How to Make The furnace itself from local materials

Master Anna Gabe Alexander Rakitov invited everyone to learn the skills of adobe building in his estate in Solnechnosele. They called a meeting not just a master class, and the launch of the artisans of the commune.

Alexander Rakitov Master course introduces methods of building adobe oven.
The ancient craft is becoming more popular among people seeking to environmental cleanliness. Masters told that she carries a virtually limitless possibilities to create a unique living space, and its plasticity allows to implement any architectural fantasies by using curved forms.

The furnace itself.
People came from families of different places of the Crimea - from Simferopol, Sevastopol, Andreevka and other places. The open space of the estate with views of the mountains, fresh grass, friendly chirping of birds, herbal tea created an atmosphere of friendliness and relaxation.

Participants of the master-class exchange of experiences over a cup of herbal tea. Alice (left), Anna Gabe, the owner of the estate (in the center). Photo: Alla Lavrinenko / The Epoch Times
Participants of the master-class exchange of experiences over a cup of herbal tea. Alice (left), Anna Gabe, the owner of the estate (in the center).
The green lawn of the estate has attracted artists for different types of arts and crafts - ceramics, musical instruments, herbalist and chef ekokuhni, musicians and artists who could learn tricks of the trade, share recipes, try ekoblyuda, listen to music and dance. In the process of communication gives rise to new projects, ideas for future implementation.

Aleksandrov Rakitov, the owner of the estate, conducts a master class in Samana at the base of the brick adobe oven.
Samana at Master Class held by the wall of an apartment house to which it was decided to attach the furnace itself, which will be used for cooking and heating next winter garden. The basis of the bricks laid Rakitov Alexander advance by filling the interior of the broken glass. On the wall was traced shape the future of the furnace - a hemisphere with owl head. According to Alexander, the head of an owl - is not only a decoration, but also additional furnace chamber
. Saman - a building material that was used by humans since ancient times. It consists mainly of clay, sand and straw. The clay, which is taken near the village in the cliff, preblended with hay. Sand had to buy - the only cash cost for the construction of the stove

Mixing adobe - Aeksandr Rakitin add straw to the required consistency into the clay
. Before using natural local resource - clay - for the manufacture of long-term products, Alexander pre-tested its properties. According to him, the floor, cemented clay in the yard, took a hard - better cement
. Workshop attracted adults and children - the process began with the mixing of clay, straw and sand in the tank in the yard next to the site for construction. Hybrids adobe feet tried everyone.

The whole family make oven Sergey a little boy in her arms, Kate's daughter (center), mother of Paradise (knead adobe).
Under the rhythmic sound of drums marking time on the red clay turned into a real ritual of creation. Children are attracted to plastic and coloring properties of clay. All of them are interesting lessons: you can sculpt a figure or figures cover the face to play the Indians - the good, that stood in the middle of the estate lodge
. The next step was to create a building shaped in the sand on the base of the oven. Wet sand is well fit into a hemispherical shape - this form of planned furnace. Children help with great enthusiasm - were sand, rammed - it's like a game in a sandbox - a big "cake" sculpted their moms and dads

Sand dome complex on the base of the oven - a hemisphere - a future form of the furnace.
After the formation of the sandy dome, the remains of sand around the shape on the basis of the bricks should be thoroughly cleaned with a brush and rinse with water. This is to ensure that there is good adhesion to the substrate adobe. On the sandy dome painted portal - the entrance to the oven

Thoroughly cleaned the furnace base for good adhesion to the substrate adobe.
Adobe begins laying around the sand mold in a circle. "The important thing - good to cling to the ground to lay it carefully on the floor. On the basis of need to fold and recline on a sandy side. The higher the wall, the thinner. Also, if the "floats" material - make thinner masonry "- taught Alexander

Laying adobe around the sand mold.
After the adobe dries, the surface a little more smooth trowel, so as not to cling to different atmospheric dust. The sand can be removed after the adobe dries. Inside the dome slowly burn fires to dry a little adobe.
Straw burns out during firing, and itself becomes hard as stone. Above the stove should be done from the canopy of rain and sun. The furnace will be equipped with a pipe and oak lid.

Final touches to the design of the portal adobe oven.
Hope and Alex from Sevastopol told, that is another matter - to see firsthand the construction of the furnace, compared with the description in the literature or on the Internet. Their son, Misha most active children participated in the agitation adobe - carefully trampled it into the tank
. Sergey and Raisa from Simferopol were told that they were interested in working with clay since going to build a house made of natural materials, and the walls are built of logs with clay mortar. "Today, we need to understand how to work with clay, how to create the desired consistency of clay, straw and sand, then to put it on the logs. Now we have an idea how it happens, "- shared his impressions couple

Raisa with her son - a workshop for the construction of adobe oven continues.
They came to Solnechnosele with a ten-year old son and a daughter, who is less than two years. Children participated in all the extent of its capabilities. "If you want something to teach the child, make him together. The ecovillage reduced demand, less stimuli by which society takes out of your money. Life in nature carries a lot of advantages, "- say young parents
. The participants and the hosts talked about the difficulties of implementation of the projects - the difficulties encountered and their need to learn to overcome. For example, there were cases where enthusiasts united by one idea, invested their energy and resources into creating an art space, a creative platform. After years of effort and investment had to leave everything and start from scratch because of a sudden the situation. Anya and Sasha say that, despite financial difficulties, it is necessary to believe that everything can be overcome, and all the difficulties are compensated enthusiastic adherents who support them.

Around the campfire after the master class. Food organic food.
After the operation, all the participants gathered around the fire to eat nettles soup, buckwheat with smoke, sour cream and cheese. "We want to create a winter garden with a beautiful view, workshops, where people can combine rest and work, might learn something. Now it is in the minds of people, there is a need - in the creation of such a community, united universal values - mutual desire to create beautiful and useful things with their own hands to create a way of life. Here, a suitable place - the clay at hand, scenic spots "- shared Anna Gabe plans.