donor site. They are not required any investment, except that you will need to order articles on topics that sell well on the Internet, and then time will do the trick. Web Studio koduleht can confidently say that the longer a site is, the greater he or she gets from the search engines, and the more often you add new informative articles, the more quality is considered from the point of view of search engines. Two main rules and time that form a high-quality donor sites, and do not need to invest crazy money in promotion, and do not need to make contact with platforms donors in the top 3 at the high frequency keywords.
Only need to create sites on popular topics, post articles thirty, no less, and gradually, you can once a month, add a few articles. Over time, the search engines will begin to assess donor sites and even to rise in search results, but the important thing is to wait at least a year so that the sites do become perceived by the search engines as a valuable site, and links that will be assessed highly. Earn on the resources-the donors can be much more than an ordinary informative websites.