Drozhennikov: “Dense blood is a heart attack, stroke and other sores. Here's how to cure her. Try it!
Blood is the main biological fluid in the human body. From its consistency depends on the state of all human organs. When the viscosity of the blood increases, the whole body is disrupted. You’ve probably heard that the blood is too thick. Why does this phenomenon arise? What is dangerous and how to deal with it?
Today's edition. "Site" will answer these questions.
Before answering this question, let’s talk about the That makes blood thicker. The reasons for such a violation can be several: violations of liver function, changes in the membranes of blood cells, causing the "glue" of cells. But these are more serious reasons and simply do not arise. The most common cause of blood clotting is insufficient consumption of ordinary clean water.
Alexander Drozhennikov talks about this, and below there will be a video in which he shares his experience. He himself faced the problem of thick blood and was able to solve it by his own method, which we will describe later.
Increased blood viscosity is very dangerous. In this condition, the blood can not fully perform its main function - transport. This means that the organs do not receive the necessary amount of nutrients and not all decay products will be eliminated from the body. In addition, the heart needs to spend many times more energy in order to push blood, so it wears out faster. This leads to heart attacks, strokes and other unpleasant sores.
The insidiousness of blood clotting is that it is not so easy to recognize. These symptoms are often ignored. The most frequent of them: high blood pressure, general weakness, drowsiness, dry mouth, heaviness in the legs, fatigue, depression, headache, constantly cold limbs. The list of symptoms can be continued, but sometimes thick blood does not manifest itself, and this can be detected only by passing tests.
So, what to do if the tests confirm that you have increased blood viscosity? Right, we need to get her back to normal. Of course, you can take special drugs, but first of all you need to review your diet. It is necessary to exclude fried, fatty, canned foods, marinades, smoked foods and certainly include low-fat dairy products in the diet.
Consuming sweets and sugar is not recommended. You should also abandon buckwheat, potatoes, bananas and carbonated drinks. In addition, you need to exclude smoking and alcohol, which greatly increase blood viscosity.
Be sure to add to the diet Foods that thin the blood: Oranges, pomegranates, figs, cocoa, raspberries, garlic, beets, chocolate, artichokes, strawberries, ginger, lemon, sunflower seeds. You just need to choose the product to your taste.
Alexander Drozhennikov believes that the viscosity of our blood increases only because we consume little pure water. He says, “Our longevity depends on the amount of clean water we consume. 100%. After all, it is water that makes our blood normal consistency, liquid, which allows it to enter all, even the smallest, capillaries of our body.
The healer himself faced with the problem of thick blood, and to solve this problem, he recommends using more ordinary clean water. He says he increased his consumption to 9 to 12 glasses a day. Moreover, tea, coffee, juice, soups and other liquids are not considered. He says that you can drink water as you feel, but it is best to calculate the norm for yourself. It is approximately 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. That's what helped him heal.
Alexander Drozhennikov advises: “So, don’t forget to drink more water.” If you decide to become a long-lived, drink more clean water, you will definitely not regret it.”
He also makes a very interesting observation. We all know about the sad statistics that tell us that men live less, and that about 10-14% of men around the world suffer from chronic prostatitis. The healer believes that it is because men neglect to drink enough water that they suffer from prostatitis and other related problems. In addition, the rate of strokes and heart attacks among men is higher.
Here is a video in which Alexander Drozhennikov shares his invaluable experience. Very informative!
This has already been said, but I can repeat it again. Do not neglect the use of clean water, because it is very necessary for our body! This will prevent blood clotting and will maintain its viscosity in a normal state. Do not forget to regularly take tests and go to the doctor if you are concerned. Take care of yourself and your health!
How long have you been testing blood viscosity? Have you faced such a problem, and if so, how did you deal with it? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share the article with your friends!

Today's edition. "Site" will answer these questions.
Before answering this question, let’s talk about the That makes blood thicker. The reasons for such a violation can be several: violations of liver function, changes in the membranes of blood cells, causing the "glue" of cells. But these are more serious reasons and simply do not arise. The most common cause of blood clotting is insufficient consumption of ordinary clean water.
Alexander Drozhennikov talks about this, and below there will be a video in which he shares his experience. He himself faced the problem of thick blood and was able to solve it by his own method, which we will describe later.

Increased blood viscosity is very dangerous. In this condition, the blood can not fully perform its main function - transport. This means that the organs do not receive the necessary amount of nutrients and not all decay products will be eliminated from the body. In addition, the heart needs to spend many times more energy in order to push blood, so it wears out faster. This leads to heart attacks, strokes and other unpleasant sores.

The insidiousness of blood clotting is that it is not so easy to recognize. These symptoms are often ignored. The most frequent of them: high blood pressure, general weakness, drowsiness, dry mouth, heaviness in the legs, fatigue, depression, headache, constantly cold limbs. The list of symptoms can be continued, but sometimes thick blood does not manifest itself, and this can be detected only by passing tests.

So, what to do if the tests confirm that you have increased blood viscosity? Right, we need to get her back to normal. Of course, you can take special drugs, but first of all you need to review your diet. It is necessary to exclude fried, fatty, canned foods, marinades, smoked foods and certainly include low-fat dairy products in the diet.
Consuming sweets and sugar is not recommended. You should also abandon buckwheat, potatoes, bananas and carbonated drinks. In addition, you need to exclude smoking and alcohol, which greatly increase blood viscosity.
Be sure to add to the diet Foods that thin the blood: Oranges, pomegranates, figs, cocoa, raspberries, garlic, beets, chocolate, artichokes, strawberries, ginger, lemon, sunflower seeds. You just need to choose the product to your taste.

Alexander Drozhennikov believes that the viscosity of our blood increases only because we consume little pure water. He says, “Our longevity depends on the amount of clean water we consume. 100%. After all, it is water that makes our blood normal consistency, liquid, which allows it to enter all, even the smallest, capillaries of our body.

The healer himself faced with the problem of thick blood, and to solve this problem, he recommends using more ordinary clean water. He says he increased his consumption to 9 to 12 glasses a day. Moreover, tea, coffee, juice, soups and other liquids are not considered. He says that you can drink water as you feel, but it is best to calculate the norm for yourself. It is approximately 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. That's what helped him heal.
Alexander Drozhennikov advises: “So, don’t forget to drink more water.” If you decide to become a long-lived, drink more clean water, you will definitely not regret it.”
He also makes a very interesting observation. We all know about the sad statistics that tell us that men live less, and that about 10-14% of men around the world suffer from chronic prostatitis. The healer believes that it is because men neglect to drink enough water that they suffer from prostatitis and other related problems. In addition, the rate of strokes and heart attacks among men is higher.
Here is a video in which Alexander Drozhennikov shares his invaluable experience. Very informative!
This has already been said, but I can repeat it again. Do not neglect the use of clean water, because it is very necessary for our body! This will prevent blood clotting and will maintain its viscosity in a normal state. Do not forget to regularly take tests and go to the doctor if you are concerned. Take care of yourself and your health!
How long have you been testing blood viscosity? Have you faced such a problem, and if so, how did you deal with it? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share the article with your friends!
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