9 facts about how social networks influence your behavior

On the Internet there are many jokes and comics about how social networks are literally suck users for long hours without any possibility of escape. We went in the evening to check the mail in the contact - came at 5 am? Then it's about you. But let's look at the situation seriously: 9 facts about how facebook and VKontakte influence the behavior of its users, derived sociologists and psychologists.
1. You can not check your stranitsu

And suddenly it's the message? Interesting post on the wall, which is an urgent need to Like? New fotochki other? In fact, you do not think so. You just check the page, because it can not not checked.
80% of surveyed users of social networks by researchers admitted that they can not check the page at least once a day. A third of respondents doing it with painful regularity, and is horrified at the thought that something happens to their account (it seems that much more). Psychological dependence on social networks no less strong than that of a smoker - from cigarettes. She even called the American psychologists «Facebook Addiction Disorder» (something like "Facebook addiction disorder»).
2. Social networks make you revnovat

Even when reason and some do not. According to a survey, most people do not hesitate surveillance in social networks for its partners. Especially because it's so easy and convenient to do. A couple of clicks - and the social network itself will give you a list of all potential rivals / competitors: all those who put huskies, all friends and potential friends. You can spend an exciting investigation!
Stop. Are you sure that is not looking for something that is not? 35% of respondents admitted that jealousy caused by social networks, as a result turned out to be groundless. And here's another sad news: Facebook has become the cause of 1 in 5 divorces in the US and in the UK - 1 of 3. Agree a frightening figure.
3. Social networks help you rabote

While the majority of employers block access to social networks from work computers, so that employees are not distracted from work, psychologists recommend not to do it. People who use Facebook at work, or work on Twitter 9% more productive than the rest. Short breaks on social network give the brain the opportunity to escape and relax. But only short!
4. Social networks can make you miserable ... 96,151,080
Most people use social networks to talk about the positive aspects of his life. For example, lay out photos from vacation, boasting purchase some things to share funny video about a cat. But if your business went crooked road, from other social networks instantly turn into an enemy. Envy, sadness, inability to complain about the problem for fear of condemnation - all these feelings only worsen depressed mood and can lead you to depression. Studies have shown that long-term overuse social networks turns you into a whiner and envious, even if these qualities are not inherent in your nature.
5. ... and can - happy! 70,235,243
You can brag about. New hairstyle, a new car, a new girlfriend / boyfriend. You can talk about their personal triumphs and achievements - and obtain approval! Finally, you can giggle over the funny comics, that someone posted on the wall, and lift your mood. All this raises your self-esteem, and adds to the positive life. Just be careful! Do not go to gay frustrated and angry, she is like a magnifying glass, improves good and bad worsens.
6. You lose druzey

This fact is a combination of the preceding. Jealousy, anger, high expectations, jealousy - social networks give us too many opportunities to show the worst quality of their life. You waiting Like and praise, and ignore you. You wrote to a friend that's personally important to you, but he did not answer or being busy waved. It's a shame!
Do not expect from social networks replace the full communion. Is something bothering you? Make an appointment at a cafe and talk about it. You are guaranteed to listen to and possibly support. At least likely to get another full attention you will have a lot more than if you're distracting him from study or work, suddenly decide to reveal the soul.
7. Social networks make you feel fat or bad forme

75% of Facebook users are dissatisfied with their appearance. Of these, 51% refers to the reason for this comparison of your pictures with others in the social network. There is always someone who looks better than you, but if in person you can count on natural charm, wit, sparkling mind, then to count on, spreading picture in social networks? Only the appearance.
The Council is the same as last time: to keep your self-esteem at the appropriate level, to devote more time to the real communication. Give yourself a chance to show itself in all its glory, and not settle for substitutes vvide photos and status updates.
8. Social networks may make you feel izgoem

Unfortunately, VKontakte and Facebook pripasёn for you yet another way to lose confidence. We are talking about "sent a friend request - was refused", "friends united in an interesting community - you are not invited", "all my friends have put Masha Like - but I never give," "all received an invitation to a meeting - and about you have forgotten "and so on. d. All this is a situation in which you have been thrown to the curb, well, or at least you think so. What can you do? .. In the real world people have more constraints, so as not to be such a faux pas.
9. Update status in the social network - still the cigarette after sex
It's just a way to fill the resulting sudden pause. When you're waiting for something, when there is a minute break from business and even when resting after sex, what to do with his hands and head? Write something cool to Twitter or status update in Contacts. 36% of users of social networks emphasize that writing something just out of boredom. So do not be too serious about all this information - perhaps your friend or partner was just nothing to do, so he wrote this profound quote from Kafka ... and why not any more.
via factroom.ru