DNA paternity: how to donate
Seventy million six hundred ninety thousand five hundred fifty four
According to statistics, the proportion of men who doubt their own paternity is quite high. These fears are often not unfounded. Studies show that at least 10 percent of children born in marriage, there is no official father of genetic relationship. The passage of a special paternity test has become commonplace. To make the test possible not only after the baby was born, but 9-week gestation.
When it is advisable to take the test
First, you need to remember that absolutely the same DNA chain only in identical twins. If we are talking about children and parents, the chromosome includes paternal and maternal genes. DNA analysis takes into account only the proportion of the presence of paternal genes in the DNA of the child.
DNA useful in such situations:
The main advantage of the method is high precision. Re-delivery is required. Enough to go to the lab and pay for the service. Without specialized laboratory paternity establishment is impossible, because the procedure is quite complicated.
You need to establish paternity
As the genetic material may be blood, parts of nails, hair, saliva or buccal cells (swab taken from the mucous membrane on the inside of the cheeks). The type of material the accuracy of the analysis depends. Legal force have only the test results from a specialized laboratory.
According to statistics, the proportion of men who doubt their own paternity is quite high. These fears are often not unfounded. Studies show that at least 10 percent of children born in marriage, there is no official father of genetic relationship. The passage of a special paternity test has become commonplace. To make the test possible not only after the baby was born, but 9-week gestation.
When it is advisable to take the test
First, you need to remember that absolutely the same DNA chain only in identical twins. If we are talking about children and parents, the chromosome includes paternal and maternal genes. DNA analysis takes into account only the proportion of the presence of paternal genes in the DNA of the child.
DNA useful in such situations:
- Doubt father. In this case, he can take the test yourself. Only the necessary DNA material and his child.
- When adopting a child (my father found out about his existence after some time).
- According to the court, at the attempt of the father to give up in a divorce from alimony under the pretext that the child is not his. If a man refuses to take the test at his own expense, he is forced to pay child support.
The main advantage of the method is high precision. Re-delivery is required. Enough to go to the lab and pay for the service. Without specialized laboratory paternity establishment is impossible, because the procedure is quite complicated.
You need to establish paternity
- First of all, it is the genetic material of the father and a child. If possible dad a few collect genetic material at all.
- It is possible to conduct genetic testing before the birth of the baby. It is accurate and safe for mother and fetus the procedure.
- The need for the participation of the mother in the test is not (for obvious reasons), but it is still desirable to determine the subset of maternal genes that were passed on to the baby.
As the genetic material may be blood, parts of nails, hair, saliva or buccal cells (swab taken from the mucous membrane on the inside of the cheeks). The type of material the accuracy of the analysis depends. Legal force have only the test results from a specialized laboratory.