Nonverbal communication—understandable body language
Babylonian confusion — there are more than 6,000 different languages. People find it difficult to understand each other. However, one language — though wordless — understood by all.
Body language is the same for all people, even if most of us use it unconsciously. He appeared in person before his throat was formed so that he was able to utter intelligible sounds. The basic concepts of this language was common to different cultures, except that later, there were minor variants.
Civilized modern man, and in such cool climates such as Germany, almost forgot that he owns this language, although unconsciously and involuntarily sometimes uses it. But temperamental southerners, such as the Italians or the Spaniards, constantly talking with his hands and feet, proud of their expressive movement.
Words can be flipped, it can juggle, it's not hard. Talleyrand, Napoleon's foreign Minister, said once cynical phrase: "Language was given to man to conceal his thoughts".
Faster than words With body language, everything is different. Some scholars believe that he is not lying. Others say no, he could lie, but make it much harder than lying words. If a man blushes, it is also the language of the body, from which many would gladly get rid of, but this they do not do. His companion immediately understand what is happening in the soul of the red man: the shame, the uncertainty, the recognition of lying.
Tests showed that women understand the body language of others better than men, but men are better detect attempts to cheat than women. In addition, the gestures are faster than words. Longer as the person exercising in body language than in colloquial speech, this type of communication is much faster. The signals of the body of another person, sympathetic or unsympathetic, own answer given for 1/25 of a second. Try to answer as fast using consciousness and language!
Even the one who "hands and feet" bounces from the assumption that he can talk body, still does it. Even the monks, who gave a vow of silence like the Catholic Trappist order not to violate his spiritual concentration, talk with your body is not worse than the inveterate talkers.
Constant signals
Otherwise, man can not, says analyst Paul Watzlawick. Even if he silently sits on a bench in the Park or in the doctor's waiting room, he still constantly sending signals. "Using body language can see the process of conversion of thought into matter," says born in tel Aviv actor Sammy Molcho undoubtedly the best expert in the world on body language. He is convinced that "Nonverbal messages we constantly send and we take, determine our decisions more than 80%.
Often smile, and life will be easier
Learn to smile! Even if you are sad, smile! Then you'll feel better inside and out, because the people around you respond well to your smile.
Smile, Shine your smile! Life will be easier, because a smile that seems to echo back to you from fellow citizens. It makes life easier and people more beautiful: they have wrinkles. Of the twenty facial muscles a person uses in his seventeen facial expressions, expressing anger, disgust, grief or joy. Moreover, the expression of joy have less muscle and muscular effort. To save energy, do not form wrinkles on the face, and life becomes easier.
Body language in the words
It was known already to the ancient Latins and came up with the adage "eloquent silence" (Cum tacent clamant). Today popular rumor describes the body language into words and says, for example, that someone "hung my head", "closed eyes", "washed his hands", "rushed to the chest", "pinned ears", "teeth bared", "bit his lip", "thoughtfully scratched his head", "raised eyebrow".
Some gestures are the same on all continents — because they are innate. These include the gestures of removal and superiority, fear, aggression, trust and sympathy. Widely scattered hands, one can understand the brake light is also exhibited in front of him palm. Other gestures, by contrast, circulated only in certain cultures. Many people nod when they say "Yes". A nod to a Bulgarian or Greek (from the bottom up, often accompanied by the sound "TS-TS-TS"), on the contrary, means "no." This often confuses tourists, especially that "yeah" in Greek is pronounced as "ne".
Small differences
In Greece can be interpreted incorrectly and friendly waving hand with fingers spread. After all, it is fatal like a local "Munz", which is also performed with the right hand, fingers spread, and is considered the most evil curse: "may you fall on the blood of the five wounds of Christ!"
On a long bench enough space for two. Do not settle on their fellow citizens much
a normal distance when talking 50-60 cm, ie the length of the arm How effective is body language, it is easy to check by using small experiments.
Test 1. Two people, and even better a group, sit down so that nobody can see the other partner, that is, back to back. When interlocutors start to talk on any topic, you immediately feel that the discussion is a little different than usual. After all, although the partners hear the words, but they don't see how they are pronounced. Communication is broken!
Test 2. It can be done alone. Just raise your eyebrows and try to summon up feelings of aggression. Very soon you will notice how difficult it is. A brow lift is the body signals the information needs. And who really wants to find out something, that will not deter the expected information aggressive and surly expressions.
The blockade in my head
Or relax your lower jaw and try to calculate in my mind how much it will 13х27. Properly, the answer would be 351. However, the calculation probably took more time than usual. Because the one who has a slack lower jaw, probably startled, confused or even gasped in fright. But such feelings interfere with a sober mind computing.
Someone who understood how important secret signals, will want to know how to use them. What it may prove, for example, behavioural workshops and courses of rhetoric and psychology. Many politicians seek the science to the experts of this art to have the desired effect on your friends, enemies and the masses.
Artificial gestures
Workshops on body language to help understand their own silent signals and understand the signals of others. There are miracles to be expected, but you can learn a lot. Just do not think that the signals of the body can be memorize in the same way as words of a foreign language, and then to apply them as necessary, deceiving the interlocutors. Memorized gestures look artificial and fake.
But once our body constantly sends signals that our mind needs to understand and accept. And we can learn to better apply the methods given to us by nature in order to more successfully communicate with people around us and to feel better.
Source: /users/155
Body language is the same for all people, even if most of us use it unconsciously. He appeared in person before his throat was formed so that he was able to utter intelligible sounds. The basic concepts of this language was common to different cultures, except that later, there were minor variants.
Civilized modern man, and in such cool climates such as Germany, almost forgot that he owns this language, although unconsciously and involuntarily sometimes uses it. But temperamental southerners, such as the Italians or the Spaniards, constantly talking with his hands and feet, proud of their expressive movement.
Words can be flipped, it can juggle, it's not hard. Talleyrand, Napoleon's foreign Minister, said once cynical phrase: "Language was given to man to conceal his thoughts".
Faster than words With body language, everything is different. Some scholars believe that he is not lying. Others say no, he could lie, but make it much harder than lying words. If a man blushes, it is also the language of the body, from which many would gladly get rid of, but this they do not do. His companion immediately understand what is happening in the soul of the red man: the shame, the uncertainty, the recognition of lying.
Tests showed that women understand the body language of others better than men, but men are better detect attempts to cheat than women. In addition, the gestures are faster than words. Longer as the person exercising in body language than in colloquial speech, this type of communication is much faster. The signals of the body of another person, sympathetic or unsympathetic, own answer given for 1/25 of a second. Try to answer as fast using consciousness and language!
Even the one who "hands and feet" bounces from the assumption that he can talk body, still does it. Even the monks, who gave a vow of silence like the Catholic Trappist order not to violate his spiritual concentration, talk with your body is not worse than the inveterate talkers.
Constant signals
Otherwise, man can not, says analyst Paul Watzlawick. Even if he silently sits on a bench in the Park or in the doctor's waiting room, he still constantly sending signals. "Using body language can see the process of conversion of thought into matter," says born in tel Aviv actor Sammy Molcho undoubtedly the best expert in the world on body language. He is convinced that "Nonverbal messages we constantly send and we take, determine our decisions more than 80%.
Often smile, and life will be easier
Learn to smile! Even if you are sad, smile! Then you'll feel better inside and out, because the people around you respond well to your smile.
Smile, Shine your smile! Life will be easier, because a smile that seems to echo back to you from fellow citizens. It makes life easier and people more beautiful: they have wrinkles. Of the twenty facial muscles a person uses in his seventeen facial expressions, expressing anger, disgust, grief or joy. Moreover, the expression of joy have less muscle and muscular effort. To save energy, do not form wrinkles on the face, and life becomes easier.
Body language in the words
It was known already to the ancient Latins and came up with the adage "eloquent silence" (Cum tacent clamant). Today popular rumor describes the body language into words and says, for example, that someone "hung my head", "closed eyes", "washed his hands", "rushed to the chest", "pinned ears", "teeth bared", "bit his lip", "thoughtfully scratched his head", "raised eyebrow".
Some gestures are the same on all continents — because they are innate. These include the gestures of removal and superiority, fear, aggression, trust and sympathy. Widely scattered hands, one can understand the brake light is also exhibited in front of him palm. Other gestures, by contrast, circulated only in certain cultures. Many people nod when they say "Yes". A nod to a Bulgarian or Greek (from the bottom up, often accompanied by the sound "TS-TS-TS"), on the contrary, means "no." This often confuses tourists, especially that "yeah" in Greek is pronounced as "ne".
Small differences
In Greece can be interpreted incorrectly and friendly waving hand with fingers spread. After all, it is fatal like a local "Munz", which is also performed with the right hand, fingers spread, and is considered the most evil curse: "may you fall on the blood of the five wounds of Christ!"
On a long bench enough space for two. Do not settle on their fellow citizens much
a normal distance when talking 50-60 cm, ie the length of the arm How effective is body language, it is easy to check by using small experiments.
Test 1. Two people, and even better a group, sit down so that nobody can see the other partner, that is, back to back. When interlocutors start to talk on any topic, you immediately feel that the discussion is a little different than usual. After all, although the partners hear the words, but they don't see how they are pronounced. Communication is broken!
Test 2. It can be done alone. Just raise your eyebrows and try to summon up feelings of aggression. Very soon you will notice how difficult it is. A brow lift is the body signals the information needs. And who really wants to find out something, that will not deter the expected information aggressive and surly expressions.
The blockade in my head
Or relax your lower jaw and try to calculate in my mind how much it will 13х27. Properly, the answer would be 351. However, the calculation probably took more time than usual. Because the one who has a slack lower jaw, probably startled, confused or even gasped in fright. But such feelings interfere with a sober mind computing.
Someone who understood how important secret signals, will want to know how to use them. What it may prove, for example, behavioural workshops and courses of rhetoric and psychology. Many politicians seek the science to the experts of this art to have the desired effect on your friends, enemies and the masses.
Artificial gestures
Workshops on body language to help understand their own silent signals and understand the signals of others. There are miracles to be expected, but you can learn a lot. Just do not think that the signals of the body can be memorize in the same way as words of a foreign language, and then to apply them as necessary, deceiving the interlocutors. Memorized gestures look artificial and fake.
But once our body constantly sends signals that our mind needs to understand and accept. And we can learn to better apply the methods given to us by nature in order to more successfully communicate with people around us and to feel better.
Source: /users/155
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