Railways - the territory illegally forbidden photos
Ilya Varlamov writes:
Yesterday we went with Dmitry Ternovskiy on Komsomolskaya Square, to see how things are in compliance with the law at the Moscow station. As far as we know, can be removed at the stations. This is clearly stated in the law. This is confirmed by the prosecutor's office: & quot; ... a ban by the police or departmental security for the implementation of the citizens of the filming for personal use in the field of passenger services is illegal. & Quot;
Unfortunately, neither the station ChOPovtsy nor the police do not know the laws. I expected everything, but not what we saw. The impression is that the stations, it's some other dimension where the laws of the Russian Federation simply do not apply.
In the hands we were two documents, without which a person with a camera, probably just kicked out of the station:
- The prosecutor's office
- From Railways
letter + 9 photos
Go to the Kazan railway station. At the entrance there are a metal detector. Around framework is a police officer and picks his nose. We watch 15 minutes of an event. During this time, the police did not check a single passenger. Who has not gone to the station during this time. And Roma with trunks, and migrant workers with unclear bags - the police did not even look in the direction of squeaking framework. I went to him and asked:
- Why do you want the frame if still do not check passengers?
- We test - cop grunted.
- I have 15 minutes of watching you, you did not check any passengers!
- I'm just checking suspicious!
- That is, 15 minutes had passed any suspicious passenger?
- No, - said the police and went to the corner.
We pass on. We start shooting. One of the policemen is a bold step to us and asked to stop filming.
- You have permission to film?
- No, it is we do not need.
- Station - a strategic object! A camera you have - professional!
- And how do you define it, in the eyes? And what's the difference, there are no restrictions on amateur photography.
Then we tell the police officer who wants to become a police officer, he had to learn some laws. We explain that pictures of him in the performance, we are entitled to. Our future police already laughing, agrees that there is no ban, but hiding from the camera.
- In general, do you forbid us to photograph can not. Tell better why so many people pass, and nobody inspect?
- As it is, where? Dropped course!
- Yes, we won those frameworks were 15 minutes, there is not a single person tested.
- You have somehow bad eyesight, we check everything!
- Oh, it is clear, let's take a look and ask more.
- Go, go.
We went out on the platform and continue to shoot there. I do not have time to make some shots, like to us at the newly policeman passed recertification, Dmitry Karasev. Of course, Dmitry immediately begins to deny us and request permission to shoot to shoot. Even more he resented the fact that we take pictures. He believes that we can not do it without permission. I advised him to remove the straps and sit at home, if he is so shy. Along the way, I told him that the police action, we are subject to public scrutiny, and shy in the ranks of the police is not the place. Dmitry was unable to master the knowledge obtained from us, and decided to call the authorities.
And then there Lieutenant Moskvin. Seeing that I had rented, he promptly moves his body to me and starts yelling something about a shooting ban requires documents. Their instruments just so I do not show, politely send the lieutenant. He is furious about to take me to the duty part. 5 minutes he was trying to come up with a legal explanation for their actions, and then saying, "Do not run away!" - he runs away! This turn of events, I did not expect. After 10 minutes, our hero has returned to the colonel, Vladimir Nikolayevich Mastepanovym.
Vladimir was the only adequate police officer at the Kazan station. At first, he tried to think of something about the resolution, but quickly realized that the legal basis to prohibit the shooting had not. Unfortunately, Lieutenant Moskvich even in the presence of Colonel could not understand the simple fact that you can shoot at the station without permission. He muttered under his breath, we need to draw some papers. "Calm down already, let him shoot!" - The colonel told him and smiled.
Next stop - the Leningrad station
Here, the inspection we were pleasantly surprised. Even I was asked three times to go through the box, laying out all the iron objects, and inspected the backpack. Police Major Ponarin forbade us to take pictures, referring everything to the same lack of authorization regime object, etc.
Argue with him, we are not particularly steel, and just went into the station, which immediately fell into the hands of the employee "RZD-protection." He sternly forbade us to take pictures and radioed two offenders. On the radio someone said: "You are what you are! Throw them to the station! ".
- Did you hear ?! - The guard said, and proudly displayed on the radio - that stand? Get out of here! You can not take pictures!
- Who said?
- I said!
- Your view is of little interest to us - continues to take
- Hey! Here they go ... well he understands! - Has reported a security guard authorities on the radio.
Nazirmatov Edward, senior guard "RZD-guard" did not have to wait long. All prohibitions and listened to our arguments he offered to go on duty at the station.
Duty showed us some decree of 2004, which regulates, in her opinion all shooting at the station. It was his Yakunin canceled back in 2008! That's how they work.
JSC "Russian Railways"
July 18, 2008
N 1513r
In order to streamline the organization and carrying out of television, video, film and photo opportunities at the facilities of public infrastructure owned by JSC "Russian Railways":
1. To approve the Regulations on the television, video, film and photo opportunities at the facilities of public infrastructure owned by JSC "Russian Railways".
2. To declare invalid the order of JSC "Russian Railways" on March 12, 2004 N 1693r "About carrying out television, video, film and photo opportunities at the facilities of public infrastructure owned by JSC" Russian Railways ».
3. The enforcement of this order to assign to the Head of Corporate Communications Mikhailova SV
President of JSC "Russian Railways»
Vladimir Yakunin
July 18, 2008
1513r N & quot;
On duty at the station did not want to take in new knowledge. "Call the outfit!" - She snapped Railways shnomu-guard. The guard radioed someone called. In general, the conversation again with no one out. We decided to go to the deputy chief of station.
Mikhail V. Shchukin, deputy chief of the Leningrad station. This nice man refused to do something to listen to. His argument is simple and clear: "I said that you remove will not be here! What more do you want? Where you want to complain, I do not care! "And he was not convinced neither the law nor the letter of the transport prosecutor's office. Next Shchukin just ran out, giving the protection order to prevent shooting.
Security Railways we can not decree, keep shooting. It appears awaited outfit led by Lieutenant Colonel Tsiganovym. Colonel did not know what he is required to show his papers, and I'm not. But he knows how to skillfully threaten separation, problems, etc. He decorates his threats saying: "Do not wake famously until it quietly," etc. At some point he realizes that he was wrong. Answer the transport prosecutor's office it seemed convincing. Saying goodbye: "Free!" - Retired colonel. More shooting no one interfered.
Yaroslavsky Station.
Here we were stopped immediately at the entrance to the gallant officers "RZD-protection" and again all is impossible. During our bickering passed by the deputy chief of the Yaroslavl station. Read our letter, he asked him to wait and went out somewhere. When he returned, he said:
- Guys, here's your paper. In connection with the introduction of a special regime, who is president of the (Russian Railways) canceled, filming is prohibited.
- Display the document in which it is written.
- I do not have to show you anything. I can only state the fact. If you want, you can write a query, it is your business.
- You can write to us, that it is prohibited to shoot?
- I did write to you I will not, I have an oral instruction.
- From whom?
- From senior management.
- We will not leave.
- Guys, let's this: Refer to the management of railway stations.
- Have already approached!
- Guys, I have just the person responsible for the safety, prohibited. I can not violate the order from senior management. I have to obey orders.
- If we continue, what will you do with us? Let us delay. What's the name of a man who forbids to shoot?
- Sergey Abramov.
Scene Two: Comes security chief, Sergei A. Solovyov.
- Do you forbid us to shoot?
- Of course!
- On what grounds?
- The station is strategically important object! The issue is that since January 24, we are working here for days, we gain, and now have to argue with you, instead of to work.
- Do not violate our legal rights. We have come not to distract you, and shoot.
- No, you can not take pictures. You just will not take pictures!
- Hold us, make a report!
- I'm the chief of the Directorate Railways banned!
- So it's not our problem, we do not staff Railways us your internal prohibitions do not apply!
- And we will not let you!
- How?
- So! All of you can not shoot!
- You do not know the laws!
- The lawyers found, EPT ...
- It is necessary to take them to the police! - The second guard intervened.
- I urge you to leave - said the deputy chief of station.
- We will not be removed. We will take off - continued to stand his ground we.
- Yes, they are provocateurs! Everything is clear, you have a way of life. You just want to make money! - Do not let the guards.
Scene Three: Police. Security can not do anything with us and causes outfit. Appears Ensign Vladimir Bykov.
- Walk to the duty of!
- No, we do not want. Do you have questions?
- No. You just make it impossible to conduct shooting, you do not agree it!
- And I shoot! - And really starts to take off)))
- Well, shoot.
The conversation ended. Deputy Chief of Station told the guards: "Let them take off, only you follow them.»
As you can see, they do not remove the ban can, but also do not want to allow. I am sure that if today you pull out the camera at one of the stations, you will soon begin to talk about the strategic targets and the threat of terrorism. Laws are not just no one knows, they do not want them to know and observe. As a result of yesterday's visit we will write a letter to the Railways and the transport prosecutor's office. In the first place, of course, we need to deal with Mr. Shchukin, who established their own rules to a particular station.
What to do? Coming at the station and shoot. Fight for their rights. Explain the police, and protection of their rights and responsibilities. Write a complaint to the prosecutor. Remember, the truth is on our side, and the main thing is not afraid to bring the case to the end. Remember, you can shoot almost anywhere. Most bans are illegal. In the near future we'll deal with the shops and shopping centers, who believe that the rule may be contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Yesterday we went with Dmitry Ternovskiy on Komsomolskaya Square, to see how things are in compliance with the law at the Moscow station. As far as we know, can be removed at the stations. This is clearly stated in the law. This is confirmed by the prosecutor's office: & quot; ... a ban by the police or departmental security for the implementation of the citizens of the filming for personal use in the field of passenger services is illegal. & Quot;
Unfortunately, neither the station ChOPovtsy nor the police do not know the laws. I expected everything, but not what we saw. The impression is that the stations, it's some other dimension where the laws of the Russian Federation simply do not apply.
In the hands we were two documents, without which a person with a camera, probably just kicked out of the station:
- The prosecutor's office
- From Railways
letter + 9 photos

Go to the Kazan railway station. At the entrance there are a metal detector. Around framework is a police officer and picks his nose. We watch 15 minutes of an event. During this time, the police did not check a single passenger. Who has not gone to the station during this time. And Roma with trunks, and migrant workers with unclear bags - the police did not even look in the direction of squeaking framework. I went to him and asked:
- Why do you want the frame if still do not check passengers?
- We test - cop grunted.
- I have 15 minutes of watching you, you did not check any passengers!
- I'm just checking suspicious!
- That is, 15 minutes had passed any suspicious passenger?
- No, - said the police and went to the corner.
We pass on. We start shooting. One of the policemen is a bold step to us and asked to stop filming.
- You have permission to film?
- No, it is we do not need.
- Station - a strategic object! A camera you have - professional!
- And how do you define it, in the eyes? And what's the difference, there are no restrictions on amateur photography.
Then we tell the police officer who wants to become a police officer, he had to learn some laws. We explain that pictures of him in the performance, we are entitled to. Our future police already laughing, agrees that there is no ban, but hiding from the camera.
- In general, do you forbid us to photograph can not. Tell better why so many people pass, and nobody inspect?
- As it is, where? Dropped course!
- Yes, we won those frameworks were 15 minutes, there is not a single person tested.
- You have somehow bad eyesight, we check everything!
- Oh, it is clear, let's take a look and ask more.
- Go, go.

We went out on the platform and continue to shoot there. I do not have time to make some shots, like to us at the newly policeman passed recertification, Dmitry Karasev. Of course, Dmitry immediately begins to deny us and request permission to shoot to shoot. Even more he resented the fact that we take pictures. He believes that we can not do it without permission. I advised him to remove the straps and sit at home, if he is so shy. Along the way, I told him that the police action, we are subject to public scrutiny, and shy in the ranks of the police is not the place. Dmitry was unable to master the knowledge obtained from us, and decided to call the authorities.

And then there Lieutenant Moskvin. Seeing that I had rented, he promptly moves his body to me and starts yelling something about a shooting ban requires documents. Their instruments just so I do not show, politely send the lieutenant. He is furious about to take me to the duty part. 5 minutes he was trying to come up with a legal explanation for their actions, and then saying, "Do not run away!" - he runs away! This turn of events, I did not expect. After 10 minutes, our hero has returned to the colonel, Vladimir Nikolayevich Mastepanovym.
Vladimir was the only adequate police officer at the Kazan station. At first, he tried to think of something about the resolution, but quickly realized that the legal basis to prohibit the shooting had not. Unfortunately, Lieutenant Moskvich even in the presence of Colonel could not understand the simple fact that you can shoot at the station without permission. He muttered under his breath, we need to draw some papers. "Calm down already, let him shoot!" - The colonel told him and smiled.

Next stop - the Leningrad station
Here, the inspection we were pleasantly surprised. Even I was asked three times to go through the box, laying out all the iron objects, and inspected the backpack. Police Major Ponarin forbade us to take pictures, referring everything to the same lack of authorization regime object, etc.
Argue with him, we are not particularly steel, and just went into the station, which immediately fell into the hands of the employee "RZD-protection." He sternly forbade us to take pictures and radioed two offenders. On the radio someone said: "You are what you are! Throw them to the station! ".
- Did you hear ?! - The guard said, and proudly displayed on the radio - that stand? Get out of here! You can not take pictures!
- Who said?
- I said!
- Your view is of little interest to us - continues to take
- Hey! Here they go ... well he understands! - Has reported a security guard authorities on the radio.
Nazirmatov Edward, senior guard "RZD-guard" did not have to wait long. All prohibitions and listened to our arguments he offered to go on duty at the station.
Duty showed us some decree of 2004, which regulates, in her opinion all shooting at the station. It was his Yakunin canceled back in 2008! That's how they work.
JSC "Russian Railways"
July 18, 2008
N 1513r
In order to streamline the organization and carrying out of television, video, film and photo opportunities at the facilities of public infrastructure owned by JSC "Russian Railways":
1. To approve the Regulations on the television, video, film and photo opportunities at the facilities of public infrastructure owned by JSC "Russian Railways".
2. To declare invalid the order of JSC "Russian Railways" on March 12, 2004 N 1693r "About carrying out television, video, film and photo opportunities at the facilities of public infrastructure owned by JSC" Russian Railways ».
3. The enforcement of this order to assign to the Head of Corporate Communications Mikhailova SV
President of JSC "Russian Railways»
Vladimir Yakunin
July 18, 2008
1513r N & quot;

On duty at the station did not want to take in new knowledge. "Call the outfit!" - She snapped Railways shnomu-guard. The guard radioed someone called. In general, the conversation again with no one out. We decided to go to the deputy chief of station.
Mikhail V. Shchukin, deputy chief of the Leningrad station. This nice man refused to do something to listen to. His argument is simple and clear: "I said that you remove will not be here! What more do you want? Where you want to complain, I do not care! "And he was not convinced neither the law nor the letter of the transport prosecutor's office. Next Shchukin just ran out, giving the protection order to prevent shooting.
Security Railways we can not decree, keep shooting. It appears awaited outfit led by Lieutenant Colonel Tsiganovym. Colonel did not know what he is required to show his papers, and I'm not. But he knows how to skillfully threaten separation, problems, etc. He decorates his threats saying: "Do not wake famously until it quietly," etc. At some point he realizes that he was wrong. Answer the transport prosecutor's office it seemed convincing. Saying goodbye: "Free!" - Retired colonel. More shooting no one interfered.

Yaroslavsky Station.
Here we were stopped immediately at the entrance to the gallant officers "RZD-protection" and again all is impossible. During our bickering passed by the deputy chief of the Yaroslavl station. Read our letter, he asked him to wait and went out somewhere. When he returned, he said:
- Guys, here's your paper. In connection with the introduction of a special regime, who is president of the (Russian Railways) canceled, filming is prohibited.
- Display the document in which it is written.
- I do not have to show you anything. I can only state the fact. If you want, you can write a query, it is your business.
- You can write to us, that it is prohibited to shoot?
- I did write to you I will not, I have an oral instruction.
- From whom?
- From senior management.
- We will not leave.
- Guys, let's this: Refer to the management of railway stations.
- Have already approached!
- Guys, I have just the person responsible for the safety, prohibited. I can not violate the order from senior management. I have to obey orders.
- If we continue, what will you do with us? Let us delay. What's the name of a man who forbids to shoot?
- Sergey Abramov.

Scene Two: Comes security chief, Sergei A. Solovyov.
- Do you forbid us to shoot?
- Of course!
- On what grounds?
- The station is strategically important object! The issue is that since January 24, we are working here for days, we gain, and now have to argue with you, instead of to work.
- Do not violate our legal rights. We have come not to distract you, and shoot.
- No, you can not take pictures. You just will not take pictures!
- Hold us, make a report!
- I'm the chief of the Directorate Railways banned!
- So it's not our problem, we do not staff Railways us your internal prohibitions do not apply!
- And we will not let you!
- How?
- So! All of you can not shoot!
- You do not know the laws!
- The lawyers found, EPT ...
- It is necessary to take them to the police! - The second guard intervened.
- I urge you to leave - said the deputy chief of station.
- We will not be removed. We will take off - continued to stand his ground we.
- Yes, they are provocateurs! Everything is clear, you have a way of life. You just want to make money! - Do not let the guards.
Scene Three: Police. Security can not do anything with us and causes outfit. Appears Ensign Vladimir Bykov.
- Walk to the duty of!
- No, we do not want. Do you have questions?
- No. You just make it impossible to conduct shooting, you do not agree it!
- And I shoot! - And really starts to take off)))
- Well, shoot.

The conversation ended. Deputy Chief of Station told the guards: "Let them take off, only you follow them.»
As you can see, they do not remove the ban can, but also do not want to allow. I am sure that if today you pull out the camera at one of the stations, you will soon begin to talk about the strategic targets and the threat of terrorism. Laws are not just no one knows, they do not want them to know and observe. As a result of yesterday's visit we will write a letter to the Railways and the transport prosecutor's office. In the first place, of course, we need to deal with Mr. Shchukin, who established their own rules to a particular station.
What to do? Coming at the station and shoot. Fight for their rights. Explain the police, and protection of their rights and responsibilities. Write a complaint to the prosecutor. Remember, the truth is on our side, and the main thing is not afraid to bring the case to the end. Remember, you can shoot almost anywhere. Most bans are illegal. In the near future we'll deal with the shops and shopping centers, who believe that the rule may be contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
