15 of the rules of etiquette in the restaurant, which everyone should know, not to be trapped!
Knowing the rules of etiquette - a distinctive feature of the educated and well-educated person. If you consider yourself as you must be sure to hold the secrets of restaurant etiquette, after a campaign in such an institution, especially if it is a business meeting, it requires a good education. .cc gathered for you 15 basic rules of conduct in a restaurant, which will help you not to be trapped.
1. Do not start eating until the waiters are not finished serving dishes and while not all of the guests sat down to dinner.
2. Start with devices that are farther away from the edge of the dish, with the outside.
3. Do not put things on the table that are not related to food.
4. Do not add salt or pepper dish before you tried it, because this gesture will be perceived as an insult to the chef.
5. Do not rub the wooden sticks together. Restaurant worker may think that you are in doubt as sticks.
6. Properly luggage cutlery on a plate.
7. Do not put sticks in the bowl, because it is a gross violation of etiquette.
8. Do not stick the chopsticks vertically into food. In East Asia, as an offering to represent the deceased.
9. Do not put on the table devices after you started the meal. After that, they can only put on a plate.
10. Pass the salt and pepper can only be together.
11. In this video shows how to eat lobster.
12. Do not pass food with chopsticks. This is a Japanese funeral ritual.
13. Informal serving.
14. Official serving.
15. Do not forget to leave a tip. The amount of a tip should be at least 10% (20% for the United States) of the total order.
These 15 rules of etiquette you need to know everyone, because they indicate the level of education. Believe me, the business partners will be very pleasant to deal with someone who knows how you must behave.
via takprosto cc
1. Do not start eating until the waiters are not finished serving dishes and while not all of the guests sat down to dinner.
2. Start with devices that are farther away from the edge of the dish, with the outside.

3. Do not put things on the table that are not related to food.

4. Do not add salt or pepper dish before you tried it, because this gesture will be perceived as an insult to the chef.
5. Do not rub the wooden sticks together. Restaurant worker may think that you are in doubt as sticks.
6. Properly luggage cutlery on a plate.

7. Do not put sticks in the bowl, because it is a gross violation of etiquette.
8. Do not stick the chopsticks vertically into food. In East Asia, as an offering to represent the deceased.
9. Do not put on the table devices after you started the meal. After that, they can only put on a plate.

10. Pass the salt and pepper can only be together.
11. In this video shows how to eat lobster.
12. Do not pass food with chopsticks. This is a Japanese funeral ritual.
13. Informal serving.

14. Official serving.

15. Do not forget to leave a tip. The amount of a tip should be at least 10% (20% for the United States) of the total order.
These 15 rules of etiquette you need to know everyone, because they indicate the level of education. Believe me, the business partners will be very pleasant to deal with someone who knows how you must behave.
via takprosto cc
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