Gestures peoples of the world

You are five minutes to have concluded a major deal of his life. This magnate from Saudi Arabia is ready to sign a contract for a huge sum. Turning to the final part of the negotiations, you poerzyvaete nervously in his chair, throws a leg over the other. And - oh, horror! - Arab suddenly throws you a withering look and leaves the office, slamming the door. Unwittingly, you mortally insulted. But what ?!
Crossing his legs, putting his foot on the knee, or even more so, pristraivaya feet on the edge of the table, you run the risk of the other party to show the soles of shoes. It is in the Arab understanding unforgivable rudeness, as the foot is considered the dirtiest part of the body and show it, even if it is wrapped in an expensive brand shoes, obscene. However, his feet on the table between us, will be adequately understood only by some American and Australian partners.
Anyway, the body language is, according to psychologists, 60% of the information obtained in communication. And to make mistakes in speaking the language is very easy, especially if you do not know the local customs and habits. To help you avoid gross blunders proshtudiruyte our advice.
Combed eyebrow during the negotiations with the Lebanese? Bite the bullet and endure. Stroking his little finger protruding eyebrows means "one of us - gay."
In France, enough to scratch your nose that you misunderstood. A ring of thumb and index finger, hugging the tip of the nose - an unambiguous offer to drink. And touching the index and middle finger tip of the nose, you report that to make the proposed deal for you worthless - as two fingers ... scratch your nose.
In Japan, each with a child brought up in a complex system of rules of etiquette. Therefore, negotiations with the Japanese - a real art "bodily diplomacy." However, the Japanese are very polite and lenient towards foreigners, as people sweet, but a little insane, so your business partner will never show that something hurt and you will not even know why the deal fell through.
Do not try to express elation at a meeting with Japanese arms, pat on the back. This does not mean that, while welcoming the business partner, you have to keep your hands in your pockets (it is also an insult), just hold on a little bit at a distance and bowed slightly.
Try not to slouch or lean back in his chair during the negotiations - both mean boredom and disinterest. Publicly sneeze or chew gum too is considered an insult.
Now handshakes. You may have been taught that we should shake hands firmly and vigorously, looking in his eyes. But your Japanese partners learned that shaking hands should be soft and to look into the eyes of the interlocutor - unpardonable presumptuousness.
In many countries, when meeting decided to call first thing in the name. In Japan, the name is not used, even at informal meetings, but is a necessary ritual ceremonious bow with folded hands. Bows - it's like roster. The more you show respect for the other party, the lower the need to bow. If you - the manager of the company, and your counterpart - director of the equivalent of the company, then you bow first and below.
The Chinese are also sensitive to the chain of command, as well as Japanese. Therefore, passing the door or heading to the car, you should always skip forward a superior person. Not observing this rule, risking at best seem arrogant.
Frequent blinking during the interview can be seen as a sign of boredom. The same impression will make legs stretched forward.
Drunk to the bottom of the tea - a signal that you're not drunk. Politeness obliged to leave at least half a cup, otherwise it will be immediately filled to the brim - as many times as you lay waste to it.
As we have said, upset Saudis easier - one has only to show him his soles. Even easier to accidentally call him the intake mot - if during a conversation in thought prop chin in his hand and place your fingers on either side of the nose in the form of the letter V. This disposition will automatically turn your nose into a phallic symbol.
If an Arab takes your hand when you cross the street, or simply walking down the corridor of office, it is not necessary to struggle and scream, "Who do you take me for?". His gesture - just an ordinary manifestation of friendship and respect, and not an attempt to make an indecent proposal.
Most people did not attach particular importance to which hand is being done, however, for those who profess Islam, the left hand is considered "unclean." Therefore, if you extend a gift or money with his left hand, you can offend a Muslim.
In India, the zigzag movement of the index finger means "you - a liar!".
In order to express a sign of admiration, the people of Spain, Mexico and Italy lay down three fingers will press them to his lips and reproduce the sound of a kiss. To us it may seem overly expressive, but they have it in the order of things, as if the duty nod.
It is well known that the British are very stingy with gestures. They try not to touch each other and carefully kept at a distance conversation "arm's length". In Germany, when speaking distance "arm's length" is not enough. The German retreat while still half a step. In Italy, by contrast, the Italian half a step closer to you, and try to communicate as Saudi to breathe in your face.
Whatever happens, do not show the OK sign in Brazil - a ring of thumb and index finger. Unless you intend to call interlocutor mm-m ... sorry, "booty". In France and Germany, this gesture will be construed as a zero prmenitelno to a person it means "they say, you - absolute zero", in Japan it means money in Tunisia - "I'll kill you", or rather, the "long and you are still alive, this bastard ... "and in Syria -" go to hell. "
For the Spanish touch to the ear lobe is considered an insult. As the offense and the call will accept a Greek raising his hands with an open hand in his direction, and an American, though less temperamental - aimed at a pin (not necessarily the average).
Americans believe in the fingers, bending back on their fists rather than bending them as we are. But if the Russian often made to bend his fingers, starting with the little finger, the first Japanese man bends the thumb, and after five starts reverse process.
Generally speaking, many gestures in different countries have the opposite meaning. Swinging his head from side to side, which means in Russia and most of Europe "no," in Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey constitute an endorsement, while the nod - disagreed. Otritsatlny gesture Neapolitans, also somewhat unusual for us, it turned up in the top head disapprovingly protruding lower lip.
The index finger to his temple means "stupid" in France, "mind" in Holland and "live their umishkom" in the UK.
Touching your finger to the century, the Italian express their benevolence: "I see you're a nice guy." In Spain, this gesture means questioning the veracity of your words, and it is for the Frenchman - "patting you, brother!» ...
The Europeans are saying goodbye, waving his hand, lifting her up and moving her fingers. The Americans and the Japanese perceive this gesture as a call to "come here." Saying goodbye, the Americans hold the palm horizontal, slightly lifting her as if someone pat on the head or shoulder. Russian at farewell is usually not waving his hand back and forth, and from side to side, however, it would be perceived Latino as a gesture of invitation.
Another common gesture bulge upwards thumb. Apply it can be different. So the American hitchhikers he used to stop passing traffic. Demonstrated in front of you, it means "everything is fine". But here in Europe fist with the thumb protruding mainly used as follows: pulling hand up and pointing to his shoulder, a European says something like, "Fuck you." And, for example, in Greece this gesture means "shut up." In Muslim countries the same gesture is obscene, and in Saudi Arabia, having made the rotational movement of exposed up thumb you say "scram out of here».
If an Englishman is going to punish someone, it raises two fingers folded together, which means "Well, I'll show you!". And in the US the same gesture perceive as "We're a good team," or "We are with you razolesh not water!"
If Russian exposes two index fingers and rubbing them against each other, it means: "These two people - a couple of well-sung." But in Japan, this gesture means that you are faced with an unsolvable problem and talks about her companion.
A typical Italian gesture - the palm-shaped boat - means the issue, call for explanations. A similar gesture in Mexico - a call to pay for the information, "I will not tell you anything for free."
"Horns", derived from the index finger and thumb, are the Italians to "take the evil eye." Try pozhestikulirovat so before the Frenchman - and he thinks that he wants to call a cuckold. Very rude gesture (exhibited up middle finger) became known for the movies almost every continent. But in France and our domestic "fig" it has the same meaning. In Japan and Thailand, it will perceive as offering the full range of sexual services ...
And goodbye. Italians rarely shake hands, but happy to "crack" you on the back when we parted. Their neighbors, the French, this gesture means "Go away and do not ever appear here!»
Do not forget that everywhere is the salvation and a sure gesture - a smile. Bail out in any situation.