The rules of speech of the Austrian Higher School of Etiquette: a real lady will not make any annoying mistakes!
Speech reveals the origin of a person, his social status and class affiliation. If it weren't, Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion wouldn't have been so popular for so many years.
You can and should work on speech. How? They know that. Austrian Higher School of Etiquette, functioning in St. Petersburg.
What should be the speech of an elegant girl? First of all, it is literacy, says Maria Boucher, an international expert on etiquette, head of the Austrian Higher School of Etiquette in St. Petersburg. I often stumble on this issue in Russia because I have lived abroad for a long time. And I guess if I were perfect, I would annoy a lot of people. At least there must be a flaw in me. My language is not yet fully restored.
Literacy is the content, the artistic part of speech. When I returned to Russia, I realized that many people, and myself, don’t use adjectives very much. I made a list of adjectives, of which there are a lot more in Russian than in French or English. And today, our students, getting this list, each lesson teaches ten adjectives, which they should use during the week.
Many people think that parasitic words are “well”, “yes”, “no”. Nope! The largest parasite in the Russian language is the word “very”. Very beautiful, very beautiful, very smart... We replace all adjectives with this word "very". And here's our ticket. No one uses profanity here, but for “very” we fine it so that the word goes away like a parasite. The presence of adjectives shows the depth of speech, its artisticity and, of course, the readability of a person.
The next point in the speech is the use of euphemisms. A secular person always replaces a negative word with a more neutral one. How can a man say that he is a drunkard? For example, a person with a bad habit. That is, you do not condemn the person, but in principle expressed your opinion. That's what an elegant woman says.
We also learn to say thank you instead of thank you. And then everything changes. Try to write “thank you” in SMS, in Internet messages, teach your children to say “thank you” instead of “thank you”, people will treat them differently.
If we’re talking about small talk, there are a few maxims. Maxima tact. I mean, an elegant woman is always tactful. He never begins to argue or provokes rudeness. It's nobility. That is, she is able to ask the question: “How can I help you?” Unfortunately, few people know how to ask it sincerely, so that it sounds real, from the heart.
The next thing is not to judge. Let’s say if you’re having dinner with someone who’s a raw foodist or a vegetarian, an elegant woman will never start to wonder, “What, you don’t eat meat?” But it is harmful to health.”
Another important maxim is the maxim of sympathy. Nobody likes people who cry all the time, complain that everything is bad. We're afraid of people like that. If a woman, say, had a fight with her husband just in the car and came to an event, 90% of the time she would talk about it. Or they evacuated your car, most likely at an event, the first thing you'll talk about is how bad your evening started.
There are taboo topics that never come up. You don't talk about religion, about disease, about money and prosperity. There are conventionally taboo topics. It's about children and politics. Why the kids? Because until you know that all the women in attendance have children, you shouldn't even start talking about it.
A lot is welcome in business negotiations. Rules of business etiquette They're different. It is always better for partners to show their family, children, tell about them. Because in this case it will speak to your stability, loyalty, your family traditions. It's very important for business. And in small talk, that would be unacceptable.
What? etiquette You think you're in charge? What kind of ladies should be in communication? Write it in the comments.
You can and should work on speech. How? They know that. Austrian Higher School of Etiquette, functioning in St. Petersburg.

What should be the speech of an elegant girl? First of all, it is literacy, says Maria Boucher, an international expert on etiquette, head of the Austrian Higher School of Etiquette in St. Petersburg. I often stumble on this issue in Russia because I have lived abroad for a long time. And I guess if I were perfect, I would annoy a lot of people. At least there must be a flaw in me. My language is not yet fully restored.

Literacy is the content, the artistic part of speech. When I returned to Russia, I realized that many people, and myself, don’t use adjectives very much. I made a list of adjectives, of which there are a lot more in Russian than in French or English. And today, our students, getting this list, each lesson teaches ten adjectives, which they should use during the week.

Many people think that parasitic words are “well”, “yes”, “no”. Nope! The largest parasite in the Russian language is the word “very”. Very beautiful, very beautiful, very smart... We replace all adjectives with this word "very". And here's our ticket. No one uses profanity here, but for “very” we fine it so that the word goes away like a parasite. The presence of adjectives shows the depth of speech, its artisticity and, of course, the readability of a person.

The next point in the speech is the use of euphemisms. A secular person always replaces a negative word with a more neutral one. How can a man say that he is a drunkard? For example, a person with a bad habit. That is, you do not condemn the person, but in principle expressed your opinion. That's what an elegant woman says.
We also learn to say thank you instead of thank you. And then everything changes. Try to write “thank you” in SMS, in Internet messages, teach your children to say “thank you” instead of “thank you”, people will treat them differently.

If we’re talking about small talk, there are a few maxims. Maxima tact. I mean, an elegant woman is always tactful. He never begins to argue or provokes rudeness. It's nobility. That is, she is able to ask the question: “How can I help you?” Unfortunately, few people know how to ask it sincerely, so that it sounds real, from the heart.
The next thing is not to judge. Let’s say if you’re having dinner with someone who’s a raw foodist or a vegetarian, an elegant woman will never start to wonder, “What, you don’t eat meat?” But it is harmful to health.”

Another important maxim is the maxim of sympathy. Nobody likes people who cry all the time, complain that everything is bad. We're afraid of people like that. If a woman, say, had a fight with her husband just in the car and came to an event, 90% of the time she would talk about it. Or they evacuated your car, most likely at an event, the first thing you'll talk about is how bad your evening started.

There are taboo topics that never come up. You don't talk about religion, about disease, about money and prosperity. There are conventionally taboo topics. It's about children and politics. Why the kids? Because until you know that all the women in attendance have children, you shouldn't even start talking about it.
A lot is welcome in business negotiations. Rules of business etiquette They're different. It is always better for partners to show their family, children, tell about them. Because in this case it will speak to your stability, loyalty, your family traditions. It's very important for business. And in small talk, that would be unacceptable.
What? etiquette You think you're in charge? What kind of ladies should be in communication? Write it in the comments.
Top secret: 10 phrases you should not say to your husband Never.
Down with your second chin! Just wet a terry towel in salt water.