Overview ohotstvolov
Hello dear yapovtsy! From the beginning, a little retreat. Why did I create posts about the weapons and why? a complex issue, and in a nutshell it is not the answer. You can recall the respect for the traditions of some cultures, you can remember about the migration policy of the Kremlin, we can recall that the police arrive or corpses counted or she creates lawlessness.
And, accordingly, the phrase pops up that - the salvation utopayuschih- handiwork of drowning (so still in the union tried otmazatsya why no lifeguards on the beach, such as yourself into shit got in, and get out themselves)
That's why I'm writing these posts popularization of weapons among the law-abiding people and adequate.
Unfortunately, I note that such posts is read by people who are already in the vault is the barrel and not even one. But there are also some newcomers, and if after my posts will be added adequate owners oruzhiya- I'll be only too happy.
Just want to say opponents weapons.
1- I am the bearer of the notorious Russian mentality and own a weapon ... and as long as no one shot and that is not very cool shot himself! (And even sometimes enemies oruzhiya- Russophobes and through the "Russian stupid you can not give them anything." Who makes a Russian opinion that you can not have a weapon I know, though guess)
2- I am a carrier of weapons of culture, I got partially (10%) in the army and 90% just by buying your trunk. (Otsutvii opponents talk about culture, such as in how anekdte first learn to swim, and then pour the water into the pool)
3- Legal weapons are not shooting for the crime (at percentage of crimes with the legal barrel negligible ... it must be a complete dunce).
4- I am a law-abiding citizen and I believe. I have every right to protect themselves.
5- weapon is not a panacea, but merely an extra chance. And the weapon does not kill, as well as the pen itself does not make mistakes, and clothing itself is not spoiled ...
But do not let the enemies weapons Russophobia, today I want to talk (again, in previous posts people requested) hunting weapons. Namely the double-barreled shotguns.
Thus, according to tradition. I admit that I'm a man, and to err is human, so if you find some inaccuracy Ali grubuyu- popravte mistake! to 9 pictures. I'll try to ...
poshustree And further! Samples of weapons just Nemer! so I can not cover everything, so do not blame me!
Perazzi MX8
For the Italian arms company Perazzi MX8 guns have become one of the major keys to success and prosperity. The weapon was originally conceived as a sport, and, accordingly, it is done from scratch as a sporting shotgun, not a sports modification of one of the universal guns. With the advent of MH8 firm Perazzi gained worldwide fame as a producer of excellent sports dvustvolok with vertical trunks (although this line is available and Single-variant). The result of the great popularity of Perazzi shotguns MH8 was the fact that to this day, many athletes-shooters use this particular vertikalku or its later modernized versions, for example, such as is also very famous model Perazzi MH2000.Mozhno called a lot of names of famous athletes, champions different types of competitions on shooting from smooth-bore firearms, preferring Perazzi MX8. Among these athletes, and many Russian families, such as our compatriot Alexei Alipov, champion of Russia, Europe and the world, Olympic gold medalist in shooting, has long been used guns Perazzi, and won with the help of a lot of different weapons highest awards for achievements in sports. The most common caliber for Perazzi MH8 is the 12th, but these guns are manufactured and 20th caliber. Most trunks for these guns is exactly for these gauges. The chambers in the trunks are either standard length of 70 mm or under cartridges "Magnum", length 76 mm. In the chamber "Magnum" can be charged and conventional ammunition, with the sleeve 70 mm. Photo1
Kurkova two-barrel "gorizontalki" TOZ-B is the first model with external Kurkov, which was released one of the few large domestic arms companies, namely the Tula Arms Plant. In 1902 it was released the first series of the weapons. For reasons of difficulty associated with the outbreak of the First World War, during almost 20 years, the plant is not issued hunting rifle. In 1920 a copy of TOZ-B was again put on the conveyor mass production, which did not end until the beginning of World War II. For obvious reasons (the widespread conversion of production on military weapons) throughout the war about this gun is not remembered. And after the end of World War II - full-scale production resumed again (in 1945) and continued with some ten years - until 1956. It is believed that the double-barreled gun, however, as its subsequent variations - the most simple in manufacturing, handling and operation, and also has the lowest price, which has always given the opportunity to buy it almost every fan of hunting. The apparent disadvantage TOZ-B (except for rare instances piece), is its low survivability (fast amortization), unstable fight precariousness and pads, which appears in the majority of guns in passing the barrier nastrela 1500 shots. Photo 2
Tula Kurkova guns were fired in the history not so much. But there are models that we can not mention, since their production manufacturers to hone skills and improvement occurred guns themselves. One such model is the TOZ-BM, which replaced its progenitor pioneering TOZ-B, presented by Tula gunsmiths hunters and all fans of shooting. That is, based on the model with the suffix "B", in 1957 it began the production of improved or upgraded (which can be understood by the letter "M" in the name of the gun) which is intended for the amateur as well as for commercial hunting. Often these guns there so-called "baptism" when the right barrel during firing gives failure left, and the left, on the contrary - to the right. This, of course, applies only to ordinary rifles TOZ-BM. But as the cost of such instances in the 60s - 70s was small (this "Tulku" was a common item of consumer goods), it is fully consistent with the minimum requirements and uncomplicated greater mass amateur hunters with fishers. In the taiga and other remote areas of the Soviet Union TOZ-BM, despite its three million "circulation" it was often a scarce commodity in general, and for all the pros and cons, always been coveted shotgun. Photo 3
IL-12 - a rather old Soviet representative of hunting and sporting guns, these weapons were produced from 1962 to 1974. This weapon is one of the first mass-produced bokflintov Soviet production, and perhaps one of the best to this day when it comes to low-cost mass-vertikalka domestic shotgun. Due to the very close proximity triggers uncomfortable to move your finger from one hook to another. Because braces, when pressing the trigger occurs lag shot. Some shooters impression that the trigger failed. But this lack of noticeable little hunters. Rib is chamfered, leaving a butt angle. This leads to what is unaccustomed to this weapon while firing arrows at random often miss the mark, to the gun should be privyknut.No, despite the above shortcomings, the IL-12 rifle is valued higher than its direct modern descendant, Izhevsk vertikalka IL-27, thanks to its reliability, simplicity and durability, as well as due to the high quality manufacture. The vast majority of hunters, owning or possessing a gun that they are very satisfied. Photo 4
IL-27 is among the most popular among hunters and sportsmen stendovikov class guns with vertical trunks ("vertikalok", "bokflintov"). Vertikalok became continuation of the series, produced by IMZ, IL-27 was replaced in 1973 produced an early IL-12, which served as the basis for its creation. In contrast, IL-12, IL-27 was ventilated rib in the upper trunk. Terminal IZH-27 has a smaller size and weight compared to its predecessor. Many changes were made in the production technology side of its simplicity, and as a result, reduce the cost. Initially, IL-27 was produced with two triggers. In 1977 started production variant rifles with one universal trigger action allows you to change The order of the shot. This embodiment was nazvanieIZh 27-1S.V-IL-27-1S "default" after loading the sequence of shots by pressing the shutter traditional first fires the lower barrel, when you press the shutter - the top. If you want to change the order of the arrow, then before the shot you want to pull the trigger of the needle all the way forward, then the sequence of shots to the back (first upper trunk, and then lower). To return to the original The order of the need to withdraw the locking lever without opening the trunk and release ego.Dlya prevent simultaneous firing of two trunks, the gun is equipped with a built-in inertial disconnector, which controls The order of the shots. And in general - IL-27 rifle well made, especially in the necessary modification for you. Its cost is several times lower than the cost of similar rifles brands, but the workmanship of ordinary IL-27 is inferior burzhuinskie bokflintam. And it works almost the same way. So there is a choice for you. Photo 5
IL-43 and its modifications - the next stage in the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant on the production of smooth-bore hunting weapons of mass with two twin horizontal shafts. It was created on the basis of IL-58MA which, in turn, is the processing in the direction of greater adaptability and cheapness of production of a good, but not cheap for a double-barreled shotgun hunter Soviet IL-54.Deyatelnost designers to develop a new IL-43 rifles uprated in 1984 , and in 1986 this gorizontalki go into series production. In the new model, in addition to cost reduction, Izhevsk gunsmiths have achieved a perfect performance and the safety of the ejector mechanism, and to improve adherence to the barrel unit kolodke.Natselennost on the task of creating an inexpensive and versatile hunting weapons has been fully achieved, and in 1995 the number of issued copies was 300 000 units. A production of guns in a variety of embodiments and with various modifications for every taste and budget continues to this day under the name of the MP-43, including those guns go for export. When firing trigger guard unsuccessful forms can sometimes injure the finger - treated reworking staples, changes in the shape of an existing coating or its protective materialom.V these guns imperfections observed anti-corrosion coating. To prevent rust owners to multi-day hunts just occasionally rubbed oil metal surface. Photo 6
IL-54 has been designed to IMZ in 1954 by a major alteration model IL-49, which, in turn, was a copy of Sauer 8. Initially, the aim was to ensure the production of reliable and Soviet fishermen dobychlivym weapons, but in the 60 well proven model went for export, initiating the trade of the USSR affordable hunting rifles. The issue lasted until 1969, and then the gun went off the assembly line, they do not meet the new requirements of the complexity of production. That is a minus for the Soviet state, users turned a big advantage - collected almost hand gun because of good handling and fitting components deservedly acquired the reputation of reliable and neubivaemaya hunting weapon with a good fight. Advantages of Q-gun in its manufacture, and vitality, which is embedded with multiple reserve. When factory tests barrel unit to withstand pressure of more than 2000 kg / cm, with a passport to 750 kg / cm, and a test of 800-850 kg / cm. Such pressures have made use of the charge of 6 grams of gunpowder "Falcon" by an addition of 35 grams of the fraction. The trunks of the test sample swelled only semigrammovogo powder charge. And now, after 50-60 years after manufacture, guns are hunters with no backlash and Shatov, and usually did not require any repairs in my entire life, long almost like a human. Photo 7
Today there is growing interest of hunters to the old Soviet guns. The fact that the quality of modern weapons inferior to the quality of weapons produced during the Soviet era. IL-58 - a classic shotgun-gorizontalki IZhMEHa production, and today it is popular with hunters. On the basics of design and decoration is a common vnutrikurkovoe ordinary double-barreled shotgun, similar to modern IL-43, only more carefully made with better materials. IL-58 - a good well made gun, suitable for fishing and hunting for sport. Easy, beautiful and accurate. Good shooting and a bullet, and shot and shot. It has a narrow fore-end, but you can get used to this. Although it is likely, first and foremost, a matter of habit. Non-automatic safety is fully reliable and allows you to safely operate the weapon. Automatic fuses hunters often cut off (in versions IL-58 with an automatic safety device can be deactivated). Photo8
Vnutrikurkovaya shotgun - "Bokflint" (with vertical shafts) TOZ-34 was first seen by the world community in 1965 at the Leipzig Fair, where the Soviet weapons production was honored to be awarded the Gold Medal. Hunting rifle TOZ-34 - the product of the Tula gunsmiths, the basic idea of this model developed by designers NI Korovyakov, as well as in the creation of a gun took a prominent part Tula designers Paramonov, Ochnev and Ferapontov. Vitality guns on the documents - not less than 12 thousand shots actually goes much more TOZ-34 rifle is very tenacious. On TOZ-34 provides for the possibility of eliminating backlash trunks, which is formed by the emergence of a gap between the end of the breech and "forehead" pads. On this very "forehead" has a removable plate with two screws, and if the gun appeared above the gap, it is easily corrected by installing a removable plate gasket thickness corresponding to the gap, from which "head" block, as it were pushed forward. Photo 9
On this, perhaps, finish, because excess is harmful. Thank you all for your attention. Your Haupman.
Py.sy. a long time ago Tupolev said the ugly plane will not fly. I think these golden words are almost everything ...
And, accordingly, the phrase pops up that - the salvation utopayuschih- handiwork of drowning (so still in the union tried otmazatsya why no lifeguards on the beach, such as yourself into shit got in, and get out themselves)
That's why I'm writing these posts popularization of weapons among the law-abiding people and adequate.
Unfortunately, I note that such posts is read by people who are already in the vault is the barrel and not even one. But there are also some newcomers, and if after my posts will be added adequate owners oruzhiya- I'll be only too happy.
Just want to say opponents weapons.
1- I am the bearer of the notorious Russian mentality and own a weapon ... and as long as no one shot and that is not very cool shot himself! (And even sometimes enemies oruzhiya- Russophobes and through the "Russian stupid you can not give them anything." Who makes a Russian opinion that you can not have a weapon I know, though guess)
2- I am a carrier of weapons of culture, I got partially (10%) in the army and 90% just by buying your trunk. (Otsutvii opponents talk about culture, such as in how anekdte first learn to swim, and then pour the water into the pool)
3- Legal weapons are not shooting for the crime (at percentage of crimes with the legal barrel negligible ... it must be a complete dunce).
4- I am a law-abiding citizen and I believe. I have every right to protect themselves.
5- weapon is not a panacea, but merely an extra chance. And the weapon does not kill, as well as the pen itself does not make mistakes, and clothing itself is not spoiled ...
But do not let the enemies weapons Russophobia, today I want to talk (again, in previous posts people requested) hunting weapons. Namely the double-barreled shotguns.
Thus, according to tradition. I admit that I'm a man, and to err is human, so if you find some inaccuracy Ali grubuyu- popravte mistake! to 9 pictures. I'll try to ...
poshustree And further! Samples of weapons just Nemer! so I can not cover everything, so do not blame me!
Perazzi MX8
For the Italian arms company Perazzi MX8 guns have become one of the major keys to success and prosperity. The weapon was originally conceived as a sport, and, accordingly, it is done from scratch as a sporting shotgun, not a sports modification of one of the universal guns. With the advent of MH8 firm Perazzi gained worldwide fame as a producer of excellent sports dvustvolok with vertical trunks (although this line is available and Single-variant). The result of the great popularity of Perazzi shotguns MH8 was the fact that to this day, many athletes-shooters use this particular vertikalku or its later modernized versions, for example, such as is also very famous model Perazzi MH2000.Mozhno called a lot of names of famous athletes, champions different types of competitions on shooting from smooth-bore firearms, preferring Perazzi MX8. Among these athletes, and many Russian families, such as our compatriot Alexei Alipov, champion of Russia, Europe and the world, Olympic gold medalist in shooting, has long been used guns Perazzi, and won with the help of a lot of different weapons highest awards for achievements in sports. The most common caliber for Perazzi MH8 is the 12th, but these guns are manufactured and 20th caliber. Most trunks for these guns is exactly for these gauges. The chambers in the trunks are either standard length of 70 mm or under cartridges "Magnum", length 76 mm. In the chamber "Magnum" can be charged and conventional ammunition, with the sleeve 70 mm. Photo1

Kurkova two-barrel "gorizontalki" TOZ-B is the first model with external Kurkov, which was released one of the few large domestic arms companies, namely the Tula Arms Plant. In 1902 it was released the first series of the weapons. For reasons of difficulty associated with the outbreak of the First World War, during almost 20 years, the plant is not issued hunting rifle. In 1920 a copy of TOZ-B was again put on the conveyor mass production, which did not end until the beginning of World War II. For obvious reasons (the widespread conversion of production on military weapons) throughout the war about this gun is not remembered. And after the end of World War II - full-scale production resumed again (in 1945) and continued with some ten years - until 1956. It is believed that the double-barreled gun, however, as its subsequent variations - the most simple in manufacturing, handling and operation, and also has the lowest price, which has always given the opportunity to buy it almost every fan of hunting. The apparent disadvantage TOZ-B (except for rare instances piece), is its low survivability (fast amortization), unstable fight precariousness and pads, which appears in the majority of guns in passing the barrier nastrela 1500 shots. Photo 2

Tula Kurkova guns were fired in the history not so much. But there are models that we can not mention, since their production manufacturers to hone skills and improvement occurred guns themselves. One such model is the TOZ-BM, which replaced its progenitor pioneering TOZ-B, presented by Tula gunsmiths hunters and all fans of shooting. That is, based on the model with the suffix "B", in 1957 it began the production of improved or upgraded (which can be understood by the letter "M" in the name of the gun) which is intended for the amateur as well as for commercial hunting. Often these guns there so-called "baptism" when the right barrel during firing gives failure left, and the left, on the contrary - to the right. This, of course, applies only to ordinary rifles TOZ-BM. But as the cost of such instances in the 60s - 70s was small (this "Tulku" was a common item of consumer goods), it is fully consistent with the minimum requirements and uncomplicated greater mass amateur hunters with fishers. In the taiga and other remote areas of the Soviet Union TOZ-BM, despite its three million "circulation" it was often a scarce commodity in general, and for all the pros and cons, always been coveted shotgun. Photo 3

IL-12 - a rather old Soviet representative of hunting and sporting guns, these weapons were produced from 1962 to 1974. This weapon is one of the first mass-produced bokflintov Soviet production, and perhaps one of the best to this day when it comes to low-cost mass-vertikalka domestic shotgun. Due to the very close proximity triggers uncomfortable to move your finger from one hook to another. Because braces, when pressing the trigger occurs lag shot. Some shooters impression that the trigger failed. But this lack of noticeable little hunters. Rib is chamfered, leaving a butt angle. This leads to what is unaccustomed to this weapon while firing arrows at random often miss the mark, to the gun should be privyknut.No, despite the above shortcomings, the IL-12 rifle is valued higher than its direct modern descendant, Izhevsk vertikalka IL-27, thanks to its reliability, simplicity and durability, as well as due to the high quality manufacture. The vast majority of hunters, owning or possessing a gun that they are very satisfied. Photo 4

IL-27 is among the most popular among hunters and sportsmen stendovikov class guns with vertical trunks ("vertikalok", "bokflintov"). Vertikalok became continuation of the series, produced by IMZ, IL-27 was replaced in 1973 produced an early IL-12, which served as the basis for its creation. In contrast, IL-12, IL-27 was ventilated rib in the upper trunk. Terminal IZH-27 has a smaller size and weight compared to its predecessor. Many changes were made in the production technology side of its simplicity, and as a result, reduce the cost. Initially, IL-27 was produced with two triggers. In 1977 started production variant rifles with one universal trigger action allows you to change The order of the shot. This embodiment was nazvanieIZh 27-1S.V-IL-27-1S "default" after loading the sequence of shots by pressing the shutter traditional first fires the lower barrel, when you press the shutter - the top. If you want to change the order of the arrow, then before the shot you want to pull the trigger of the needle all the way forward, then the sequence of shots to the back (first upper trunk, and then lower). To return to the original The order of the need to withdraw the locking lever without opening the trunk and release ego.Dlya prevent simultaneous firing of two trunks, the gun is equipped with a built-in inertial disconnector, which controls The order of the shots. And in general - IL-27 rifle well made, especially in the necessary modification for you. Its cost is several times lower than the cost of similar rifles brands, but the workmanship of ordinary IL-27 is inferior burzhuinskie bokflintam. And it works almost the same way. So there is a choice for you. Photo 5

IL-43 and its modifications - the next stage in the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant on the production of smooth-bore hunting weapons of mass with two twin horizontal shafts. It was created on the basis of IL-58MA which, in turn, is the processing in the direction of greater adaptability and cheapness of production of a good, but not cheap for a double-barreled shotgun hunter Soviet IL-54.Deyatelnost designers to develop a new IL-43 rifles uprated in 1984 , and in 1986 this gorizontalki go into series production. In the new model, in addition to cost reduction, Izhevsk gunsmiths have achieved a perfect performance and the safety of the ejector mechanism, and to improve adherence to the barrel unit kolodke.Natselennost on the task of creating an inexpensive and versatile hunting weapons has been fully achieved, and in 1995 the number of issued copies was 300 000 units. A production of guns in a variety of embodiments and with various modifications for every taste and budget continues to this day under the name of the MP-43, including those guns go for export. When firing trigger guard unsuccessful forms can sometimes injure the finger - treated reworking staples, changes in the shape of an existing coating or its protective materialom.V these guns imperfections observed anti-corrosion coating. To prevent rust owners to multi-day hunts just occasionally rubbed oil metal surface. Photo 6

IL-54 has been designed to IMZ in 1954 by a major alteration model IL-49, which, in turn, was a copy of Sauer 8. Initially, the aim was to ensure the production of reliable and Soviet fishermen dobychlivym weapons, but in the 60 well proven model went for export, initiating the trade of the USSR affordable hunting rifles. The issue lasted until 1969, and then the gun went off the assembly line, they do not meet the new requirements of the complexity of production. That is a minus for the Soviet state, users turned a big advantage - collected almost hand gun because of good handling and fitting components deservedly acquired the reputation of reliable and neubivaemaya hunting weapon with a good fight. Advantages of Q-gun in its manufacture, and vitality, which is embedded with multiple reserve. When factory tests barrel unit to withstand pressure of more than 2000 kg / cm, with a passport to 750 kg / cm, and a test of 800-850 kg / cm. Such pressures have made use of the charge of 6 grams of gunpowder "Falcon" by an addition of 35 grams of the fraction. The trunks of the test sample swelled only semigrammovogo powder charge. And now, after 50-60 years after manufacture, guns are hunters with no backlash and Shatov, and usually did not require any repairs in my entire life, long almost like a human. Photo 7

Today there is growing interest of hunters to the old Soviet guns. The fact that the quality of modern weapons inferior to the quality of weapons produced during the Soviet era. IL-58 - a classic shotgun-gorizontalki IZhMEHa production, and today it is popular with hunters. On the basics of design and decoration is a common vnutrikurkovoe ordinary double-barreled shotgun, similar to modern IL-43, only more carefully made with better materials. IL-58 - a good well made gun, suitable for fishing and hunting for sport. Easy, beautiful and accurate. Good shooting and a bullet, and shot and shot. It has a narrow fore-end, but you can get used to this. Although it is likely, first and foremost, a matter of habit. Non-automatic safety is fully reliable and allows you to safely operate the weapon. Automatic fuses hunters often cut off (in versions IL-58 with an automatic safety device can be deactivated). Photo8

Vnutrikurkovaya shotgun - "Bokflint" (with vertical shafts) TOZ-34 was first seen by the world community in 1965 at the Leipzig Fair, where the Soviet weapons production was honored to be awarded the Gold Medal. Hunting rifle TOZ-34 - the product of the Tula gunsmiths, the basic idea of this model developed by designers NI Korovyakov, as well as in the creation of a gun took a prominent part Tula designers Paramonov, Ochnev and Ferapontov. Vitality guns on the documents - not less than 12 thousand shots actually goes much more TOZ-34 rifle is very tenacious. On TOZ-34 provides for the possibility of eliminating backlash trunks, which is formed by the emergence of a gap between the end of the breech and "forehead" pads. On this very "forehead" has a removable plate with two screws, and if the gun appeared above the gap, it is easily corrected by installing a removable plate gasket thickness corresponding to the gap, from which "head" block, as it were pushed forward. Photo 9
On this, perhaps, finish, because excess is harmful. Thank you all for your attention. Your Haupman.
Py.sy. a long time ago Tupolev said the ugly plane will not fly. I think these golden words are almost everything ...
