The best exercises from kyphosis and lordosis
Exercises from kyphosis and lordosis
The best age to start prevention of spinal curvature is 5-6 years. And if the child is older, the spine had become more rigid and the deformation is already well noticeable, but still there is no any complications? In this case, one prevention little. Mandatory special exercises. They are designed to build up the missing muscle mass, forming muscular stereotype corresponding to the normal body posture, change the shape of the spine in the right direction.
Of course, preventive measures – removal of the causes of the disease and possible withdrawal from the group risk at this stage is also required. Useful manual techniques or massage to stretching of the spine.
How long are treated kyphosis and lordosis? Children usually recover faster than adults, but sometimes happens and on the contrary: intensively engaged in lazy adults outperform children.
On average, light, uncomplicated forms can be cure for 1-2 months. Treatment 3rd degree usually takes about six months, and the 4th can take a few years.
Exercises from thoracic kyphosis
1. Lie on your back on a hard surface. Under the blades enclose roller with sand or millet (you can use a book of suitable size) with a thickness of 2 to 5 cm Thickness of cushion depends on the age, growth and the hardness of his spine. If it's a book, it is desirable to wrap something soft on the back does not remain bruises.
Pick up easy weights, weights, plastic bottles with water or sand weighing from 0.3 to 2 kg. Extend the arms along the body and in turn smahivaet them. It is recommended to do 200-300 movements 2 times (or more) a day.
Attention! Children cannot exercise full. With age, the capacity of the load should be fairly slow, due to the risk of damage to the shoulder joints.Arthrosis and arthritis of these joints exercise to do not recommend.
2. Stretching. Stand straight, interlock your hands behind your back and stretch. To do this, pull your shoulders back, and arms back and down. Try to keep your elbows and shoulder blades, and his head throw back-to-back (shouldn't be up on your toes and bulging belly). Maximum relax. Pull your stomach. Look point slightly upward, in no case do not look at the belly! Do not unroll the shoulders and not do while a deep breath – movement occur only at the expense of the abdominal muscles.
The exercise is done 2 times every hour; during the school year for 2 times in every period.
3. "Snake" (from Hatha yoga). Lie on your stomach, put your hands palms down on either side of the chest. Very slowly raise your head and upper chest, initially using only the back muscles, then arms (sometimes this exercise is like a folding Mat). The maximum rising up, slowly turn your head first in one, then in the other direction. Try to look at the heel.
Repeat the exercise 3 times. You should leave it for 3-5 minutes. To perform it preferably in the morning and evening.
Exercises from the lumbar kyphosis
1."The bug". Get on your knees. Try to sit on your heels. Severe pain this is unacceptable. Stomach tighten slightly and leaned forward. Then lie down on your back, holding hands under the buttocks.
Stay in this position for a few minutes before the appearance of pain. Repeat 2-3 times a day.
Attention!This exercise cannot be applied in advanced arthrosis of the knee, older and untrained people.
2. Lie on your back, tucked under the small of your back thick cushion with a thickness of 10-15 thick. You must daily be in that position for several hours, and in severe cases more.
Some moms put the baby cushion when he falls. However, keep in mind that the child after some time, rolls over on his side or belly and cushion out from under him. Instead of a cushion do not use bottles, cans or other solid objects. It is best to tightly roll a blanket or pillow
3."Boat". Lie on your stomach. Extend hands forward. Then lift them up, simultaneously lifting your head and legs. Repeat several times for 5 minutes.
This exercise strengthens the back muscles; it almost safe in terms of displacements and injuries of the intervertebral discs.
Exercise from cervical lordosis
1. Lie on your stomach. Hands fold together and put them on a support (for example, 2-3 books) a height of 3-5 cm from the Top put the chin. Maximum relax, look ahead.
Perform 20-30 minutes a day. At this time you can read, watch TV.
Exercise applied glavupravlenie of cervical lordosis, with head thrust forward ("pose Pithecanthropus") and lowered his head. Very effective in childhood and adolescence. When the protruding lower ribs under them it is possible to enclose the cushion.
Attention!Older people to exercise caution, as you may have headaches.
Exercises from the lumbar lordosis
1. Lie on your back. Put your hands palms down under your buttocks. Cast is rectified to the extent possible, his head in his hands, so that the buttocks come off from the support of 10-15 cm If you raise the buttocks above, it is possible to increase the thoracic kyphosis, if lower – the exercise is useless for treatment of the lumbar lordosis.
A person is more or less prepared to repeat the exercise should be about 50 times.
Attention! Some children and adults may be weakened abdominal muscles or tendon plate along the Central line of the abdomen. So when you try to exercise belly appear protrusions, and can form a hernia. In this case, consult with a specialist, and do the exercise in light weight versions.
Option 1. Take the initial position (I. p.) as in the previous exercise. Alternately tighten the legs to his stomach, severely bending their knees, from 20 to 50 times with each foot.
Do the exercise morning and evening for several weeks.
Option 2. I. p. – same. Pull both legs together to the stomach, severely bending their knees. To perform as well as option 1.
After 1-2 months of these lessons, you can go to the exercise with straight legs.
Attention! Everything in this article, the exercises should not cause severe pain. When it appears, immediately stop doing the exercises and consult your doctor. Exercises performed on time, can be done in several passes, alternating them randomly.
Tip: in severe lordosis of the lumbar region is recommended while sitting to put under the legs of the bench so that the knees were above the buttocks at 10-20 cm.
Please note: Scoliosis especially rapidly developing primary school children. Make sure that your child is always seated correctly — this will help him "grow" together with the furniture.
Help your student to preserve and reinforce the correct posture on a special orthopedic chair for unloading back to Zero Mini. Sitting in that chair, the children do their lessons without fatigue.
Author: Vitaly Gitt
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gitt.ru/articles/fis/pozvon_12/
The best age to start prevention of spinal curvature is 5-6 years. And if the child is older, the spine had become more rigid and the deformation is already well noticeable, but still there is no any complications? In this case, one prevention little. Mandatory special exercises. They are designed to build up the missing muscle mass, forming muscular stereotype corresponding to the normal body posture, change the shape of the spine in the right direction.
Of course, preventive measures – removal of the causes of the disease and possible withdrawal from the group risk at this stage is also required. Useful manual techniques or massage to stretching of the spine.
How long are treated kyphosis and lordosis? Children usually recover faster than adults, but sometimes happens and on the contrary: intensively engaged in lazy adults outperform children.
On average, light, uncomplicated forms can be cure for 1-2 months. Treatment 3rd degree usually takes about six months, and the 4th can take a few years.

Exercises from thoracic kyphosis
1. Lie on your back on a hard surface. Under the blades enclose roller with sand or millet (you can use a book of suitable size) with a thickness of 2 to 5 cm Thickness of cushion depends on the age, growth and the hardness of his spine. If it's a book, it is desirable to wrap something soft on the back does not remain bruises.
Pick up easy weights, weights, plastic bottles with water or sand weighing from 0.3 to 2 kg. Extend the arms along the body and in turn smahivaet them. It is recommended to do 200-300 movements 2 times (or more) a day.
Attention! Children cannot exercise full. With age, the capacity of the load should be fairly slow, due to the risk of damage to the shoulder joints.Arthrosis and arthritis of these joints exercise to do not recommend.
2. Stretching. Stand straight, interlock your hands behind your back and stretch. To do this, pull your shoulders back, and arms back and down. Try to keep your elbows and shoulder blades, and his head throw back-to-back (shouldn't be up on your toes and bulging belly). Maximum relax. Pull your stomach. Look point slightly upward, in no case do not look at the belly! Do not unroll the shoulders and not do while a deep breath – movement occur only at the expense of the abdominal muscles.
The exercise is done 2 times every hour; during the school year for 2 times in every period.
3. "Snake" (from Hatha yoga). Lie on your stomach, put your hands palms down on either side of the chest. Very slowly raise your head and upper chest, initially using only the back muscles, then arms (sometimes this exercise is like a folding Mat). The maximum rising up, slowly turn your head first in one, then in the other direction. Try to look at the heel.

Repeat the exercise 3 times. You should leave it for 3-5 minutes. To perform it preferably in the morning and evening.
Exercises from the lumbar kyphosis
1."The bug". Get on your knees. Try to sit on your heels. Severe pain this is unacceptable. Stomach tighten slightly and leaned forward. Then lie down on your back, holding hands under the buttocks.
Stay in this position for a few minutes before the appearance of pain. Repeat 2-3 times a day.
Attention!This exercise cannot be applied in advanced arthrosis of the knee, older and untrained people.
2. Lie on your back, tucked under the small of your back thick cushion with a thickness of 10-15 thick. You must daily be in that position for several hours, and in severe cases more.
Some moms put the baby cushion when he falls. However, keep in mind that the child after some time, rolls over on his side or belly and cushion out from under him. Instead of a cushion do not use bottles, cans or other solid objects. It is best to tightly roll a blanket or pillow
3."Boat". Lie on your stomach. Extend hands forward. Then lift them up, simultaneously lifting your head and legs. Repeat several times for 5 minutes.
This exercise strengthens the back muscles; it almost safe in terms of displacements and injuries of the intervertebral discs.
Exercise from cervical lordosis
1. Lie on your stomach. Hands fold together and put them on a support (for example, 2-3 books) a height of 3-5 cm from the Top put the chin. Maximum relax, look ahead.
Perform 20-30 minutes a day. At this time you can read, watch TV.
Exercise applied glavupravlenie of cervical lordosis, with head thrust forward ("pose Pithecanthropus") and lowered his head. Very effective in childhood and adolescence. When the protruding lower ribs under them it is possible to enclose the cushion.
Attention!Older people to exercise caution, as you may have headaches.
Exercises from the lumbar lordosis
1. Lie on your back. Put your hands palms down under your buttocks. Cast is rectified to the extent possible, his head in his hands, so that the buttocks come off from the support of 10-15 cm If you raise the buttocks above, it is possible to increase the thoracic kyphosis, if lower – the exercise is useless for treatment of the lumbar lordosis.
A person is more or less prepared to repeat the exercise should be about 50 times.
Attention! Some children and adults may be weakened abdominal muscles or tendon plate along the Central line of the abdomen. So when you try to exercise belly appear protrusions, and can form a hernia. In this case, consult with a specialist, and do the exercise in light weight versions.
Option 1. Take the initial position (I. p.) as in the previous exercise. Alternately tighten the legs to his stomach, severely bending their knees, from 20 to 50 times with each foot.
Do the exercise morning and evening for several weeks.
Option 2. I. p. – same. Pull both legs together to the stomach, severely bending their knees. To perform as well as option 1.
After 1-2 months of these lessons, you can go to the exercise with straight legs.
Attention! Everything in this article, the exercises should not cause severe pain. When it appears, immediately stop doing the exercises and consult your doctor. Exercises performed on time, can be done in several passes, alternating them randomly.
Tip: in severe lordosis of the lumbar region is recommended while sitting to put under the legs of the bench so that the knees were above the buttocks at 10-20 cm.
Please note: Scoliosis especially rapidly developing primary school children. Make sure that your child is always seated correctly — this will help him "grow" together with the furniture.
Help your student to preserve and reinforce the correct posture on a special orthopedic chair for unloading back to Zero Mini. Sitting in that chair, the children do their lessons without fatigue.
Author: Vitaly Gitt
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gitt.ru/articles/fis/pozvon_12/
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