The better to quench your thirst?
Summer heat, want to drink and bathe. Let's see, what better to quench your thirst.
Rich in vitamins and trace elements. Good thirst quencher. However, most fruit juice contains a lot of sugar.
For example, a glass of orange juice will provide you with about four pieces of refined and "give" about 90 kcal.
We must remember that all fruit juices are harmful to teeth. Sugar and fruit acids combine with plaque
and lead to the formation of dental caries. Therefore, after the juice is drunk, it is not out of place to rinse your mouth.
Fruit juices can be:
- Fresh. Contains vitamins maximum and a minimum of calories, but are not stored for more than two days.
- Nectar. Contain from 10 to 50% juice. They have a lot of sugar, and thus the calories.
- Recovery. Fruit juice concentrate is diluted with water to the original consistency and sterilized.
Typically, such further juices enriched in vitamins. Keep closed package can be for a week.
Rich in vitamins and trace elements. Good thirst quencher. However, most fruit juice contains a lot of sugar.
For example, a glass of orange juice will provide you with about four pieces of refined and "give" about 90 kcal.
We must remember that all fruit juices are harmful to teeth. Sugar and fruit acids combine with plaque
and lead to the formation of dental caries. Therefore, after the juice is drunk, it is not out of place to rinse your mouth.
Fruit juices can be:
- Fresh. Contains vitamins maximum and a minimum of calories, but are not stored for more than two days.
- Nectar. Contain from 10 to 50% juice. They have a lot of sugar, and thus the calories.
- Recovery. Fruit juice concentrate is diluted with water to the original consistency and sterilized.
Typically, such further juices enriched in vitamins. Keep closed package can be for a week.
& quot; title = «Juices
Rich in vitamins and trace elements. Good thirst quencher. However, most fruit juice contains a lot of sugar.
For example, a glass of orange juice will provide you with about four pieces of refined and "give" about 90 kcal.
We must remember that all fruit juices are harmful to teeth. Sugar and fruit acids combine with plaque
and lead to the formation of dental caries. Therefore, after the juice is drunk, it is not out of place to rinse your mouth.
Fruit juices can be:
- Fresh. Contains vitamins maximum and a minimum of calories, but are not stored for more than two days.
- Nectar. Contain from 10 to 50% juice. They have a lot of sugar, and thus the calories.
- Recovery. Fruit juice concentrate is diluted with water to the original consistency and sterilized.
Typically, such further juices enriched in vitamins. Keep closed package can be for a week.
»& Gt;
This drink made from fruit or berry juices with added sugar, honey and water.
Either there Morse B vitamins (needed for hair, nails, skin and good mood),
Vitamin C (protection against viruses and premature aging), vitamin A (necessary for good vision).
And, of course, Morse is present most of the nutrients that are found in berries,
from which the drink was prepared. For example, cranberry and cranberry fruit drinks recommended
for the prevention of colds zebolevany, normalizes the stomach blackberry, currant enhances immunity,
cherry and protects against intestinal infections.
This drink made from fruit or berry juices with added sugar, honey and water.
Either there Morse B vitamins (needed for hair, nails, skin and good mood),
Vitamin C (protection against viruses and premature aging), vitamin A (necessary for good vision).
And, of course, Morse is present most of the nutrients that are found in berries,
from which the drink was prepared. For example, cranberry and cranberry fruit drinks recommended
for the prevention of colds zebolevany, normalizes the stomach blackberry, currant enhances immunity,
cherry and protects against intestinal infections. & quot; title = «Morse
This drink made from fruit or berry juices with added sugar, honey and water.
Either there Morse B vitamins (needed for hair, nails, skin and good mood),
Vitamin C (protection against viruses and premature aging), vitamin A (necessary for good vision).
And, of course, Morse is present most of the nutrients that are found in berries,
from which the drink was prepared. For example, cranberry and cranberry fruit drinks recommended
for the prevention of colds zebolevany, normalizes the stomach blackberry, currant enhances immunity,
cherry and protects against intestinal infections. »& gt;
Mineral water
Due to the absence of sugar rapidly quenches thirst and do not "reward" us calories.
But it supplies the body with valuable trace elements. What it depends on the source from which the water was obtained.
However, to really benefited mineral water, her choice should be taken responsibly.
All mineral waters are divided into three categories:
- Canteen. Per liter of a water solution of about 1 gram of different salts. This is a very low figure,
table water so you can drink every day. However, if you have hypertension, you should not lean on the water,
of which consists of sodium, - it can cause an increase in blood pressure.
People with diseases of the kidneys and bladder is better not to abuse calcium waters,
This trace element is sometimes becomes a cause of stone formation, and those who have problems with the stomach, it is necessary to know,
sulfates have a mild laxative effect.
- Medical table. Contain from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter. To get involved in such waters is not necessary.
The daily dose should not exceed two cups. And the choice of water are best left to a specialist.
Determine which of the medical-table waters will do you good, only a doctor can.
- Medical. Salt content - more than 10 grams per liter. The name of these waters speaks for itself.
They do not need to quench their thirst, and for the treatment of various diseases.
Of course, this water may appoint a doctor.
Due to the absence of sugar rapidly quenches thirst and do not "reward" us calories.
But it supplies the body with valuable trace elements. What it depends on the source from which the water was obtained.
However, to really benefited mineral water, her choice should be taken responsibly.
All mineral waters are divided into three categories:
- Canteen. Per liter of a water solution of about 1 gram of different salts. This is a very low figure,
table water so you can drink every day. However, if you have hypertension, you should not lean on the water,
of which consists of sodium, - it can cause an increase in blood pressure.
People with diseases of the kidneys and bladder is better not to abuse calcium waters,
This trace element is sometimes becomes a cause of stone formation, and those who have problems with the stomach, it is necessary to know,
sulfates have a mild laxative effect.
- Medical table. Contain from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter. To get involved in such waters is not necessary.
The daily dose should not exceed two cups. And the choice of water are best left to a specialist.
Determine which of the medical-table waters will do you good, only a doctor can.
- Medical. Salt content - more than 10 grams per liter. The name of these waters speaks for itself.
They do not need to quench their thirst, and for the treatment of various diseases.
Of course, this water may appoint a doctor. & Quot; title = «Mineral water
Due to the absence of sugar rapidly quenches thirst and do not "reward" us calories.
But it supplies the body with valuable trace elements. What it depends on the source from which the water was obtained.
However, to really benefited mineral water, her choice should be taken responsibly.
All mineral waters are divided into three categories:
- Canteen. Per liter of a water solution of about 1 gram of different salts. This is a very low figure,
table water so you can drink every day. However, if you have hypertension, you should not lean on the water,
of which consists of sodium, - it can cause an increase in blood pressure.
People with diseases of the kidneys and bladder is better not to abuse calcium waters,
This trace element is sometimes becomes a cause of stone formation, and those who have problems with the stomach, it is necessary to know,
sulfates have a mild laxative effect.
- Medical table. Contain from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter. To get involved in such waters is not necessary.
The daily dose should not exceed two cups. And the choice of water are best left to a specialist.
Determine which of the medical-table waters will do you good, only a doctor can.
- Medical. Salt content - more than 10 grams per liter. The name of these waters speaks for itself.
They do not need to quench their thirst, and for the treatment of various diseases.
Of course, this water may appoint a doctor. »& Gt;
As part of kvass a lot of organic acids. They are able to hold moisture in the body, and this is due to the ability of kvass
quench thirst better than other drinks. A kvass yeast are considered an excellent remedy for nervous disorders,
upset stomach. In addition, they affect the appearance of great lovers of kvass - known,
that the yeast strengthens hair and nails, and at the same time improve the complexion and make the skin smooth.
In addition, as a product of fermentation brew contains a large number of live cultures.
These beneficial bacteria help the stomach digest food, excrete toxins and wastes,
improve the condition of skin and hair, as well as fight with pathogenic microbes.
As part of kvass a lot of organic acids. They are able to hold moisture in the body, and this is due to the ability of kvass
quench thirst better than other drinks. A kvass yeast are considered an excellent remedy for nervous disorders,
upset stomach. In addition, they affect the appearance of great lovers of kvass - known,
that the yeast strengthens hair and nails, and at the same time improve the complexion and make the skin smooth.
In addition, as a product of fermentation brew contains a large number of live cultures.
These beneficial bacteria help the stomach digest food, excrete toxins and wastes,
improve the condition of skin and hair, as well as fight with pathogenic microbes. & quot; title = «Kvass
As part of kvass a lot of organic acids. They are able to hold moisture in the body, and this is due to the ability of kvass
quench thirst better than other drinks. A kvass yeast are considered an excellent remedy for nervous disorders,
upset stomach. In addition, they affect the appearance of great lovers of kvass - known,
that the yeast strengthens hair and nails, and at the same time improve the complexion and make the skin smooth.
In addition, as a product of fermentation brew contains a large number of live cultures.
These beneficial bacteria help the stomach digest food, excrete toxins and wastes,
improve the condition of skin and hair, as well as fight with pathogenic microbes. »& gt;
Soda is not the best way to quench your thirst. No vitamins, but calories galore. In a glass of sweet soda contains about 20 grams of sugar! Moreover, bubbles of carbon dioxide irritate the gastric mucosa and can lead to digestive problems. Another argument not in favor of soda - an abundance of preservatives, which can provoke allergic disease. Fans of carbonated drinks often choose water labeled "light". In such water almost no calories, and used instead of sugar substitute. However, it turned out that the lack of sugar does not mean that those who drink soda, "light", will immediately become slim. Scientists conducted an interesting experiment on rats. Some were fed rats they yoghurt containing natural sugar, while others - yogurt with artificial substitutes. As a result of the experiment appetite of rodents, which are included in the diet sweetener, significantly increased and they became fat. It is not proven that sweeteners cause the same effect in humans, but scientists are inclined to believe that soft drinks can lead to weight gain. When we eat regular sugar, for its processing to produce insulin. But since it is the taste of sugar leads to the production of this hormone, insulin is produced, and at the use of sugar substitutes. As a result of the body, "tuned" to calories and does not get them, begins to demand of energy with a vengeance, and you experience the feeling of hunger. Some doctors believe that sweeteners can cause kidney failure and are carcinogenic. However, all these statements and assumptions were. By the way ... Scientists have found: one of the causes of weight gain is that the signals of hunger and thirst, fed by the brain are the same. Therefore, we think that the hungry eat, and then ask how the brain is just water. In order not to overeat, before sitting down at the table, it is useful to quench their thirst. If after this hunger passed - you're on the right track. If after 20-30 minutes the feeling of hunger is not passed, eat. Glasses of water drunk half an hour before a meal, not only does not harm, but also a very beneficial effect on the body. Water will prepare the digestive system, and eaten lunch will be fully assimilated, and in addition, it will pacify increased appetite, giving you overeat. Important! It is known that a person needs to drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day. However, in our need to heat the water increases. If the temperature crept mark of 25 degrees every half hour is recommended to drink a glass of water. From coffee and other drinks containing caffeine in hot weather should be abandoned. Caffeine makes your heart beat faster, and at a high temperature "motor" is already experiencing a serious load. Do not try to quench their thirst, and with the help of alcohol. As tempting as they can seem a mug of cold beer, remember that alcoholic drinks cause dehydration.
Rich in vitamins and trace elements. Good thirst quencher. However, most fruit juice contains a lot of sugar.
For example, a glass of orange juice will provide you with about four pieces of refined and "give" about 90 kcal.
We must remember that all fruit juices are harmful to teeth. Sugar and fruit acids combine with plaque
and lead to the formation of dental caries. Therefore, after the juice is drunk, it is not out of place to rinse your mouth.
Fruit juices can be:
- Fresh. Contains vitamins maximum and a minimum of calories, but are not stored for more than two days.
- Nectar. Contain from 10 to 50% juice. They have a lot of sugar, and thus the calories.
- Recovery. Fruit juice concentrate is diluted with water to the original consistency and sterilized.
Typically, such further juices enriched in vitamins. Keep closed package can be for a week.

Rich in vitamins and trace elements. Good thirst quencher. However, most fruit juice contains a lot of sugar.
For example, a glass of orange juice will provide you with about four pieces of refined and "give" about 90 kcal.
We must remember that all fruit juices are harmful to teeth. Sugar and fruit acids combine with plaque
and lead to the formation of dental caries. Therefore, after the juice is drunk, it is not out of place to rinse your mouth.
Fruit juices can be:
- Fresh. Contains vitamins maximum and a minimum of calories, but are not stored for more than two days.
- Nectar. Contain from 10 to 50% juice. They have a lot of sugar, and thus the calories.
- Recovery. Fruit juice concentrate is diluted with water to the original consistency and sterilized.
Typically, such further juices enriched in vitamins. Keep closed package can be for a week.
& quot; title = «Juices
Rich in vitamins and trace elements. Good thirst quencher. However, most fruit juice contains a lot of sugar.
For example, a glass of orange juice will provide you with about four pieces of refined and "give" about 90 kcal.
We must remember that all fruit juices are harmful to teeth. Sugar and fruit acids combine with plaque
and lead to the formation of dental caries. Therefore, after the juice is drunk, it is not out of place to rinse your mouth.
Fruit juices can be:
- Fresh. Contains vitamins maximum and a minimum of calories, but are not stored for more than two days.
- Nectar. Contain from 10 to 50% juice. They have a lot of sugar, and thus the calories.
- Recovery. Fruit juice concentrate is diluted with water to the original consistency and sterilized.
Typically, such further juices enriched in vitamins. Keep closed package can be for a week.
»& Gt;
This drink made from fruit or berry juices with added sugar, honey and water.
Either there Morse B vitamins (needed for hair, nails, skin and good mood),
Vitamin C (protection against viruses and premature aging), vitamin A (necessary for good vision).
And, of course, Morse is present most of the nutrients that are found in berries,
from which the drink was prepared. For example, cranberry and cranberry fruit drinks recommended
for the prevention of colds zebolevany, normalizes the stomach blackberry, currant enhances immunity,
cherry and protects against intestinal infections.

This drink made from fruit or berry juices with added sugar, honey and water.
Either there Morse B vitamins (needed for hair, nails, skin and good mood),
Vitamin C (protection against viruses and premature aging), vitamin A (necessary for good vision).
And, of course, Morse is present most of the nutrients that are found in berries,
from which the drink was prepared. For example, cranberry and cranberry fruit drinks recommended
for the prevention of colds zebolevany, normalizes the stomach blackberry, currant enhances immunity,
cherry and protects against intestinal infections. & quot; title = «Morse
This drink made from fruit or berry juices with added sugar, honey and water.
Either there Morse B vitamins (needed for hair, nails, skin and good mood),
Vitamin C (protection against viruses and premature aging), vitamin A (necessary for good vision).
And, of course, Morse is present most of the nutrients that are found in berries,
from which the drink was prepared. For example, cranberry and cranberry fruit drinks recommended
for the prevention of colds zebolevany, normalizes the stomach blackberry, currant enhances immunity,
cherry and protects against intestinal infections. »& gt;
Mineral water
Due to the absence of sugar rapidly quenches thirst and do not "reward" us calories.
But it supplies the body with valuable trace elements. What it depends on the source from which the water was obtained.
However, to really benefited mineral water, her choice should be taken responsibly.
All mineral waters are divided into three categories:
- Canteen. Per liter of a water solution of about 1 gram of different salts. This is a very low figure,
table water so you can drink every day. However, if you have hypertension, you should not lean on the water,
of which consists of sodium, - it can cause an increase in blood pressure.
People with diseases of the kidneys and bladder is better not to abuse calcium waters,
This trace element is sometimes becomes a cause of stone formation, and those who have problems with the stomach, it is necessary to know,
sulfates have a mild laxative effect.
- Medical table. Contain from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter. To get involved in such waters is not necessary.
The daily dose should not exceed two cups. And the choice of water are best left to a specialist.
Determine which of the medical-table waters will do you good, only a doctor can.
- Medical. Salt content - more than 10 grams per liter. The name of these waters speaks for itself.
They do not need to quench their thirst, and for the treatment of various diseases.
Of course, this water may appoint a doctor.

Due to the absence of sugar rapidly quenches thirst and do not "reward" us calories.
But it supplies the body with valuable trace elements. What it depends on the source from which the water was obtained.
However, to really benefited mineral water, her choice should be taken responsibly.
All mineral waters are divided into three categories:
- Canteen. Per liter of a water solution of about 1 gram of different salts. This is a very low figure,
table water so you can drink every day. However, if you have hypertension, you should not lean on the water,
of which consists of sodium, - it can cause an increase in blood pressure.
People with diseases of the kidneys and bladder is better not to abuse calcium waters,
This trace element is sometimes becomes a cause of stone formation, and those who have problems with the stomach, it is necessary to know,
sulfates have a mild laxative effect.
- Medical table. Contain from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter. To get involved in such waters is not necessary.
The daily dose should not exceed two cups. And the choice of water are best left to a specialist.
Determine which of the medical-table waters will do you good, only a doctor can.
- Medical. Salt content - more than 10 grams per liter. The name of these waters speaks for itself.
They do not need to quench their thirst, and for the treatment of various diseases.
Of course, this water may appoint a doctor. & Quot; title = «Mineral water
Due to the absence of sugar rapidly quenches thirst and do not "reward" us calories.
But it supplies the body with valuable trace elements. What it depends on the source from which the water was obtained.
However, to really benefited mineral water, her choice should be taken responsibly.
All mineral waters are divided into three categories:
- Canteen. Per liter of a water solution of about 1 gram of different salts. This is a very low figure,
table water so you can drink every day. However, if you have hypertension, you should not lean on the water,
of which consists of sodium, - it can cause an increase in blood pressure.
People with diseases of the kidneys and bladder is better not to abuse calcium waters,
This trace element is sometimes becomes a cause of stone formation, and those who have problems with the stomach, it is necessary to know,
sulfates have a mild laxative effect.
- Medical table. Contain from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter. To get involved in such waters is not necessary.
The daily dose should not exceed two cups. And the choice of water are best left to a specialist.
Determine which of the medical-table waters will do you good, only a doctor can.
- Medical. Salt content - more than 10 grams per liter. The name of these waters speaks for itself.
They do not need to quench their thirst, and for the treatment of various diseases.
Of course, this water may appoint a doctor. »& Gt;
As part of kvass a lot of organic acids. They are able to hold moisture in the body, and this is due to the ability of kvass
quench thirst better than other drinks. A kvass yeast are considered an excellent remedy for nervous disorders,
upset stomach. In addition, they affect the appearance of great lovers of kvass - known,
that the yeast strengthens hair and nails, and at the same time improve the complexion and make the skin smooth.
In addition, as a product of fermentation brew contains a large number of live cultures.
These beneficial bacteria help the stomach digest food, excrete toxins and wastes,
improve the condition of skin and hair, as well as fight with pathogenic microbes.

As part of kvass a lot of organic acids. They are able to hold moisture in the body, and this is due to the ability of kvass
quench thirst better than other drinks. A kvass yeast are considered an excellent remedy for nervous disorders,
upset stomach. In addition, they affect the appearance of great lovers of kvass - known,
that the yeast strengthens hair and nails, and at the same time improve the complexion and make the skin smooth.
In addition, as a product of fermentation brew contains a large number of live cultures.
These beneficial bacteria help the stomach digest food, excrete toxins and wastes,
improve the condition of skin and hair, as well as fight with pathogenic microbes. & quot; title = «Kvass
As part of kvass a lot of organic acids. They are able to hold moisture in the body, and this is due to the ability of kvass
quench thirst better than other drinks. A kvass yeast are considered an excellent remedy for nervous disorders,
upset stomach. In addition, they affect the appearance of great lovers of kvass - known,
that the yeast strengthens hair and nails, and at the same time improve the complexion and make the skin smooth.
In addition, as a product of fermentation brew contains a large number of live cultures.
These beneficial bacteria help the stomach digest food, excrete toxins and wastes,
improve the condition of skin and hair, as well as fight with pathogenic microbes. »& gt;
Soda is not the best way to quench your thirst. No vitamins, but calories galore. In a glass of sweet soda contains about 20 grams of sugar! Moreover, bubbles of carbon dioxide irritate the gastric mucosa and can lead to digestive problems. Another argument not in favor of soda - an abundance of preservatives, which can provoke allergic disease. Fans of carbonated drinks often choose water labeled "light". In such water almost no calories, and used instead of sugar substitute. However, it turned out that the lack of sugar does not mean that those who drink soda, "light", will immediately become slim. Scientists conducted an interesting experiment on rats. Some were fed rats they yoghurt containing natural sugar, while others - yogurt with artificial substitutes. As a result of the experiment appetite of rodents, which are included in the diet sweetener, significantly increased and they became fat. It is not proven that sweeteners cause the same effect in humans, but scientists are inclined to believe that soft drinks can lead to weight gain. When we eat regular sugar, for its processing to produce insulin. But since it is the taste of sugar leads to the production of this hormone, insulin is produced, and at the use of sugar substitutes. As a result of the body, "tuned" to calories and does not get them, begins to demand of energy with a vengeance, and you experience the feeling of hunger. Some doctors believe that sweeteners can cause kidney failure and are carcinogenic. However, all these statements and assumptions were. By the way ... Scientists have found: one of the causes of weight gain is that the signals of hunger and thirst, fed by the brain are the same. Therefore, we think that the hungry eat, and then ask how the brain is just water. In order not to overeat, before sitting down at the table, it is useful to quench their thirst. If after this hunger passed - you're on the right track. If after 20-30 minutes the feeling of hunger is not passed, eat. Glasses of water drunk half an hour before a meal, not only does not harm, but also a very beneficial effect on the body. Water will prepare the digestive system, and eaten lunch will be fully assimilated, and in addition, it will pacify increased appetite, giving you overeat. Important! It is known that a person needs to drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day. However, in our need to heat the water increases. If the temperature crept mark of 25 degrees every half hour is recommended to drink a glass of water. From coffee and other drinks containing caffeine in hot weather should be abandoned. Caffeine makes your heart beat faster, and at a high temperature "motor" is already experiencing a serious load. Do not try to quench their thirst, and with the help of alcohol. As tempting as they can seem a mug of cold beer, remember that alcoholic drinks cause dehydration.