Behavioral Culture of the Virtual World

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without social networks and various messengers. We watch and write more than we tell and show. Remember that the world around us is changing every day. virtualization Makes its own adjustments. And what can I say, there is even etiquette on social networks, which is shameful not to know a decent person.


Editorial "Site" It will tell you about the behavioral culture of the virtual world in 2019, and every user should know about it.

Online etiquette
  1. Calls only as a last resort
    The days when people could talk on the phone for hours are past. People are so used to correspondence that calls are made only in extreme or personal cases. Now it is a kind of invasion of personal space. According to the rules of etiquette, it is better to write on social networks than to call on the phone, since a person may be busy. He will respond as soon as he sees the message or is free.

  2. Laiki
    Don't like old photos of a person. Even if you just added friends or followers, put hearts only under new photos according to etiquette. “Like” under old photos shows that you are very involved in a person’s life and can even pose a danger.

  3. Systematicity
    The rules of etiquette say that you should not abandon the pages you keep on social networks when you go on vacation. This is disrespectful to your friends and followers or your target audience if you have a blog.

  4. Voice communications
    We like to look at photos, but sometimes it is much more pleasant to hear a person’s voice. Sound messages are a great function, but do not abuse it. Sending a voice message, you risk putting your interlocutor in an uncomfortable position. This is against social media etiquette rules. First, let’s see if he has the opportunity to listen.

  5. Communications
    Don’t send each word in separate messages – write normal text in one message. Do not abuse exclamation marks, capital letters, quotation marks and other ways to attract attention. It's annoying and gives the other person the right to block you. Avoid “lightweight” answers. A sign of disrespect to write "pvt", "sps" or "pjlst".


If you still think that various social networks are just entertainment that helps brighten up your leisure, then we will disappoint you. They have already become an integral part of the life of modern man. Therefore, if you already have your own page, you need to follow certain rules. Also, don’t forget to worry about social media security.

Earlier we talked about a list of useful keyboard shortcuts.

Tell us in the comments how often you use social networks and various messengers. Share this article with your friends on social media!

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