She stopped whipping her favorite drink after listening to Alexei Kovalkov
Why drink juice when you can eat fresh fruit? Nutritionists urge to abandon the daily use of fruit juices. When making juice, fiber is removed from the product, and in the case of packaged juices, sugar and water are also added. Fresh juices are slightly healthier than juices from the store, but it is still not recommended to drink more than 3 glasses a day.
Drinking orange fresh in the morning is a beautiful, but unsafe habit. It is especially worth refraining from drinking juice for those who have problems with the digestive system. Eating juice on an empty stomach can lead to stomach ulcers and the appearance of diabetes.
Drink juice in the morning, but not immediately after sleep. First, let the body wake up, eat breakfast. Do not drink sweet juice after a heavy meal. This will cause fermentation in the stomach and lead to bloating. In the afternoon, juices will not bring any benefit, only extra calories. 1 liter of juice contains half of the daily norm of calories, so it is worth watching how much juice we drink per day.
To make 1 liter of juice, you need more than one orange. At the same time, after a person eats an orange or any other fruit, it takes time to digest fiber and absorb sugar from the product. If you drink juice instead of fruit, then sugar is instantly absorbed by the body, in addition, juices fuel appetite. Therefore, those who follow the figure should stop eating juices and eat fruits instead.
1 liter of freshly squeezed juice contains 1100 calories. And in packaged juices, the situation is even worse. The recommended daily allowance of sugar (6 tsp per day) is contained in 300 ml of packaged juice. There are almost no vitamins in packaged juices, as they undergo the process of pasteurization. Do not blindly believe the labels on the package “without sugar”. Any fruit juice contains a natural sugar called fructose, and the juice to which sweeteners or refined sugar are added is called nectar.
To benefit from the juice, you should drink it immediately after cooking. Fresh loses all the vitamins while he's in the fridge. And purchased juices can generally be considered sweet water. Nutritionist Alexei Kovalkov told about the experiment, which he had to conduct with juice.
“We decided to do an experiment and evaporate all the liquid from Coca-Cola and juice.” In equal quantities, two drinks were poured into two pans and drinks were evaporated over the fire for several hours. As a result, the sweet water turned into sticky slurry, and the juice thickened even more. This suggests that there is no less sugar in natural juice than in sweet soda, says the nutritionist.
Nutritionists warn that natural juices are pasteurized and poured into glass jars. The remaining drinks consist of fruit concentrate and water with the addition of sweeteners and preservatives. Unlike fruit juices, vegetable juices are less caloric and contain less sugar, so you can drink them a little more. But this does not negate the fact that we lose the most valuable when we prefer juices to vegetables. And we lose fiber, which helps improve digestion and slows the absorption of sugar in the body.
So, if you drink juices, it is better to make them yourself and do not add sugar to the drink. You should buy pasteurized drinks in glass containers and pay attention to the composition of the product. Always watch how much juice you drink every day. Do you like to drink juice in the morning?

Drinking orange fresh in the morning is a beautiful, but unsafe habit. It is especially worth refraining from drinking juice for those who have problems with the digestive system. Eating juice on an empty stomach can lead to stomach ulcers and the appearance of diabetes.

Drink juice in the morning, but not immediately after sleep. First, let the body wake up, eat breakfast. Do not drink sweet juice after a heavy meal. This will cause fermentation in the stomach and lead to bloating. In the afternoon, juices will not bring any benefit, only extra calories. 1 liter of juice contains half of the daily norm of calories, so it is worth watching how much juice we drink per day.

To make 1 liter of juice, you need more than one orange. At the same time, after a person eats an orange or any other fruit, it takes time to digest fiber and absorb sugar from the product. If you drink juice instead of fruit, then sugar is instantly absorbed by the body, in addition, juices fuel appetite. Therefore, those who follow the figure should stop eating juices and eat fruits instead.

1 liter of freshly squeezed juice contains 1100 calories. And in packaged juices, the situation is even worse. The recommended daily allowance of sugar (6 tsp per day) is contained in 300 ml of packaged juice. There are almost no vitamins in packaged juices, as they undergo the process of pasteurization. Do not blindly believe the labels on the package “without sugar”. Any fruit juice contains a natural sugar called fructose, and the juice to which sweeteners or refined sugar are added is called nectar.

To benefit from the juice, you should drink it immediately after cooking. Fresh loses all the vitamins while he's in the fridge. And purchased juices can generally be considered sweet water. Nutritionist Alexei Kovalkov told about the experiment, which he had to conduct with juice.

“We decided to do an experiment and evaporate all the liquid from Coca-Cola and juice.” In equal quantities, two drinks were poured into two pans and drinks were evaporated over the fire for several hours. As a result, the sweet water turned into sticky slurry, and the juice thickened even more. This suggests that there is no less sugar in natural juice than in sweet soda, says the nutritionist.

Nutritionists warn that natural juices are pasteurized and poured into glass jars. The remaining drinks consist of fruit concentrate and water with the addition of sweeteners and preservatives. Unlike fruit juices, vegetable juices are less caloric and contain less sugar, so you can drink them a little more. But this does not negate the fact that we lose the most valuable when we prefer juices to vegetables. And we lose fiber, which helps improve digestion and slows the absorption of sugar in the body.

So, if you drink juices, it is better to make them yourself and do not add sugar to the drink. You should buy pasteurized drinks in glass containers and pay attention to the composition of the product. Always watch how much juice you drink every day. Do you like to drink juice in the morning?
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