Training Alexander Drozennikov for busy ladies
With age, our body changes a lot. It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain it in tone and maintain its former forms. But do not despair, because there is always a way to fix everything. If you are not doing anything, lead an inactive lifestyle and have gained a few extra pounds, then it is time to get rid of them, because we have something amazing for you.
Our favorite healer Alexander Drozennikov told about a wonderful exercise that you can do just at home. And the newsroom. "Site" sharing it with you.
At the age of 40-45 years, our body undergoes rapid changes. Quickly and imperceptibly, the person begins to gain weight, the stomach and sides sag. Unfortunately, no one can avoid this fate, even athletes who have been involved in sports all their lives. But this process can be slowed down, and Alexander Drozhennikov will tell you how to do it.
Below will be a video in which the healer will demonstrate his gymnastics. In the meantime, let's figure out exactly what to do. To perform gymnastics, you will need a regular stick. Not on hand? So walk into the woods, find the right stick, combine the good with the good.
Now that you have a stick, you can start the exercise. This gymnastics has no contraindications, it can be performed at any age. And the sooner you start, the better. The essence of gymnastics is to massage each part of the body with a stick. It is best to do the exercise in the morning, immediately after waking up. That way you can get your body tone and cheer up.
Just take a stick and start rubbing your body with it. Start with your hands, rubbing even your fingers and between them. This will help to tone the skin, prevent its sagging and get rid of wrinkles. It is both gymnastics and self-massage. Of course, you can carry out self-massage and hands, but with a stick you will make more movements that will help warm up and work out all the muscles.
After your fingers and hands, move to your hands. Thoroughly but carefully rub them. After the armpit, and then the sides and stomach. Stay in this area longer, because it is the most problematic. Rub your stomach with a stick like you're rolling dough. This will help to tighten the sagging stomach, even if the situation is very deplorable.
Drozhennikov recommends doing the exercise so that clothes do not interfere. Find yourself 20 minutes in the morning and do this exercise. This is a great way to cheer up in the morning, energize your body and even think about a plan for the whole day. This is a kind of meditation.
So, back to the exercise. Carefully work out all your problem areas, actively rubbing them with a stick. It is very important to do the exercise at one pace without stopping. After you rub your sides and stomach, move to the neck, it also needs to be worked out well. By the way, such rubbing is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis. In addition, you stimulate the vessels, which will help improve blood circulation.
The next area is the lower back. Make sure that this is a problem area for almost everyone. Also massage your spine as much as you can. Then move to the top of the spine. You can't reach that zone with your hands, but the stick will work it out. After the back, move to your legs and rub them well.
How to rub your back, it is better to see. So watch the video in which Alexander Drozhennikov himself performs this beautiful gymnastics.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in such gymnastics. But after the performance, you will feel that your muscles have warmed up, your body is filled with cheerfulness, and you yourself are ready for a new day. The whole secret is not to be lazy and do this every morning. training.
You need to start working on your body from an early age, because then it will be much easier to maintain yourself in excellent shape. Do not forget that our health depends on proper nutrition. A balanced diet is the key to health and longevity! So exercise, watch your diet, drink more water and stay healthy for years to come!
Did you like Alexander Drozennikov’s exercise? Do you have any ways to get rid of the accumulated load? Share with us in the comments!

Our favorite healer Alexander Drozennikov told about a wonderful exercise that you can do just at home. And the newsroom. "Site" sharing it with you.
At the age of 40-45 years, our body undergoes rapid changes. Quickly and imperceptibly, the person begins to gain weight, the stomach and sides sag. Unfortunately, no one can avoid this fate, even athletes who have been involved in sports all their lives. But this process can be slowed down, and Alexander Drozhennikov will tell you how to do it.

Below will be a video in which the healer will demonstrate his gymnastics. In the meantime, let's figure out exactly what to do. To perform gymnastics, you will need a regular stick. Not on hand? So walk into the woods, find the right stick, combine the good with the good.
Now that you have a stick, you can start the exercise. This gymnastics has no contraindications, it can be performed at any age. And the sooner you start, the better. The essence of gymnastics is to massage each part of the body with a stick. It is best to do the exercise in the morning, immediately after waking up. That way you can get your body tone and cheer up.

Just take a stick and start rubbing your body with it. Start with your hands, rubbing even your fingers and between them. This will help to tone the skin, prevent its sagging and get rid of wrinkles. It is both gymnastics and self-massage. Of course, you can carry out self-massage and hands, but with a stick you will make more movements that will help warm up and work out all the muscles.
After your fingers and hands, move to your hands. Thoroughly but carefully rub them. After the armpit, and then the sides and stomach. Stay in this area longer, because it is the most problematic. Rub your stomach with a stick like you're rolling dough. This will help to tighten the sagging stomach, even if the situation is very deplorable.

Drozhennikov recommends doing the exercise so that clothes do not interfere. Find yourself 20 minutes in the morning and do this exercise. This is a great way to cheer up in the morning, energize your body and even think about a plan for the whole day. This is a kind of meditation.
So, back to the exercise. Carefully work out all your problem areas, actively rubbing them with a stick. It is very important to do the exercise at one pace without stopping. After you rub your sides and stomach, move to the neck, it also needs to be worked out well. By the way, such rubbing is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis. In addition, you stimulate the vessels, which will help improve blood circulation.

The next area is the lower back. Make sure that this is a problem area for almost everyone. Also massage your spine as much as you can. Then move to the top of the spine. You can't reach that zone with your hands, but the stick will work it out. After the back, move to your legs and rub them well.
How to rub your back, it is better to see. So watch the video in which Alexander Drozhennikov himself performs this beautiful gymnastics.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in such gymnastics. But after the performance, you will feel that your muscles have warmed up, your body is filled with cheerfulness, and you yourself are ready for a new day. The whole secret is not to be lazy and do this every morning. training.
You need to start working on your body from an early age, because then it will be much easier to maintain yourself in excellent shape. Do not forget that our health depends on proper nutrition. A balanced diet is the key to health and longevity! So exercise, watch your diet, drink more water and stay healthy for years to come!
Did you like Alexander Drozennikov’s exercise? Do you have any ways to get rid of the accumulated load? Share with us in the comments!
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