Color our life—a difficult situation easily and happily
Pink: how to get the love of yourself?
Everyone, there are times when suddenly you realize that your life is everything but love. To regain this feeling helps simple practice: first, you need to remember that you don't have ANYONE more you. YOU primarily need care and love. YOUR own forces you should be protected.
Go to the mirror and kiss your reflection in it. Do it sincerely, with Love and Tenderness. Recognize their reflection in the child, who you were in childhood, which is more than anyone needs care, encouragement and affection. Feel how this child is interesting, beautiful and unique. Embrace yourself with all the warmth of which you are capable.
Being in a state of self-acceptance, ask yourself, what would you want most. And do everything possible to ensure that in the near future to bring this desire to life.
Everyone has their own way back Love, but we all know that it only gives the opportunity to live and breathe. Only Love, pink fairy, gives strength to move on and makes life worthwhile.
Magenta (crimson): how can you feel that the universe cares about you?
I want to offer you a very simple, seemingly obvious practices, which we often forget.
Thank God for each new morning, for the opportunity to live, breathe, see, move, think, hear, to feel, to love and be loved. For the family, parents, children, friends, and loyal animals. Say thank you for shelter, food, clothing, water and heat. For the opportunity to work, to help others and to comprehend the meaning of his existence. If we learn to notice such important things, but small details, love over will penetrate into our life in the sun. Filled with gratitude every day and you will see how your life will change for the better.
The birds singing, the morning dew, bizarre images of fluffy clouds, the solemnity of the sunrise, the uniqueness of the pink sunset, the smile of a passerby, children's laughter, hugs, full of warmth — that's what every day fills our lives with happiness. If to be able to see.
White: how to learn not to leave traces?
Before communicating with any person to mentally tune in to white color. This will give you the feeling of a "clean slate". In this state it is much easier not to give ready-made recipes, not to add the person or situation template solution.
If we are neutral, you can take the information in its entirety, and not from one-sided perception of its own smart "I am." When we are internally configured for the white colour, the person in front of us a chance to hear himself.
Time to get out of the shadow, it's time to wear your "hat of invisibility". So you will give the other person the opportunity to see themselves, not our ego. He will be able to hear your inner voice, not our loud and insistent advice.
White, feels like a smooth lake surface in calm weather. If we have the right to give any advice, only being in this neutral state.
Blue: how to learn to be in a state of inner peace?
Often preparing for something important, we try to calculate everything to the smallest detail, analyze the situation and strongly hedged. In such moments we seem to forget about the existence of an External Force, which, as you know, "has our plans." As a rule, the stronger we hold on to established boundaries, the more likely that everything will not go as we planned.
First of all, when something you very much want, remember the parable: "To our prayers God can give three answers: 1) Yes; 2) not now; 3) I got you something better." Then inhale and imagine that you dive into the calm blue water. Feel how the energy of the blue color fills inside you, becoming you. It gives a sense of security and complacency. Blue energy speaks to you without words, and protects you without action. Everything is as it should be. It's all good. So it was, is and will be. Nothing to worry about and nothing to fear. We are where we should be, and do what you have to do. Otherwise, it would have been very different.
The blue color serves as a reminder that the easier we let go of the situation, the easier and more natural it goes away. Blue is trust. This is an opportunity in the most difficult moment to say: "Lord, make it happen as it will be better for me."
A fragment of the book of Julia Pogrebinsky "Colors of our life", M., 2014.
Source: /users/104
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