As the German snipers were calculated officers.
As the German snipers were calculated British officers?
In Normandy, in 1944, German forces against the Allies launched a real sniper war. Particularly valuable "prize" for the German snipers were British officers. Therefore, most of their bullets they die. When one of the snipers was captured anglichanami- he was asked how he and his "colleagues" managed to find exactly the officers (after British officers have long been worn by a simple field uniform without insignia), he smiled and replied:
"We just shoot people with a mustache" (in those days the British army were allowed to wear only a mustache officers). That happened with the sniper, history is silent - but a mustache wearing a British army officer stopped.
In Normandy, in 1944, German forces against the Allies launched a real sniper war. Particularly valuable "prize" for the German snipers were British officers. Therefore, most of their bullets they die. When one of the snipers was captured anglichanami- he was asked how he and his "colleagues" managed to find exactly the officers (after British officers have long been worn by a simple field uniform without insignia), he smiled and replied:
"We just shoot people with a mustache" (in those days the British army were allowed to wear only a mustache officers). That happened with the sniper, history is silent - but a mustache wearing a British army officer stopped.
