10 rules of business correspondence
Business communication is impossible without correspondence because a personal meeting to resolve questions of cooperation is not always possible. The most pressing problems of business correspondence helps to solve in the short term, but failure to observe the rules of etiquette or illogical construction of the letter could harm the partnership or repel a potential customer. As the official negotiations, there are certain rules: the design of the letters and style of communication.
General rules of business correspondence
1. Before writing a letter, determine its characteristics: the type of letters (cover, warranty, ordering, reminder, notice, etc.; presentation of a letter or assuming the answer); the degree of accessibility for the addressee (if you can state all the necessary points in one letter or it will take the second, clarifying); the urgency of the delivery (if the letter is urgent, it is better to send it registered or by e-mail). 2. Make a letter on existing templates, based on its type and based on the GOST R 6.30-2003. "A unified system of documentation. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements to paperwork". 3. Any business letter has the following General structure:
In-house business correspondence
Business correspondence between company employees is more simplified in comparison with correspondence sent to a third party. The content of such correspondence may be different, but it also must comply with specific rules:
Source: /users/1081
General rules of business correspondence
1. Before writing a letter, determine its characteristics: the type of letters (cover, warranty, ordering, reminder, notice, etc.; presentation of a letter or assuming the answer); the degree of accessibility for the addressee (if you can state all the necessary points in one letter or it will take the second, clarifying); the urgency of the delivery (if the letter is urgent, it is better to send it registered or by e-mail). 2. Make a letter on existing templates, based on its type and based on the GOST R 6.30-2003. "A unified system of documentation. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements to paperwork". 3. Any business letter has the following General structure:
- name of the organization sender;
- date of writing;
- the address of the recipient, indication of a specific reporter;
- opening address;
- indicating the subject and purpose of the letter;
- main text;
- conclusion (formula courtesy);
- the signature of the sender;
- indicating the application and distribution of copies (if any).

In-house business correspondence
Business correspondence between company employees is more simplified in comparison with correspondence sent to a third party. The content of such correspondence may be different, but it also must comply with specific rules:
- to be concise;
- to be business in nature;
- the letter must indicate the date;
- the present formula of courtesy and the signature.
Source: /users/1081