Should we feed stray dogs?
Who would have thought that not everything kindness In relation to the outside world, it is worth implementing. It sounds paradoxical, but sometimes charity, not backed by knowledge, can do more harm than good. Here are some of the most common mistakes made by animal lovers.
Attitude to nature
Human activity has disturbed the natural balance too much, and the best thing we can do for animals is to leave them alone and let them live freely. But as long as this idea is utopian, we should make the most of it. gentleness Good intentions did not make things worse.
If you don’t have a dog yet, maybe it’s time to give love to a little tailed miracle. We have 17 compelling reasons why you’ll want to do it!
Cat lovers cannot resist their charm and invite them to live with them. But even such a nice lodger needs discipline, so we offer you some simple methods of raising cats.
What do you do to help the environment, or at least not to harm it? Do you realize that nature is dying every minute and you need to do more to preserve it? I hope this information has prompted you to think. Leave a comment and share the article with your friends.
Attitude to nature
- Bread the ducks
Near the city ponds, you can often observe a fascinating picture: mothers and children feed ducks bread. No one knows how much it hurts the birds. Bread causes stomachBloating of the intestines, even a turn of the intestines, from which ducks die. Such a diet leads to impaired growth of plumage, the bird can even stop flying. A well-fed duck, deceived by a delicacy from a person, does not want to extract natural food itself. Her instincts are blunted, she will not be able to fly south in autumn and freeze to death in winter.
In addition, the remains of bread pollute the water, provoke the growth of algae, which leads to the destruction of the ecosystem of the reservoir. Absolutely impossible. feed bread. Any birds! Treat birds need only cereals, such as oats, wheat, barley. A mixture of oatmeal and mixed feed from a pet store for poultry is also suitable.
DepositPhotos - Feeding urban pigeons
The tradition of treating pigeons brings only trouble to people, the city, and the birds themselves. Feeding birds bread is a disservice that shortens the life of birds. And benches, squares, playgrounds in parks receive damage in the form of rain from litter. Monuments are especially affected, as uric acid in the litter destroys them. Pigeons are the dirtiest species of urban birds. They are carriers of chlamydia and ornithosis, followed by problems with the lungs and central nervous system, enlargement of the spleen and liver, intoxication of the body. Feeding pigeons contributes to their reproduction, therefore, the risk of epidemics increases.
Pigeons do not necessarily need food from human hands. They are great at finding food on garbage cans, feeding on carrion, collecting infection on their feathers, in litter and beak. Trying to pick them up is not a good idea.
That's exactly who you need to feed, so it's sparrows, tits, nuggets, pikes. These birds are our allies, because they catch flies, mosquitoes and other pests. They need to build feeders. nest-house and birdhouses.
DepositPhotos - Tail birdhouses to a tree
It is strictly forbidden to nail a birdhouse with nails to a tree, especially in spring, when juice moves along the trunk. This greatly injures the plant and does not allow you to freely remove a bird house for cleaning or moving it to a more suitable place. Starlings can only be suspended or tied to a tree using soft wire or synthetic rope. And it is better to do it at an altitude of 4-5 m away from the branches to protect the house from predators. Place it with a slight tilt forward, towards the departure, and regularly sprinkle in winter food.
DepositPhotos - To catch fish on the principle of "caught - let go"
Fishing has long ceased to be a source of food and has become quite cruel fun. It is known that as soon as people appear near fish-rich reservoirs, fish there sharply becomes less. The problem of preserving fish gave rise to the idea of humane fishing, according to which hooked fish are released back into the pond. But at the same time, the fish is severely injured by the hook, "burned" from human hands and loses its mucous membrane, which protects it from fungi. Her chances of survival are drastically reduced. It is pointless to release the fish - in half an hour it will lie down and die.
To catch on the principle of "caught - let go" - extreme cruelty to fish. Such leisure is already akin to sadism, so it is more humane to fish for the purpose of food. As much as the family can eat at a time.
DepositPhotos - Pick up all the chicks that fell out of the nest
In the summer, people find chicks in parks and forests and, being ignorant of biology, drag them home. Drink. nature-love And with a burning desire to do a good deed, they often only "help" the chick to die. It turns out that you need to save the hapless feathered baby from the well-wishers themselves. There are situations in which chicks can not be selected, in others – necessary to save their lives. If the chick is sick or injured (dragging wings, can not stand, there is bleeding, injuries), there is no plumage, there is a dog or cat running nearby, the chick lies on the road and you do not see the nest from which he fell, be sure to contact specialists. Eat a chick of operane, lies not on the road, is safe and nearby worried parents fly - plant the chick on a branch, in bushes or just step away. They're scab chicks. You can not pick them up, bring them home and try to go out on your own.
It will not be possible to fully feed the bird, it will not be possible to return to nature. Breeded in captivity chicks do not know how to fly and hunt, get used to receiving food from the hands of people. By releasing such a chick, you condemn him to inevitable death.
DepositPhotos - Feeding homeless animals
Most stray animals had a house or owners who played with four-legged animals and threw them away. The main reason for the appearance of stray animals are not hereditary homeless, namely, abandoned and lost due to mischief and irresponsibility of dogs and cats. These are the flocks of unfortunates that keep popping up on the streets every day. In the city, dogs and cats do not live long: they most often die of hunger, diseases, die under the wheels of cars and at the hands of sadists. Those who survive and gain access to food begin to breed uncontrollably, flock, carry diseases and come into conflict with people. Few people want to take responsibility for sterilizing them, transferring them to shelters and finding new hosts.
Disputes over feeding homeless animals do not subside. In developed countries, this issue has been resolved at the level of legislation and special machines with food and water are installed on the streets. So far, our cities are in no hurry to implement this initiative. Therefore, feed vagrants in the same place, away from roads and sidewalks, playgrounds and other places of large crowds.
If you care about the fate of homeless animals and you want to help them, then you need to do it comprehensively, and not just treating them with scraps. Contact volunteers of animal protection organizations, representatives of shelters to help provide animals with medical care and organize maintenance.
Human activity has disturbed the natural balance too much, and the best thing we can do for animals is to leave them alone and let them live freely. But as long as this idea is utopian, we should make the most of it. gentleness Good intentions did not make things worse.
If you don’t have a dog yet, maybe it’s time to give love to a little tailed miracle. We have 17 compelling reasons why you’ll want to do it!
Cat lovers cannot resist their charm and invite them to live with them. But even such a nice lodger needs discipline, so we offer you some simple methods of raising cats.
What do you do to help the environment, or at least not to harm it? Do you realize that nature is dying every minute and you need to do more to preserve it? I hope this information has prompted you to think. Leave a comment and share the article with your friends.