14 rules of etiquette, not to know about which shame! #7 for me a discovery.

Not knowing the rules of etiquette in the modern world is a shame. Of course, we can safely say that everything does not stand still and that what was relevant 50 years ago has already outlived itself. In every society there are certain frameworkWe live in a free world where everyone decides how to live.

To be successful and respectful, you need to know. etiquetteWhich the editors will tell you about. "Site". Good manners always attract others.

Rules of good etiquette
  1. Don't dry your umbrella open.
    Do not dry the umbrella in the open state - neither in the office nor at a party. It must be folded and put in a special stand or hang. And you will make a good impression on colleagues or acquaintances, and you will not create obstacles for movement.
  2. Don't carry bags.
    Cellophane and paper bags are only allowed on return from the store or market. The same applies to packages from clothing branded boutiques. Carrying them with you later as a bag is a grudge and a moveton.

  3. Men don't wear a woman's bag
    On the streets you can often find young guys and even mature men carrying a handbag. Many people are mistaken that this is decent, because they did so in school, helping a classmate to carry a heavy briefcase. But it is not customary for a man to wear a woman's bag. And by the way, he only takes a woman's coat to bring to the dressing room.
  4. Pajamas and robes are not home clothes.
    Home clothes are pants and sweaters or shorts and a T-shirt, or a light dress. They should be comfortable, but have a decent look. The robe and pajamas are designed to walk to the bathroom in the morning, and in the evening – from the bathroom to the bedroom.

  5. The bag cannot be put on your knees.
    When visiting or in a restaurant, do not put your purse on your lap or on your chair from the side. A small elegant clutch is permissible to put on the table, a voluminous bag should be hung on the back of a chair or put on the floor. Men should always put their briefcase on the floor.
  6. Take off your hat and mittens.
    Women are allowed not to take off their hat or panamic and gloves indoors. However, this rule does not apply to hats and mittens.

  7. Rule 13 of Jewelry
    It is little known that according to international protocol, the total number of jewelry should not exceed 13 units, including jewelry buttons. Remember, you don’t wear a ring over your gloves, but you can wear a bracelet. The closer to the night, the more expensive jewelry can be worn. During the day, walking in diamonds or an abundance of gold rings and bracelets is considered moveton.
  8. The one who is nearer is the first.
    Everyone knows that the ladies need to pass forward. This rule does not apply to the elevator - the first man comes in. But the one who comes closest to the door comes first.

  9. Place in the car
    The most prestigious place in the car is behind the driver. He should be occupied by a woman, and a man sits next to her. Getting out of the car, he must hold the door and give the companion a hand. If a man is sitting behind the wheel, a woman is also preferable to take a seat behind the driver's seat.
  10. Things that should be kept secret
    There are things you shouldn’t tell other people. 9 things to keep secret: age, income, household problems, faith, treatment, intimate life, gifts, success and failure. It is indecent to talk about it, let alone ask.

  11. Address "You"
    To strangers or unfamiliar people whose age has reached 12 years or more, you need to contact “You”. Even to those people with whom you know well, at work it is better to refer to “you”, and poke only in private.
  12. Prohibited topics
    When you’re at a social event or in a large group of strangers, don’t touch on topics like religion, politics, and money. If someone is really worried about who you voted for or how much your outfit is worth, change the topic of the conversation or politely hint that you do not want to talk about it.

  13. Learn to knock.
    Once your child has grown up and started living in a separate room, make it a habit to knock. It doesn’t matter if you have a daughter or a son, he, like you, should have a personal space.
  14. Finding your place
    If you come to the theater or cinema, then you should go to your place facing the sitting people, not ass. Besides, a man should go first.

It would be great if everyone followed the rules of etiquette. Share interesting and useful information with your friends on social networks!


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