Sensation: chimpanzees in Africa have come up with some sort of God and pray to him
This is really a sensation. For the first time scientists have seen the birth of religion is not in humans, and in animals! Namely - a group of chimpanzees in Africa without any sense began to build a pyramid of stones in the empty trunks of old trees. Site publishes an article explaining podrobnosti.Videokamery recorded, how things are going. < Older males approach the "holy" place, with a loud cry thrown into an empty tree trunk next stone, and reverently removed. What is most striking, after they put a stone, a chimpanzee a few seconds sway from side to the side, making it quite unusual movement. The impression is that they pray or meditate. This writes the journal Scientific Reports. Scientists believe that a chimpanzee invented himself some religion, a symbol of her made a handful of stones and empty trunks of old trees have become proto-temples.
In fact, large and beautiful stones -. Probably the oldest "temple" of humanity The people still worship the individual stones, such as the Blue stone on the outskirts of Pereslavl Zaleski. And in ancient times, according to the testimony of ancient authors, such worship of stones was set. They were decorated with wreaths and poured oil. heaps of stones were sacred, forbidden place in almost all religions, for example, we have in the North. It is believed that every stone in a heap - it is the soul of an ancestor. Scientists believe that chimpanzees and throw a stone in a heap when their relatives die.
< Religion is considered the main difference between man and animal. Classical anthropology says that animals leave their dead, and do not show interest in them. The appearance of burials scientists believe the most important feature of the conversion of the animal in man. But in the case of chimpanzees, we do not see even a burial (that monkey mourn his dead, it was known before), but the real place of worship.
< In this way, religion is not limited to humans, but and animals. I'm sure in the minds of chimpanzees, who are building a pyramid from stones, have an idea of some spirits, have the names of these spirits, and hence, there is a place for abstract concepts very high level. It is not excluded that chimpanzees may even arise a science (although the earliest religion, and early science - it's almost the same thing).
What happened, the scientists simply did not notice before religion in animals? Or, in our time, for unknown reasons, suddenly it began the rapid development of intelligence in apes? Rather, the first - the discovery was made possible by the powerful video cameras, working independently, and this - a recent invention
. via nowwow.info/2016/03/02/shimpanze_religia/

In fact, large and beautiful stones -. Probably the oldest "temple" of humanity The people still worship the individual stones, such as the Blue stone on the outskirts of Pereslavl Zaleski. And in ancient times, according to the testimony of ancient authors, such worship of stones was set. They were decorated with wreaths and poured oil. heaps of stones were sacred, forbidden place in almost all religions, for example, we have in the North. It is believed that every stone in a heap - it is the soul of an ancestor. Scientists believe that chimpanzees and throw a stone in a heap when their relatives die.
< Religion is considered the main difference between man and animal. Classical anthropology says that animals leave their dead, and do not show interest in them. The appearance of burials scientists believe the most important feature of the conversion of the animal in man. But in the case of chimpanzees, we do not see even a burial (that monkey mourn his dead, it was known before), but the real place of worship.
< In this way, religion is not limited to humans, but and animals. I'm sure in the minds of chimpanzees, who are building a pyramid from stones, have an idea of some spirits, have the names of these spirits, and hence, there is a place for abstract concepts very high level. It is not excluded that chimpanzees may even arise a science (although the earliest religion, and early science - it's almost the same thing).
What happened, the scientists simply did not notice before religion in animals? Or, in our time, for unknown reasons, suddenly it began the rapid development of intelligence in apes? Rather, the first - the discovery was made possible by the powerful video cameras, working independently, and this - a recent invention
. via nowwow.info/2016/03/02/shimpanze_religia/
On the surface this is a common church, but if you change the angle ... It's just amazing!
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