When you need a test to establish paternity during pregnancy?
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If you look at the data from different sources, it would appear that from 20 to 40% of all married men do not raise their children. And interestingly, they are about it does not suspect. But if a man has any doubts, he can go to the website https://lab-dnk.ru/tests-and-prices/test-na-otsovstvo-na-vrema-beremennosti/ and read how to determine, he is the biological father of the unborn child or someone else.
Why is it so important?You must know that only with the help of DNA testing for paternity can establish who is the real father of the child. And this should be done even when the woman is pregnant. This analysis can be done in a few cases.
What will I need for this?Currently, there are two methods of conducting a DNA paternity test when a woman is pregnant. The first one is non-invasive and second invasive. Between them there is a difference. In the first case, no need to interfere in a woman's genitals. But in the invasive method, some hardware will have to enter into the uterus. This suggests that such a procedure can only be performed in a medical facility.
To carry out such a DNA test, you will need the following:
To get the DNA, you can use the scrapings from the inside of the cheeks, dried blood, saliva. As well hair, but only together with the onion. In some cases, is taken and sperm. To get a more accurate result, testing should be carried out in the period from 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. It is in this period of time, such testing method will be completely safe for the expectant mother and her unborn child.
If you look at the data from different sources, it would appear that from 20 to 40% of all married men do not raise their children. And interestingly, they are about it does not suspect. But if a man has any doubts, he can go to the website https://lab-dnk.ru/tests-and-prices/test-na-otsovstvo-na-vrema-beremennosti/ and read how to determine, he is the biological father of the unborn child or someone else.
Why is it so important?You must know that only with the help of DNA testing for paternity can establish who is the real father of the child. And this should be done even when the woman is pregnant. This analysis can be done in a few cases.
- If a man has doubts, he is the real father or some other male.
- When the woman is not sure of who she got pregnant.
- When the divorce process need a formal opinion for submission to the court.
- If a man refuses to recognize parenthood.
What will I need for this?Currently, there are two methods of conducting a DNA paternity test when a woman is pregnant. The first one is non-invasive and second invasive. Between them there is a difference. In the first case, no need to interfere in a woman's genitals. But in the invasive method, some hardware will have to enter into the uterus. This suggests that such a procedure can only be performed in a medical facility.
To carry out such a DNA test, you will need the following:
- perinatal biological material of the fetus;
- DNA samples of the mother;
- DNA samples of the alleged father.
To get the DNA, you can use the scrapings from the inside of the cheeks, dried blood, saliva. As well hair, but only together with the onion. In some cases, is taken and sperm. To get a more accurate result, testing should be carried out in the period from 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. It is in this period of time, such testing method will be completely safe for the expectant mother and her unborn child.