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Freedom Atlanta or how the babies neck fold

In Ancient Rome, newborn children of slaves were intentionally rolled up the neck, so they grew depressed, lethargic and underdeveloped. Specially trained people came to the baby slave and by a special technique COLLAPSES his NECK. What do we have?...

Since 1950-ies in our country introduced a technique of childbirth, which often leads to damage to the cervical spine of the newborn.

From the monograph of neurologist
Ratner, A. Yu., "Late complications of birth injuries of the nervous system"
(Kazan, ed. Kazan University, 1990).

"In the process of conventional breeding in obstetrics head and shoulder of fetus removal manipulation of turning the head on the cervical spine of the fetus falls excessive load. It was at this point and is typically heard the crackle and crunch" (p. 15).
And further:
"Undeclared in the manual, but often exists in practice a tactic of suppression of attempts at removing the fetus, it is inevitable pull over the head, thus pulling the body of the fetus behind the neck, with the same degree of danger to the vertebral artery"

The first cervical vertebra — Atlas is offset more than 90% of people. The misaligned Atlas pinched the artery, pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, forces the entire body to adjust to the shift of the head. Launches a compensating curvature of the musculoskeletal system. Constricts the arteries that feed the brain, reduces attention, awareness, memory, we get headaches, dizziness. The children have an attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.

As the statistics and studies, the initial offset Atlanta occurs when a child is born in hospitals.
The tribal imbalance of forces leads to excessive stress on the spine that entails a violation of bone and cartilage structures and the spinal cord. Next on the life of any injuries only exacerbates the situation Atlanta. Even children learned by caesarean section, revealed the traumatic lock of Atlanta and the defeat of the Central nervous system.

In Ancient Rome, newborn children of slaves were intentionally rolled up the neck, so they grew depressed, lethargic and underdeveloped. For this reason, Rome was not rebellion, and rebelled only SPARTACUS, born free, the neck it was not phased out! Specially trained people came to the baby slave and the technique collapses the baby's neck. Now women are rushing to hospital...

Ask for STATISTICS on injuries in hospitals. And an INFECTION in hospitals. And the grave consequences of VACCINATION in maternity hospitals... will Give it to you?.. Yes, you probably military or state secrets to reveal, than these statistics give!.. Because SECRET IS STATISTICS. Because the country is TERRIFIED if this statistic DESTRUCTION of the NATION IN HOSPITALS will come out. In the early 1990-ies, when rearrangements of the people generally of little birth and newspaper published photos of the maternity hospital with completely empty chambers.

I told a mom that one time with the baby she came to the hospital at the neonatal ward, and that's what it has observed: brought from the fourth hospital of a newborn, a diagnosis of CERVICAL INJURY, the child is put to bed and placed under the neck special olejnicek to fix damaged vertebrae; hour brought the following, the diagnosis is THE SAME: DAMAGE to CERVICAL cot, Olejniczak; in three hours, bring one more, the diagnosis is the same: DAMAGE to CERVICAL cot, Olejniczak... in an hour brought another COT, OLEJNICEK... Here comes another doctor: "This is the fourth hospital?.." – "The fourth..." – "So it's not in our room, he had pneumonia!.."

Just like that: of the four MEANS CERVICAL INJURY, cot, collar... And then it turns out that a baby has a completely different diagnosis and his olejnicek not need!!! And because no-one raised the alarm: "What have you in the fourth hospital occurs when there FLOW going infants with a cervical injury?.." And this is just the recorded cases. And that's just one day! And only one hospital caught my eye!!! A number of children WITH an implicit expression of the DAMAGE was only from that of the hospital sent home? And then begins: from the shifts of the vertebrae the wrong power cord, malfunction of the intestines, lungs, bronchitis, colitis, lag and so on...
Note: IN INJURY falls EVEN BABIES born IN the CESAREAN SECTION! These as a result of a cervical injury?.. Someone turned the neck specially?..

I am manualist said that if he was given the HOSPITAL, he ensures that the hospital would not be a single case of cerebral palsy!.. None. By the way, the diagnosis "CEREBRAL PALSY" babies up to a year (up TO a YEAR!!!!) do not put!!! And measures should be taken IMMEDIATELY – only then it will be a real help! You ever seen a affected cerebral palsy, gnarled Japanese, Korean or Chinese?.. No, not seen!..

I have seen the following figures:in Japan CURE 97% of cases of cerebral palsy, and in Russia, 97 percent don'T HEAL. Should we not ask the Minister of health: "what's the matter?.. You have no money, mind, or conscience, to send ON TRAINING OUR PEOPLE TO JAPAN and to heal, we have 97% of the cases of infantile paralysis?.." Yes, this Minister of zdravokhraneniya BUSINESS will STOP, if we are healthy!

Familiar with regret CHIROPRACTOR told me that hospitals NO chiropractor, no SUCH SPECIALISTS (Russian midwife and were such experts). "And because I SEE, as the head of a newborn, both vertebrae is the case... What should be correct", is the word of a chiropractor, which in my eyes brought a man on a stretcher, and go home after the session he was back ON HIS FEET. It is the opinion of a SPECIALIST. But since SUCH PROFESSIONALS IN HOSPITALS NOT, INJURY AT BIRTH (if, of course, they are not quite so obvious) NO ONE will SEE!!! So, the situation is such: the TECHNIQUE of OBSTETRIC cause whiplash NEWBORNS, but NO ONE will SEE, because hospitals there are NO SPECIALISTS. And statistics no one will see: IT's a MILITARY SECRET of the WAR BEING waged AGAINST OUR PEOPLE! This situation turns out...


Sokolov D. D.

Working as the head of the rehabilitation ward of the Spa clinic in the early 80-ies, at the scientific conference of neurologists of the country in the Balneological Institute, I had the opportunity to hear a report at that time the youngest Professor – head. the Department of pediatric neurology at the Kazan Institute of advanced medical Alexander Ratner.

Now is an outstanding scientist with a world name. Thanks to him and his school of domestic neurology is the most advanced in the world. The subject of his scientific report on the conference in the Balneological Institute was concerned with neck and head injuries during childbirth. In Russia, the other works on this subject at that time was not. Abroad trauma in childbirth also has not been studied. At the conference and in the book "Neck pain", published in 80-ies of the Professor Ratner said that headaches, dizziness, impaired vision and hearing, heart pain, elevation of blood pressure and many other diseases associated with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with injury of the cervical spine obtained at birth.

I have his report caused shock and predetermined my future professional destiny. The unimaginable happened in between. Seething with serious passion. I could not believe that the source of the diseases of the neck and not the head. Scientists basically split into three camps. Some, younger, realized that Ratner is right. Others, knowing Ratner, modestly silent, not engaging in discussion, as in this approach it was necessary to stop thousands of papers on the pathology of the brain, which were already allocated budget money. Others disagreed with the young Professor, as this approach had to recognize the failure of the obstetrics system in the country.

More recently, in 2001 he published a pamphlet Samarskogo P. G. "the Cause of the disease – birth injury". It can be seen that Alexander is 100% right. Here he cites damning statistics. For example: "it is enough for 10-15 minutes of oxygen starvation of the brain, to affect its functioning. Does not exist neurologically healthy children. In 70-80% suffering cervical spinal cord, 35-40% — of the thoracic and lumbar spine". But practically, this translates to future headaches. For 8-9 years – lead to significant pathological changes in various organs.

There are problems with the assimilation of the curriculum, disobedience, inappropriate behavior. And this scope is not teachers and psychologists. These children do not need to educate, and treat. I have listed only a part of the most common complaints in the pathology of the cervical spine. If the affected lumbar spine is a problem with the gastrointestinal tract. Possible incontinence of urine and feces, the development of flat feet, hip dysplasia, etc.

And if we suffer, at least slightly, both divisions of the spinal cord that, in practice, we see everything! The child is due to asymmetrical development of the muscles of both halves of the body is doomed to violation of posture, scoliosis. Surveyed in 1991, about 3,000 children in schools and preschools, we found in 98% of cases the lesions of the musculoskeletal apparatus. It almost coincides with the research of spinal cord Ratner school.

Did You know that bedwetting in childhood is a future early impotence in men and frigidity in women. Epistaxis in adolescents, is a kind of "exhaust valve" protecting against resulting from lesions of the cervical spinal cord increased intracranial pressure. Commercial firms have long used this knowledge and basically treat neuroses, hondros, impotence. (P. G. Zamaratskiy, 2001)

In 1972 Alexander Ratner was the head of the Department of pediatric neurology. Held for decades until the idea Ratner has finally been accepted by wide range of specialists. Currently becoming clear to many that the imperfection of the system of obstetric care is one of the major causes of human disease.

In the book of P. G. Samarskogo has these words: "In the poems of Homer we read that at the birth of Apollo and his mother Latona had his goddam knees on the ground and both hands clasped palm tree (thus taken, as you can see, one of the most common at the time of the regulations). The Aztec goddess of childbirth is depicted in the form of a woman squatting with born and residing between the legs of the baby's head".

And now here's the words of a distinguished obstetrician of the NINETEENTH century, E. Bouma from the same book: "Under physiological conditions, which fortunately are the vast majority of all births, the expulsion of the fetus and its appendages is carried out by the forces of nature in its most perfect form. There where nature is provident, for there is little art business, is to observe the course of labor in order to recognize deviations from the norm, take care of compliance with known measures and to convince mother courage and confidence to their actions. Bad midwife who can't wait for the gentle tactics of nature, wants to labor on surgical principles and always grabs the tongs and other tools. The more active obstetrics are far more dangerous. Magadelene and impatience only hurt".
Recently watched a program on television. Showed Department of obstetrics maternity hospital of Samara. They took the ideas of Ratner on vertical and half-upright birth. Just dramatically reduced the injuries of the fetus and mother during childbirth. "The ice is broken..."

Rehabilitation of children who suffered injury at birth, we have been for 22 years. And we developed its approach to this issue. Since we cannot change the imperfect system of delivery and significantly reduce injuries to children at birth, we means orthomolecular (cellular) medicine and methods of physical rehabilitation significantly reduce the consequences of these injuries. Particularly effective in this respect, our massage technique, which "happened" during the 2 decades.

We have a program of preparation of the mother for conception and pregnancy. This contributes to a good gestation and birth of a healthy baby. While quickly restored the health of most mothers after giving birth. These same means we are in first stages of pregnancy and prepare the mother for normal lactation. In the last period before birth, preparing the birth canal for delivery. As a rule, babies are born relatively healthy with minimal complications and do not cause nor mother nor us significant trouble.

We get children who have suffered trauma in childbirth at any age. We "lead" to the age, until the end of their physical development. And the effectiveness of such treatment is high.

In adults, 98% of the disease, which they suffer, is largely the result obtained at birth trauma. And all the subsequent diseases that accompany man all his life did not arise by chance, not by themselves. They are all stages of one General pathological process in the organism, manifesting itself at different stages of development of different diseases. Each of the emerging diseases are caused by previous and is connected with them. This is a complex pathological process (UPCS). This process has a common origin – primary disorders of cell activity due to 3 main reasons leading to the whole variety of diseases — and a common end.

For example: violation of posture in adolescence causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia on hypotonic type (i.e. leads to a decrease in blood pressure). And any change in the future hypertensive. The average age of the reduced pressure is replaced by its increase (vegetative-vascular dystonia mixed type). In the future, after 45-50 years, it is replaced by vascular dystonia on hypertonic type and causes of hypertension that can end in sad ending: a brain hemorrhage or myocardial infarction. And this is persistent, severe disability or death.

But before you develop hypertension, the patient suffers from colitis, cholecystitis, sick with bronchopneumonia, etc. at a certain point start the headaches. Then they are replaced by a dizziness, and the patient deteriorating eyesight. And all of these diseases throughout the human life does not arise spontaneously, but are natural stages of development of a complex pathological process, which began, significantly, marked the birth trauma.

Many researchers currently believe that cardiovascular disease and malignant cell growth (cancer) have common roots. The beginning of this process begins at birth and in the first year of life. Our many years of experience and a deep understanding of the dynamics of the total pathological process allowed us to find effective methods of combating such diseases, prevent their development, keeping that life itself and its quality.


The spine of the child is extremely sensitive to various mechanical stresses accompanying the process of childbirth.

The probability of injury increases dramatically when:

• induction of labor;
• the forceps;
• the cesarean delivery;
• prematurity;
• low weight newborn (less than 3000);
• large weight newborns (more than 4000).

In the latter case, damage to the cervical vertebrae or their ligaments with subsequent subluxation and instability are almost always.
The danger is that these often minor cervical dislocation and trauma of their ligaments lead to:

• depletion of cerebral blood flow due to compression of the vertebral arteries;
• the development of spasm of all arteries in the vertebral-basilar pool even with a small tension or compression of the vertebral arteries due to their abundant autonomic innervation;
• violation of the venous outflow from the cranial cavity;
• violation of the outflow of CSF from the cranial cavity.
All of this leads to increased intracranial pressure.

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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Source: glubinnaya.ru/archives/3846