How useful is the Lotus position
Twenty million one hundred sixty two thousand seven hundred eighty
Padmasana (from Sanskrit: "Padma" — Lotus, and "asana" — posture, seat) – the well-known Lotus position, the classics of the genre, so to speak. That's how most people imagine yoga – a thin ascetic, sitting still in the Lotus with a straight face expressing something like, "I know and I care".
Every person, or otherwise adjoined to practice yoga, sooner or later dreamed of to master this pose. Among beginners of yoga she enjoys special respect, and all knowledge about it is usually expressed by the word "cool." Well, in this article we will try to expound on different aspects associated with this asana.
How useful is the Lotus position?
The main obstacles in the development of this posture are lack of flexibility and pain. As to the first, then there are a whole set of exercises aimed at opening the hip joints, study knee and foot warm-up specially for this purpose. Here we touch on only some important aspects and safety.
What to pain syndrome, as we have said the pain is caused due to blocks-sins-long, thin bodies over many lifetimes. In addition, there is an interesting opinion:
Back pain indicate the highest level of "sinfulness" practice (in comparison with those who have pain lower). Back problems and spine in particular, all testify to the fact that a person violates the fundamental principles of life.
Hashimoto asana (folded sheet) – sitting on the floor, legs extended, feet together, bending at the hip joints with a straight back (this is important so as not to injure the spine.) bend forward, grab your toes and lay down tummy on legs. Jana of sirsh asana (twisted folded sheet) is the same, only one leg bent at the knee and lies perpendicular to straight, adhering thereto the bottom side of the foot. Rising from the position of the Jana Sirs asanas put the foot of the bent leg at the hip joint straight and try to reach the knee to the ground, in the same position, take one arm above the foot joint and the other for the toe, stretch the foot rotational movements in either direction, it is possible to make massage of feet. Purna titali (butterfly pose) – the position achimota asana bend legs at the knees and pushing the knees down to the feet to the pelvis. Capturing foot handles, straighten your back and straighten the shoulders, trying to reach it with your knees to the floor on the sides. Move knees up and down like butterfly wings. This pose is very useful for everyone to learn Padmasana and it is recommended to do before each landing in the Lotus. She twists the knees properly, which prevents them from further trauma during your sublime spiritual research in Padmasana. Bhadrasana and its variations (the auspicious pose) – the pose of the butterfly turn handles the feet so that they would look up, put your elbows on legs and with a straight spine slowly bend forward. Push your feet out to the sides, bend alternately to one then the other leg, remembering that bends to do in the hip joints and in any case not in the back. At the end of the handle on the legs and lean forward with a straight spine. All the other exercises, we will not list due to their complexity and the fact that they are much more comfortable and safer to learn on video content or even better – under the guidance of the instructor. Safety guidelines for stretching exercises
If you believe Hatha Yoga Pradipika, any asana is considered mastered if the person can still be in it without any discomfort for at least 3 hours. So quick to curl up in Padmasana and immediately to get out of it is mastering the posture. So here we list some of the nuances for those who have already sat in the Lotus position, but wishes to extend their stay in it:
Author: Amrita Giri
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: meditation-portal.com/chem-polezna-poza-lotosa/
Padmasana (from Sanskrit: "Padma" — Lotus, and "asana" — posture, seat) – the well-known Lotus position, the classics of the genre, so to speak. That's how most people imagine yoga – a thin ascetic, sitting still in the Lotus with a straight face expressing something like, "I know and I care".
Every person, or otherwise adjoined to practice yoga, sooner or later dreamed of to master this pose. Among beginners of yoga she enjoys special respect, and all knowledge about it is usually expressed by the word "cool." Well, in this article we will try to expound on different aspects associated with this asana.
How useful is the Lotus position?
- Burns all the sins by raising the Apana-Vayu, because the energy channels of the legs leading to Hell overlap thereby prevent energy loss through the bottom.
- Apana-Vayu – the "energy of death" always current down and that sooner or later, granting to the person's death. She is responsible for the excretory and reproductive function. Excessive leakage leads to bestiality and thus lower level of intelligence, in extreme cases, to depression, apathy, and other severe mental States (they are all associated with excessive loss of energy through the channels leading into the Infernal worlds). Accordingly, the purpose of yoga is raising the Apana-Vayu up, so it is believed that the Holy (enlightened) person is the one who got the Apana flows up (to the Heavenly worlds), when Apana mixes with the prana-Vayu in Manipur comes Samadhi (the experience of the truth in practice, that is, one begins to see everything as it is, and falls more into the illusion of the material world).
- According to yoga theory, our sins (mental blocks, bad samskara, energy dirt, etc.) are formed in the subtle bodies from the bottom up (that is first laid down and the extent of contamination higher and higher). That's why the feet are considered the dirtiest in terms of energy, so if you get the legs extended to the Indus – you insult him (especially worth it remember, if you happen to get to satsang any guru). The tradition is to touch the stop saints-enlightened is also growing from the same – thus, people would say: "we recognize that you are fully cleansed from their sins, so for us a great benefit to touch your feet and thus obtain the blessing." Now, as the Lotus unfolds Apana. up, it starts to burn-wash these sins-blocks of what creates pain, and if further practice is very distinct burning sensation. This does not mean that you have to force yourself and try to sit longer, such violence only beget more violence (health problems).
- Activates sushumna and respectively transfers a person in the mode of goodness, sushumna raises the energy from Muladhara to Sahasrara. So you can also say that it helps to awaken the Kundalini (the potential of the person sleeping near the tailbone). So, Padmasana launched upwards and Apana. where did it go? Well, of course, in sushumna! According to yoga theory there are three channels: IDA – left, female, cold channel (corresponds to the mode of ignorance, inertia and passivity), Pingala – right, male, hot channel (corresponds to the mode of passion – the activity). Between them inside of the spine sushumna is the Central channel corresponding to the mode of goodness is characterized by peacefulness, awareness and wisdom.
- Improves blood circulation of pelvic organs and tones the back muscles – if we're talking about gross body. As for the bodies are thinner, it is stated that to sit in the Lotus position may be the only one who's all right with the two lower chakras.
The main obstacles in the development of this posture are lack of flexibility and pain. As to the first, then there are a whole set of exercises aimed at opening the hip joints, study knee and foot warm-up specially for this purpose. Here we touch on only some important aspects and safety.
What to pain syndrome, as we have said the pain is caused due to blocks-sins-long, thin bodies over many lifetimes. In addition, there is an interesting opinion:
Back pain indicate the highest level of "sinfulness" practice (in comparison with those who have pain lower). Back problems and spine in particular, all testify to the fact that a person violates the fundamental principles of life.
- Pain in the hip joints may indicate difficulties with the two lower chakras, and it can be: aggressiveness, excessive lust, sensuality, fears, etc.
- Knee pain indicate excessive pride and respectively – the lack of humility.
- Pain in the feet talk mostly about what man makes is not enough austerity.
- It is also worth noting that astrologically the spine (compliance with laws) and knees (humility) ruled by Saturn, and hips (chastity) and feet (asceticism) is controlled by Jupiter. And this is the most spiritual planet among all the others, although their effect in General is the opposite: Jupiter gives blessings and good fortune, and Saturn is the planet of retribution, suffering and death.
Hashimoto asana (folded sheet) – sitting on the floor, legs extended, feet together, bending at the hip joints with a straight back (this is important so as not to injure the spine.) bend forward, grab your toes and lay down tummy on legs. Jana of sirsh asana (twisted folded sheet) is the same, only one leg bent at the knee and lies perpendicular to straight, adhering thereto the bottom side of the foot. Rising from the position of the Jana Sirs asanas put the foot of the bent leg at the hip joint straight and try to reach the knee to the ground, in the same position, take one arm above the foot joint and the other for the toe, stretch the foot rotational movements in either direction, it is possible to make massage of feet. Purna titali (butterfly pose) – the position achimota asana bend legs at the knees and pushing the knees down to the feet to the pelvis. Capturing foot handles, straighten your back and straighten the shoulders, trying to reach it with your knees to the floor on the sides. Move knees up and down like butterfly wings. This pose is very useful for everyone to learn Padmasana and it is recommended to do before each landing in the Lotus. She twists the knees properly, which prevents them from further trauma during your sublime spiritual research in Padmasana. Bhadrasana and its variations (the auspicious pose) – the pose of the butterfly turn handles the feet so that they would look up, put your elbows on legs and with a straight spine slowly bend forward. Push your feet out to the sides, bend alternately to one then the other leg, remembering that bends to do in the hip joints and in any case not in the back. At the end of the handle on the legs and lean forward with a straight spine. All the other exercises, we will not list due to their complexity and the fact that they are much more comfortable and safer to learn on video content or even better – under the guidance of the instructor. Safety guidelines for stretching exercises
- In any case, to prevent pain! In any stretching reach its limit (maximum comfort) and relax around him, knowing the feeling of stretching. Pain during the stretch indicates a minor injury – it occurs when the torn muscle fibers. Additionally, if the muscle is overly stretched, activates its protective mechanism – he reflexively shrinks causing the next time your stretching will be even worse.
- Start with low positions (seated and supine) and then gradually move to a higher (semi and only at the end – standing). Standing postures such as power and stretching is very helpful for peace of mind and disabling mental dialogue, but for beginners they can be fraught with falls and additional injuries.
- Doing exercises in a relaxed and peaceful state. For this before beginning of practice include quiet music, light candles or incense vasculaire. And first to sit, just listening to yourself or silently asking for protection and patronage of great souls, or deities that are closest to you (Jesus, Maitreya, Krishna, Allah, Buddha, etc.).
If you believe Hatha Yoga Pradipika, any asana is considered mastered if the person can still be in it without any discomfort for at least 3 hours. So quick to curl up in Padmasana and immediately to get out of it is mastering the posture. So here we list some of the nuances for those who have already sat in the Lotus position, but wishes to extend their stay in it:
- Use the exercises in the Lotus posture: bending forward and backward, sideways, chakrasana (rotating body around its axis), rotation left and right (but be careful not to let the unpleasant sensations in the lower back, try to curl up in the thoracic spine).
- With the appearance of pain syndrome first try to move your pelvis and legs from the comfort of the posture. For example, "rotate the hips" or move the foot a few millimeters in one or the other side.
- If the pain does not go away but rather increases – do not suffer it, better change the position, for example, go to achimota asana, then to Jan sirsh asana, Purna titali or Virasana and inverted postures (viparita karani, halasana, etc.). But don't use it for these purposes, a headstand, especially if you are a beginner. After the pain disappears again sit in Padmasana and continue the meditation or the practice of kriyas, and so a few times as you can.
Author: Amrita Giri
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: meditation-portal.com/chem-polezna-poza-lotosa/