How to choose a heater to testify: tips and advice
To have hot water at the cottage, of course, very good, but it should be understood that not all country estates, there is the possibility to carry out heating water in the traditional way. In principle, this is the main criterion for selecting a heater to testify. Opportunities – that's what the secret is.
Only on the basis of they need to address the question of how to choose a water heater for the garden – that is what we will look at in this article. Together with the website moyadacha.org we will examine existing models of water heaters, and then fit them to country conditions – you will only properly execute your choice according to your country-house resources.
How to choose a water heater for villas: pressure and non-pressure model of the heatersIs perhaps the most important point that you need to pay attention, wondering what kind of heater to choose for the garden. Simply put, it is the presence of in the summer house stationary water in which the water is under pressure. If there is one, and the water in it is supplied by the pump station, creating a low pressure in two atmospheres, then there are no problems. And, by and large, you can install the same heaters as installed in houses and apartments, located in the city. Namely, storage and instantaneous hot water tanks, and if there is in the country of gas, and gas column.
A few tricky things in the cottages, which are not equipped with stationary water – in this case, your choice will be quite limited. On the one hand it is good – don't have too long to wrestle with the question of choice. Here, you have the option to say, only one bulk water tanks. They can work from different energy sources means electricity, gas, and solar energy, and even regular wood-burning stove, the use of which in the summer is not very comfortable.
On the selection criteria of the heater to testify here.
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By and large, the bulk water tank can not even buy in the store – it simply made with your own hands. In fact, it is a steel or plastic container equipped with a heater.
How to choose a water heater for the cottages, depending on the source of energyIn principle, there's not a lot to explain do not have to – everything is clear without words. If in the country there is no electricity, and then about installing an electric water heater can not be considered. Ask what there is an exit from such situations? In principle, modern technologies allow to heat the water in different ways.
Solar energy. In most cases vacationers plenty of hot water is not necessary, and most importantly, there is no need to heat it to a high temperature. Of course, if you do not plan to live in the country in the winter – in this case, it is better to house electricity or gas and equip it with stationary water. What man needs in the summer season, is to wash himself, and possibly to clear a couple of sets of dishes with these tasks copes ordinary vessel in which water is heated by the sun. Yes, this tank has one drawback – in cloudy weather you can not count on the presence of in the summer house, even warm water. In this respect, it is better to give preference to the solar collector – it can heat water even at low solar radiation.
Solid fuel. The disadvantage of such heaters is that, together with water and they heat the room that summer is not quite acceptable. Basically, if in the summer house there is a separate empty space, this heater can be installed in it – in this case, the heat will not spread throughout the house.
Another disadvantage of such heaters is a complex how to install them – in fact, it is a complete system, consisting of three or even four parts. Is the water heater storage tank, which is better to install in the upper part of the house, the piping system for supplying heated water to a storage tank and back to heated, as well as the pipelines supplying water to the consumer.
Moreover, all pipelines should be properly mounted to the transportation of the liquid is carried out naturally, without additional pumping equipment.
Liquid fuel. Option is the same as with solid fuels – the only difference is the energy source used. In the end, if the question of hot water is very serious, then the country can result in several cylinders of liquefied gas which is to heat water. I agree, somewhat expensive, but if hot water availability in the country, then you can go for such sacrifices.
In General, as mentioned above, the question of what water heater to give better solved on the basis of the availability of those or other energy resources available in the house electricity, so it would be better an electric water heater. If you have everything, including gas, it is better to give preference to gas, since today it is the cheapest source of energy.
How to make a water heater for villas with their hands: step by step instructionsWith the same success it is enough just to make any type of bulk water tank for the garden – not only for its Assembly and installation will take not so much money. Consider in more detail some of the most common ways of solving the question of how to make the best water heater for villas with their hands?
Electric liquid heater. This is perhaps the easiest option of the manufacturer of the water heater for villas with their hands – here will need a few things. This capacity, which may be of ordinary plastic or metal bucket and the heating element is, in principle, suitable even for the powerful heater, but better to buy a heater with a thermostat, such as those used in electric heated towel rail. To install it in the bucket you will need to cut the sleeves and secure it with two lock nuts, do not forget to set both sides of the bucket the rubber seals. Further all is simple – on spigot is screwed on the coupler, which is screwed into the heater. You should also punch in a bucket and a faucet that can be installed in exactly the same way as thermoelectric heater with thermostat.
If the capacity to use large and hang it somewhere under the ceiling, then distribute the hot water will be on a few clients instead of a crane, you will need to connect the pipe and raise it in the house. Now add the same tank of cold water, and you get almost full summer water, the only drawback will be the need to periodically fill the tanks. By and large, exactly the same way you can make the water heater of closed type, designed to work under pressure – the only difference between them is in the type of heating heating element and method of its frame. Here it would need a welder and the ability to use it.
Solar water heater liquid type. The principle is almost the same, only in this case the tank does not have to equip a heating element – instead, it will run the sun. This tank must be installed on the roof as close as possible to the direct rays of the sun. For more efficient heating of the water tank should be painted black. Again, this way you will be able to provide themselves with hot water only in hot Sunny day to cloudy weather additionally, this capacity can be embedded electric heating element.
Solid fuel heater. It is also easy to manufacture, but to some extent they will have to Tinker a little longer – in fact, you will need to do some semblance of a simple solid fuel boiler. In large measure a question of manufacture simplifies the boiler or stove – in this situation you will need to have only the heating capacity and connected to the existing heating system – it can even be embedded in the heating system as an extra battery.
The principle of operation of such heating element is very simple – the boiler heats water in a receptacle from which it is moved to another located in the attic or on the ceiling. From the top of the tank via pipelines water is supplied to customers. In principle, as such idea is not very good and its use only makes sense when the boiler or furnace is located in non-residential premises.
The question of how to provide a countryside house with hot water, can solve in other ways – types of water heaters for the garden quite a lot, but they are ineffective, and most importantly, in need of constant control. In particular, the need to monitor the presence of water. In this regard, the best option will be the standard water tank of the closed type – to install, first have to make water running from a permanent water source. It is at least a well or borehole, plus a small pumping station and Sewerage. Coming up that way to address the issue of how to choose a water heater for the cottages, you not only ensure your vacation home with hot water, but also will create preconditions for creation of urban amenities in it. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: moyadacha.org/kak-vybrat-vodonagrevatel-dlya-dachi/

Only on the basis of they need to address the question of how to choose a water heater for the garden – that is what we will look at in this article. Together with the website moyadacha.org we will examine existing models of water heaters, and then fit them to country conditions – you will only properly execute your choice according to your country-house resources.

How to choose a water heater for villas: pressure and non-pressure model of the heatersIs perhaps the most important point that you need to pay attention, wondering what kind of heater to choose for the garden. Simply put, it is the presence of in the summer house stationary water in which the water is under pressure. If there is one, and the water in it is supplied by the pump station, creating a low pressure in two atmospheres, then there are no problems. And, by and large, you can install the same heaters as installed in houses and apartments, located in the city. Namely, storage and instantaneous hot water tanks, and if there is in the country of gas, and gas column.
A few tricky things in the cottages, which are not equipped with stationary water – in this case, your choice will be quite limited. On the one hand it is good – don't have too long to wrestle with the question of choice. Here, you have the option to say, only one bulk water tanks. They can work from different energy sources means electricity, gas, and solar energy, and even regular wood-burning stove, the use of which in the summer is not very comfortable.
On the selection criteria of the heater to testify here.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement .
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By and large, the bulk water tank can not even buy in the store – it simply made with your own hands. In fact, it is a steel or plastic container equipped with a heater.
How to choose a water heater for the cottages, depending on the source of energyIn principle, there's not a lot to explain do not have to – everything is clear without words. If in the country there is no electricity, and then about installing an electric water heater can not be considered. Ask what there is an exit from such situations? In principle, modern technologies allow to heat the water in different ways.
Solar energy. In most cases vacationers plenty of hot water is not necessary, and most importantly, there is no need to heat it to a high temperature. Of course, if you do not plan to live in the country in the winter – in this case, it is better to house electricity or gas and equip it with stationary water. What man needs in the summer season, is to wash himself, and possibly to clear a couple of sets of dishes with these tasks copes ordinary vessel in which water is heated by the sun. Yes, this tank has one drawback – in cloudy weather you can not count on the presence of in the summer house, even warm water. In this respect, it is better to give preference to the solar collector – it can heat water even at low solar radiation.

Solid fuel. The disadvantage of such heaters is that, together with water and they heat the room that summer is not quite acceptable. Basically, if in the summer house there is a separate empty space, this heater can be installed in it – in this case, the heat will not spread throughout the house.
Another disadvantage of such heaters is a complex how to install them – in fact, it is a complete system, consisting of three or even four parts. Is the water heater storage tank, which is better to install in the upper part of the house, the piping system for supplying heated water to a storage tank and back to heated, as well as the pipelines supplying water to the consumer.
Moreover, all pipelines should be properly mounted to the transportation of the liquid is carried out naturally, without additional pumping equipment.

Liquid fuel. Option is the same as with solid fuels – the only difference is the energy source used. In the end, if the question of hot water is very serious, then the country can result in several cylinders of liquefied gas which is to heat water. I agree, somewhat expensive, but if hot water availability in the country, then you can go for such sacrifices.
In General, as mentioned above, the question of what water heater to give better solved on the basis of the availability of those or other energy resources available in the house electricity, so it would be better an electric water heater. If you have everything, including gas, it is better to give preference to gas, since today it is the cheapest source of energy.
How to make a water heater for villas with their hands: step by step instructionsWith the same success it is enough just to make any type of bulk water tank for the garden – not only for its Assembly and installation will take not so much money. Consider in more detail some of the most common ways of solving the question of how to make the best water heater for villas with their hands?
Electric liquid heater. This is perhaps the easiest option of the manufacturer of the water heater for villas with their hands – here will need a few things. This capacity, which may be of ordinary plastic or metal bucket and the heating element is, in principle, suitable even for the powerful heater, but better to buy a heater with a thermostat, such as those used in electric heated towel rail. To install it in the bucket you will need to cut the sleeves and secure it with two lock nuts, do not forget to set both sides of the bucket the rubber seals. Further all is simple – on spigot is screwed on the coupler, which is screwed into the heater. You should also punch in a bucket and a faucet that can be installed in exactly the same way as thermoelectric heater with thermostat.
If the capacity to use large and hang it somewhere under the ceiling, then distribute the hot water will be on a few clients instead of a crane, you will need to connect the pipe and raise it in the house. Now add the same tank of cold water, and you get almost full summer water, the only drawback will be the need to periodically fill the tanks. By and large, exactly the same way you can make the water heater of closed type, designed to work under pressure – the only difference between them is in the type of heating heating element and method of its frame. Here it would need a welder and the ability to use it.

Solar water heater liquid type. The principle is almost the same, only in this case the tank does not have to equip a heating element – instead, it will run the sun. This tank must be installed on the roof as close as possible to the direct rays of the sun. For more efficient heating of the water tank should be painted black. Again, this way you will be able to provide themselves with hot water only in hot Sunny day to cloudy weather additionally, this capacity can be embedded electric heating element.
Solid fuel heater. It is also easy to manufacture, but to some extent they will have to Tinker a little longer – in fact, you will need to do some semblance of a simple solid fuel boiler. In large measure a question of manufacture simplifies the boiler or stove – in this situation you will need to have only the heating capacity and connected to the existing heating system – it can even be embedded in the heating system as an extra battery.
The principle of operation of such heating element is very simple – the boiler heats water in a receptacle from which it is moved to another located in the attic or on the ceiling. From the top of the tank via pipelines water is supplied to customers. In principle, as such idea is not very good and its use only makes sense when the boiler or furnace is located in non-residential premises.

The question of how to provide a countryside house with hot water, can solve in other ways – types of water heaters for the garden quite a lot, but they are ineffective, and most importantly, in need of constant control. In particular, the need to monitor the presence of water. In this regard, the best option will be the standard water tank of the closed type – to install, first have to make water running from a permanent water source. It is at least a well or borehole, plus a small pumping station and Sewerage. Coming up that way to address the issue of how to choose a water heater for the cottages, you not only ensure your vacation home with hot water, but also will create preconditions for creation of urban amenities in it. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: moyadacha.org/kak-vybrat-vodonagrevatel-dlya-dachi/
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