How to get rid of irritability
Each of us was in a situation where It's annoying.When even the most innocuous little thing can drive you crazy. Everyone has their own reasons, but the consequences are mostly the same: health problems due to severe stress, as well as unpleasant situations due to aggression splashed out in time.
But what to do when everything falls and there is simply no strength? As my grandmother used to say, you have to take care of yourself. And the newsroom. "Site" Today I will share with you an exercise from Alexander Drozennikov, which will help to cope with the problem. fit In an instant.
Stress is a problem of almost every modern person. It affects the frenzied pace of life, and the unstable situation in general, and everyone has their own domestic troubles. As a result, we get a person who almost every day is on the line from a breakdown. But this is not the case, no organism can withstand this.
You need to cope with stress, and it is best to splash out somehow, give emotions an outlet. But most often it happens uncontrollably and causes even more problems. So we need a way that works for everyone. And we have one.
Alexander Drozennikov often talks about how to calm down and cope with stress, because he believes that stress takes away precious years of our lives. And today we will tell you about his method of dealing with an attack of aggression and irritation. This is just one exercise, but very effective. Below will be a video, but for now we will talk about the technique.
You can perform the exercise anywhere and anytime, you just need to find a secluded corner. You'll only need a few minutes. So, the initial position is the most familiar for you stand. Stand up straight, feet shoulder wide (or as you feel more comfortable), hands relaxed and palms open.
Take a deep breath, filling the lungs with air. Then breathe out slowly, mentally directing all the negative energy, aggression and irritation in the palm of your hand. Keep your hands open. When you're done exhaling, imagine that all this negativity turns to sand, and open your hands to get rid of it. Say it three times.
Exercise requires a little concentration and concentration, but if you can pull it all off, you will feel calming down, and all the irritability and stress leaks through your fingers. This will help to cool your head before an important conversation or calm the rage after unpleasant events.
And here is a video in which Alexander Drozhennikov clearly shows this simple exercise.
Anger, aggression, irritation and rage only spoil our lives, poisoning our mind and body, so we need to get rid of them in time. Learn to control emotions, take over them and easily get rid of all the bad things. Trust me, it'll make you feel better. Always remember that this is not as important as your health and longevity. Take care!
Alexander Drozennikov’s exercises can work wonders. Recently we wrote about his way to get rid of chronic fatigue and stress with one simple exercise.
We have great respect for the folk healer and often share his advice. For example, recently we talked about how to maintain kidney health according to the recipe of Alexander Drozennikov.
How do you deal with stress? Tell us in the comments!

But what to do when everything falls and there is simply no strength? As my grandmother used to say, you have to take care of yourself. And the newsroom. "Site" Today I will share with you an exercise from Alexander Drozennikov, which will help to cope with the problem. fit In an instant.
Stress is a problem of almost every modern person. It affects the frenzied pace of life, and the unstable situation in general, and everyone has their own domestic troubles. As a result, we get a person who almost every day is on the line from a breakdown. But this is not the case, no organism can withstand this.
You need to cope with stress, and it is best to splash out somehow, give emotions an outlet. But most often it happens uncontrollably and causes even more problems. So we need a way that works for everyone. And we have one.

Alexander Drozennikov often talks about how to calm down and cope with stress, because he believes that stress takes away precious years of our lives. And today we will tell you about his method of dealing with an attack of aggression and irritation. This is just one exercise, but very effective. Below will be a video, but for now we will talk about the technique.

You can perform the exercise anywhere and anytime, you just need to find a secluded corner. You'll only need a few minutes. So, the initial position is the most familiar for you stand. Stand up straight, feet shoulder wide (or as you feel more comfortable), hands relaxed and palms open.
Take a deep breath, filling the lungs with air. Then breathe out slowly, mentally directing all the negative energy, aggression and irritation in the palm of your hand. Keep your hands open. When you're done exhaling, imagine that all this negativity turns to sand, and open your hands to get rid of it. Say it three times.

Exercise requires a little concentration and concentration, but if you can pull it all off, you will feel calming down, and all the irritability and stress leaks through your fingers. This will help to cool your head before an important conversation or calm the rage after unpleasant events.
And here is a video in which Alexander Drozhennikov clearly shows this simple exercise.
Anger, aggression, irritation and rage only spoil our lives, poisoning our mind and body, so we need to get rid of them in time. Learn to control emotions, take over them and easily get rid of all the bad things. Trust me, it'll make you feel better. Always remember that this is not as important as your health and longevity. Take care!
Alexander Drozennikov’s exercises can work wonders. Recently we wrote about his way to get rid of chronic fatigue and stress with one simple exercise.
We have great respect for the folk healer and often share his advice. For example, recently we talked about how to maintain kidney health according to the recipe of Alexander Drozennikov.
How do you deal with stress? Tell us in the comments!