Postures and gestures, which should be avoided.

1. Hands on hips - aggressive posture;
2. Crossed arms on his chest - pose protection;
3. The palms are connected below the waist (posture footballer) - pose protection, weakness;
4. Hand wraps his other hand behind his back - fear, excitement; Hands in his pockets - stealth, nervousness;
5. leans back in his chair - a clear disagreement with the interlocutor.
1. Gestures index finger - a gesture guilty;
Exposed thumb - an expression of superiority, neglect;
2. Fist - a hostile gesture, aggressive mood;
3. Touching the mouth or other parts of the face during a call - provides excitement, people may find you are insincere.
4. Touch the ear to the mouth or throat when you listen to - a gesture of doubt and disagreement with someone.
That person should not show:
1. Information eyebrows - it's not a business, as many think, facial expression, and sullen, surly.
2. Strongly raised eyebrows - because you express surprise and doubt, unwillingness to communicate, the situation.
3. Yawning - so everything is clear - you bored.
All listed leaching gestures and postures have different interpretations but they have one common, showing them you make a negative impression.
What to do if you notice the interlocutor gestures speak of no confidence to you or does not agree with your opinion? For example crossed his arms (closed position).
You need to change the course of the conversation. To start post your interlocutor that nebudu hands (card, tea, handle specimens items you sell). When the hands are no longer closed, you will have a chance to correct the situation in your favor. Just a gesture often seen as a finger grip. This gesture speaks about disagreement or dissatisfaction. There are two variants of the gesture - "finger grip", the first variant hands clasped and placed on the elbows in front of the person (maximum protection), the second hand on the table (minimum protection). If you see the first version of the gesture "finger grip" it is not necessary to convince the man in the right or to insist on, the result will be. If you need to achieve positive results in understanding what would make as people parted fingers and adopted a more open attitude.