Manners and rules of etiquette, which should know a modern resident of a large city

Everyone who adheres etiquetteA well-bred person, but not every educated person knows the rules of etiquette. This is the paradox of our reality! If even in the XIX century, everyone knew how to glorify whom and to whom to bow first, in our time many manners have died out simply out of necessity. However, this does not mean that they do not exist at all. Just ethics It has changed a lot, but we rarely wonder what has changed.

For example, you can be 1000 times polite to others, and on the 1001st make a fatal mistake. No one is safe from this, especially if you do not know some subtleties. For example, do you know what to do when sushi is served on the table, and you do not know how to use sticks - neither conventional nor training? You will find the answer at the end of our article! In the meantime, we suggest you read the latest rules. workmanshipWithout which today neither to visit nor to hold a conference.

Norms of ethics of behavior in modern society

Should I have a good appetite at the table? The most common mistake we believe most people make. This helpful phrase may be available to the chef and waiter. But in all other cases craving. If you think about it, then it is not accepted to talk about the intricacies of digestion in high society. In addition, the absorption of food is already an intimate moment, which in European culture is not customary to emphasize. What if you don’t really have an appetite? Or does he not like food? It is better to avoid such awkwardness.

What to do if a person sneezes? The correct answer is nothing. No need to wish a person good health after sneezing. It is also important to know if he has a cold. You see, few people in society would be comfortable sneezing -- it's usually uncontrollable. In order not to put the interlocutor in an awkward position, it is better to pretend that nothing happened. By the way, it is accepted in many countries of the world.

Unsplash When do I need to give up my seat in transport? Let's clear this up once and for all. So, in modern etiquette, there are three age categories: educational - up to 30 years, golden time - from 30 to retirement age, and retirement. People of the same sex and category do not have to give way to each other. For example, a 35-year-old woman is not obliged to give up to a 55-year-old woman because it can offend a second. But people of the younger category must give way to the older, for example, a 10-year-old child must give way to his mother.

Men always have to give way to a lady, whether she is older or younger, even if she is a very small girl.

In transport, you can often hear someone call someone a woman or a man. And if this topic is not so acute for men, then for women it is just the opposite. After all, some thirty-year-old ladies like to be called women, while others still consider themselves a girl. Not to put another person in embarrassment And not to get into it yourself, it will be enough to use the construction "Sorry, please."

Unsplash Yes, we sometimes do not understand what exactly we apologize for, because nothing bad was done to anyone. But at the very least, we ask a stranger to share their time and attention with us.

When you don't have to apologize This is a controversial issue, but it deserves attention. Have you noticed that quite often there is a situation when a person in the first minute of a call endlessly apologizes for being distracted from business? Or is he asking if he has a minute? Or excuse yourself for calling. Well, if a person picks up the phone, it means that at least he has a minute. And from now on, it's better not to take it. precious time.

Ethics standards of behavior: call or write? The right answer is to call. Needless to say, it is now a popular belief that calling someone these days without warning is the height of indecency. Well, that's not true. If the question is serious and requires an immediate answer, of course, you need to call. Answering messages in a quick order is not as convenient as simply answering a call. Especially if you’re not at home, but in a hurry.

The problem with the call is the distracting ringtone. Please note that silent Even the characters of modern films and TV series moved. This is what modern etiquette dictates: it is necessary to transfer all equipment to vibration or without sound. Then the call will cease to be something uncomfortable.

If you are writing or calling, when? We’ve been in the digital age for quite some time now, so there’s a special place in etiquette for questions about this plan. For example, it is considered bad form to write about work issues. off-hours. The office closes at six o'clock, and it's five minutes past seven? Well, better wait until tomorrow, even if it's corporate mail. What if they texted you? How long do you have to answer?

Well, for social networks and instant messengers, the golden rule of the next day applies. Waiting for a response should not be delayed longer than a day. Email is a little freer: if the letter is not urgent, you can respond to it within a week.


Even Queen Elizabeth painted her nails, but it was the most common beige varnish from Essie. Would the Queen have been able to afford something longer? But in etiquette, especially royal, women's nails should be as neat as possible. Especially not artificial! A real lady will never let her nails grow or gel. It is believed that a woman from high society should spend no more than 15-20 minutes a day on caring for herself. And that doesn’t go well with the concept of gel nails, which constantly need updating. In addition, they tend to grow quickly and remain boring color on the nails for 2-3 weeks. And that also disgusts modern etiquette.

Why men in business can only wear two colors The female dress code is much softer and more plastic than the male, it has always been so. But men in choosing a color for a business suit for a long time do not have to guess: it should be either blue or gray. Black. dress-up They are more suitable for events such as marriage or going to the theater, and the daily business dress code dictates the rule that only gray and blue shades are allowed. The brown suit, unfortunately, is considered a bad choice and supposedly cheapens the appearance of a busy person.


Unsplash Parenting is what we get from parents, but etiquette can be learned for years to come, and it’s constantly changing. The answer to the question of what to do if you brought sushi, and sticks you can not eat: hand-eat! There is nothing worse than eating sushi with a fork or spoon. Therefore, if you find yourself in a delicate situation in the circle of overseas friends from Japan, remember that traditionally sushi can be eaten in two ways - with chopsticks and hands. What other interesting rules of modern etiquette do you know?


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