Chimpanzees - no monkey
They belong to the same family as the lyudi
Chimpanzees are often mistaken for one of the species of monkeys - this is how they are called in the books, films and commercials. Nonetheless, chimpanzees - apes not they belong to the family of mammals, known as hominids. Other hominids - gorillas, orangutans, bonobos and people.
Hominids form one half of the superfamily of hominids, the other half - lesser apes, which include gibbons and siamang.
The main difference from the chimpanzee monkeys that almost all monkeys have tails, which they use as a fifth appendage. And, despite the fact that monkeys - quite intelligent animals, but compared to most of their hominid brains are weak because hominids have much more in relation to the body of the brain and more skillfully use the materials at hand.
In addition, the growth of large monkeys, mandrill, does not exceed the 91-cm, while chimpanzees grow up to 170 cm. Also, the chimpanzee much more life expectancy, at times comparable with the human.
The most significant differences from chimp monkeys - genetics: humans, chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas from the standpoint of genetics are closely related species. Some scientists believe that humans and chimps have 96-99% of the total DNA. Monkeys are also further from the people - as a percentage of the total number of genes does not exceed 93%.
via factroom.ru

Chimpanzees are often mistaken for one of the species of monkeys - this is how they are called in the books, films and commercials. Nonetheless, chimpanzees - apes not they belong to the family of mammals, known as hominids. Other hominids - gorillas, orangutans, bonobos and people.
Hominids form one half of the superfamily of hominids, the other half - lesser apes, which include gibbons and siamang.
The main difference from the chimpanzee monkeys that almost all monkeys have tails, which they use as a fifth appendage. And, despite the fact that monkeys - quite intelligent animals, but compared to most of their hominid brains are weak because hominids have much more in relation to the body of the brain and more skillfully use the materials at hand.
In addition, the growth of large monkeys, mandrill, does not exceed the 91-cm, while chimpanzees grow up to 170 cm. Also, the chimpanzee much more life expectancy, at times comparable with the human.
The most significant differences from chimp monkeys - genetics: humans, chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas from the standpoint of genetics are closely related species. Some scientists believe that humans and chimps have 96-99% of the total DNA. Monkeys are also further from the people - as a percentage of the total number of genes does not exceed 93%.
via factroom.ru
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