Exercises to prolong life
Just imagine: you are 80, you are still cheerful, young, full of energy and strength. A few simple daily exercises are fun – and now you are 90, your joints are still mobile, your mind is sharp, and your skin is elastic and elastic. And finally, the eternal joke that it is hard to live only the first 100 years is not a joke, but your life! And, unlike other centenarians, you do not think about the imminent departure to the other world, but, on the contrary, are perfectly prepared for life. You do?
Nature is merciless to aging lazy people, it is an axiom. To live long and carefree, the body needs constant stimulation of its reserves, and longevityDeveloped by specialists and aimed at prolonging life, will help to live up to 100 years or more for everyone who practices them regularly and consciously. If you don’t want to grow old, train your reserves!
Extension of life
Your eternal enemies - cold, hunger, overwork, blood loss - in the system of the training prescribed above turn into your best friends. Remember that all loads should be adequate and moderate: nervousness, unpleasant fatigue, apathy, sleep and appetite disorders indicate that you have slightly overdone in attempts to master the secrets of longevity. But pleasant fatigue, positive mood and excellent health are signs that the reserve training system has benefited you.
An active, full and active life is the best antidote to aging and premature death! What are they? longevity Are you familiar? Share your secrets in the comments.

Nature is merciless to aging lazy people, it is an axiom. To live long and carefree, the body needs constant stimulation of its reserves, and longevityDeveloped by specialists and aimed at prolonging life, will help to live up to 100 years or more for everyone who practices them regularly and consciously. If you don’t want to grow old, train your reserves!
Extension of life
- Dosed starvation
Voluntarily and completely give up food for a while. The purpose of such an exercise is the transition to internal reserves, the restoration of vitality, the prolongation of life, but it is possible only under the condition of simultaneous complete cessation of nutrition with the use of only pure water. Do not be afraid, with full, voluntary, but short-term fasting, nutrition with its own reserves fully satisfies all the needs of the body. And how to fast properly and effectively, you can read the book by Paul Bragg “The Miracle of fasting”.
Every week I fast for 24 or 36 hours. I also fast for 7-10 days four times a year. For many years, when I follow this schedule and keep myself in perfect condition, I live like a living dynamo. My day is fuller than another person’s year. I have unlimited energy, I am never tired, I am not sleepy. I am constantly active both mentally and physically. I have enough time and energy for everything, Bragg wrote in his book.
DepositPhotos - Oxygen starvation
The complete absence of oxygen in the body leads to its inevitable death, but short-term hypoxia is a kind of therapy. A slight lack of oxygen causes the heart to beat faster and more intensely, pumping more blood to vital organs. As a result of meaningful hypoxia, blood vessels expand, the mass of lung tissue increases, new capillaries are formed, the number of red blood cells increases, hormone production increases, and the general energy level increases. Hypoxia can be achieved in many ways: practicing breathing exercises or, for example, getting out more often in the mountains.
DepositPhotos - Information starvation
We will not advise you to abandon gadgets, TV and books, because nature has provided everything, giving you the opportunity once a day to relax from the endless flow of information from the outside. You can't see, you can't hear, you can't smell, your taste buds and your tactile buds rest, because you're asleep. A dark room with good ventilation, sound insulation, a comfortable temperature and a comfortable bed are the key to a healthy sleep, excellent health and a great mood.
A person is another irritant for a person, and therefore another way to limit the flow of external information is from time to time to allow yourself to be alone. Solitude is a kind of information starvation, and the lack of the opportunity to be alone at least occasionally can lead to serious mental disorders.
DepositPhotos - Muscle training
Do you want to keep your muscles strong and strong until old age? Be kind to stress everyone regularly. Walk, swim, run, dance, go to the gym or do yoga – do anything, just move. Movement is life, it is the basis of stability not only of the musculoskeletal system, but also of the organism as a whole.
DepositPhotos - Intelligent training
The billions of brain cells that are constantly processing and storing the most valuable information must be loaded with regular intellectual work. Who needs an 80-year-old man suffering from dementia? Longevity is an eternal student, not otherwise, because without constant mental development, longevity loses all meaning. The best thing you can do is learn everything you can learn and never stop.
DepositPhotos - Mental training
Is it possible to live a long and happy life without a stable and trained psyche? You can be a long-lived person in the world of stress and shocks only by mastering yourself perfectly, and this will help you with the right psychotraining. Very simple and effective, in our opinion, the Coue method: before going to bed and after waking up, mentally repeat the phrase of autosuggestion, for example, “I am a centenarian, I am young, cheerful and energetic” or “I am happy and healthy.” It is at this time that the power of autosuggestion has the greatest influence, and the body willingly obeys its goals.
DepositPhotos - Thermoregulation training
It is possible and necessary to train the mechanisms of heat production and heat transfer, it is only necessary to artificially change the ambient temperature from time to time. So, for cold stimulation, it is recommended to wear light clothes and take air baths even in the cool season, wash your face and feet with cool water, walk barefoot, periodically attend cryotherapy sessions, and also practice winter bathing in the hole. For thermal stimulation, a bath or sauna, a hot shower, warming wrappings and burrowing in hot sand are perfect.
DepositPhotos - Massage
The benefits of massage are difficult to overestimate - it is rest and recovery, harmless effect on the most vulnerable points of the body, often it is much more effective than traditional medicine. Perhaps you have already read our useful article about the point of Tzu-san-li, or the point of a hundred diseases, regular exposure to which helps to heal and rejuvenate the whole body. If you haven't read it, get started!
DepositPhotos - Bloodletting
Bloodletting is one of the most effective methods of reserve training. This method is both ingenious and banal: you brazenly take away from the body part of its precious resource - blood, and he in turn immediately restores the loss. At the same time, the systems of hemorrhage and nutrition, thermoregulation and water-salt metabolism are perfectly stimulated, the endocrine and immune systems work, and mechanisms for restoring reserves are included. Especially useful bloodletting women who entered the menopause period, as well as men after 25 years.
Your eternal enemies - cold, hunger, overwork, blood loss - in the system of the training prescribed above turn into your best friends. Remember that all loads should be adequate and moderate: nervousness, unpleasant fatigue, apathy, sleep and appetite disorders indicate that you have slightly overdone in attempts to master the secrets of longevity. But pleasant fatigue, positive mood and excellent health are signs that the reserve training system has benefited you.
An active, full and active life is the best antidote to aging and premature death! What are they? longevity Are you familiar? Share your secrets in the comments.