Scientists decipher the meaning of 66 chimpanzees sign language
The first "Dictionary" monkey zhestov
In the first systematic study of the language of primates, scientists from the University of St. Andrew were able to decipher the meaning of sign language in chimpanzees. The study shows that chimpanzees use at least 66 gestures in order to use them to pass 19 levels. These gestures are raised arms, light strokes, pritopyvanie feet. This "Dictionary" gathered researchers Hobeyter Katherine and Richard Byrne after seeing 80 wild chimpanzees in the forests of Uganda. After this, they examined more than 4,500 individual situations in order to decipher the true (ie. E. Neigrivye) values of different gestures. Researchers have isolated neigrivoe use, because during a game meaning of gestures is not always "authentic».
Hobeyter argues that only chimpanzees and humans have a communication system in which messages are sent intentionally by one particular individual to another. But this is a very controversial statement. Dolphins, for example, can also communicate with sophisticated use of clicks and whistles. However, there is no doubt the fact that the present study is the first attempt to formally describe the use of certain natural gestures chimpanzees (this is not a description of the characteristic cries, allowing, for example, warn a group of predators). Although it was well known that monkeys use gestures to communicate, until now no one was in a hurry to deal with the actual value of these gestures.
"There is a mass of evidence that chimpanzees and other apes gesture with certain objectives," Byrne said in a statement. "Gestures of monkeys used for other very specific individuals. Suitable monkey gestures selects whichever look at it or not. And she stops gesticulating when it receives the result of which wants to see. Otherwise, it continues to gesture, using alternative gestures, or completely changing tactics gestures ».
Hobeyter and Byrne found that several different gestures can be used to transmit the same values. So, when a chimp flip or another missing, it could mean "stop it." If these gestures are used in a different context, it can mean "to climb on me." The sharp throwing the hands forward or pat object can mean "go." Chimpanzees can convey "I want this" or "give me that" just raising his hand.
via factroom.ru

In the first systematic study of the language of primates, scientists from the University of St. Andrew were able to decipher the meaning of sign language in chimpanzees. The study shows that chimpanzees use at least 66 gestures in order to use them to pass 19 levels. These gestures are raised arms, light strokes, pritopyvanie feet. This "Dictionary" gathered researchers Hobeyter Katherine and Richard Byrne after seeing 80 wild chimpanzees in the forests of Uganda. After this, they examined more than 4,500 individual situations in order to decipher the true (ie. E. Neigrivye) values of different gestures. Researchers have isolated neigrivoe use, because during a game meaning of gestures is not always "authentic».
Hobeyter argues that only chimpanzees and humans have a communication system in which messages are sent intentionally by one particular individual to another. But this is a very controversial statement. Dolphins, for example, can also communicate with sophisticated use of clicks and whistles. However, there is no doubt the fact that the present study is the first attempt to formally describe the use of certain natural gestures chimpanzees (this is not a description of the characteristic cries, allowing, for example, warn a group of predators). Although it was well known that monkeys use gestures to communicate, until now no one was in a hurry to deal with the actual value of these gestures.
"There is a mass of evidence that chimpanzees and other apes gesture with certain objectives," Byrne said in a statement. "Gestures of monkeys used for other very specific individuals. Suitable monkey gestures selects whichever look at it or not. And she stops gesticulating when it receives the result of which wants to see. Otherwise, it continues to gesture, using alternative gestures, or completely changing tactics gestures ».
Hobeyter and Byrne found that several different gestures can be used to transmit the same values. So, when a chimp flip or another missing, it could mean "stop it." If these gestures are used in a different context, it can mean "to climb on me." The sharp throwing the hands forward or pat object can mean "go." Chimpanzees can convey "I want this" or "give me that" just raising his hand.
via factroom.ru
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