Amazing ice cream, which can be bought in Japan
The Japanese are very fond of ice cream, they have a very large variety of goodies, especially during the season.
Networks like Baskin Robbins and Ben & Jerry's, invested heavily to develop new flavors to attract Japanese consumers.
1. If little angels cocoa, it would look like ...
Pinooooo! Available all year, Pino - are small balls of ice cream, lovingly enclosed in a shell of milk chocolate. Although it exists in many different flavors, such as almond cream and chocolate, in the shop you will likely find the classic vanilla flavor.
According to urban legend, Pino exist in the form of a star that has been proven very lucky Twitter users and bloggers to spread in the network photo of your findings, and the people are even found two similar Pino in one box. Be sure to thank the little angels, if you are lucky enough to find this one in your box!
Usually my Pino never found himself on the plate, but for journalistic purposes, I decided to explore one.
2. Break off my bottle: Papico.
A favorite of children and adults throughout the year Papico is available in two flavors: Coffee, chocolate and vanilla shake, but from time to time, in stores across seasonal and limited-edition flavors. Most countries in this ice cream is that the package comprises two small plastic "bottle", which must first be broken off from each other, and then opened.
Papico ideal for those who like to share, and the small size of the bottle allows you to quickly eat a portion. But do not try to use all my strength to suck the remains of the container.
3. Another victory for science: Suika Baa.
Literally translated, "a piece of watermelon» Suika Baa - doubtless one of our favorites. If you like to quench their thirst with berry sorbet or fruit ice on paloche and are looking for something unusual, this ice cream for you. Once you unfold the package and see how it looks, you will agree - that this is the perfect summer treat.
You'll be ready to swear that someone just stuck a stick into a piece of watermelon! But perhaps, this ice cream is even better than the original: in fact, instead of pesky seeds in it little pieces of milk chocolate! Nature, Move.
4. Ice cream for real men with hairy chest: Jumbo.
If the artificial fruit and plastic bottles - it's too easy for you, how do you a classic ice cream sandwich? When it comes to taste and design, Jumbo is not asleep: the shell of soft waffles, filled with a thin layer of milk chocolate, vanilla ice cream and another layer of chocolate in the center, Jumbo wins where else ice cream simply can not, and over the years developed into for me the snack that you can eat very well in the summer months after a stormy night held. The design Jumbo, you can gently break apart, but who wants to do that when you can just sink his teeth into it, like a wild animal?
Rrrrrr! Come to me in the mouth, vkusnuypirogek!
5. Greetings from the South: Shiro Kuma.
This ice cream is a bit different from the rest, but it is certainly tasty. Produced in Kyushu, the southernmost of the four main islands of Japan, Shiro Kuma (literally "White Bear") on its consistency more like ice pop, but has a rich creamy taste. Kyushu hotter than Honshu, it is not surprising that this ice cream is cooling, and yet it contains pieces of oranges, cherries and nuts, which allows to constantly change the taste of ice cream until you move to the bottom of the tray. Perhaps this is an amateur ice cream, but it's a great option if you are in some kind of a special mood or just want a change.
6. For those who are older: Azuki Baa.
For those who are older, Azuki Bar - dairy ice cream with nuts. By all accounts, this is not the best looking in the world of ice cream, but it's a prime example of what happens when East and West meet. Nuts With these, you remember how mom listened and waited for the end of the afternoon, to expand the wrapper of one of these delicacies.
If you are buying ice cream for the old lady who lives in the neighborhood, or want to make an impression on the native Japanese, Azuki Bar for you.
7. Leisure: Ice Box.
Now something for the pleasure of ice. Capsule Morinaga's Ice Box is usually not so striking as compared to lying in the fridge next door creamy delicacies, but there are few desserts that can meet a hot summer day like this.
In fact, Ice Box - a box with flavored ice cubes, sweet and savory slices can be briefly detained in the mouth before they are completely melted. The only negative is that it is difficult to get ice cream anywhere with him, it is convenient to have only a spoon, so if you want to show this ice cream to someone outside the home, we recommend you just open your mouth wider and cover pieces right there.
8. Good old: Giant Cone.
Giant horn receives awards for originality, but will remain the undisputed winner. Hard wafer with thick slices of soft ice cream and cookies, you will never go wrong if you choose Giant Cone. One "but" - the name, after all, in fact, nothing in these giant horns there. In our hands, it seems huge ice cream normal size. However, you're unlikely to find anything tasty classic Japanese ice cream in a waffle cone with the tastes of biscuits and chocolate, biscuits and vanilla or chocolate nuts for 126 yen (1, $ 25) per share, which are sold all year round.
On vehicle manufacturers apparently do not save.
9.'s best friend for parents: Coolish.
We do not know who first thought of to put ice cream in a small, soft packaging, but this man is a genius. In spite of the stupid name, Coolish is ideal for those who do not like to be sticky, and for those who love to eat ice cream before it turns into a mixture of water and milk sugar. For those whose children manage to get dirty no matter how closely to them nor monitored by parents. You can even remove it in your pocket, if you suddenly have to run to the bus or train.
Sweeter than the rest of the ice cream in Japan Coolish is available in two flavors: vanilla and chocolate Belgisky. It is so incredible that I do not know, I wonder whether you are now, what's next ...
10. Back to basics: Garigari-kun.
Named in honor of a sucking sound Garigari-kun - Japanese classics. It's so simple that you begin to wonder whether it is worth your attention. But this cream is able to quench your thirst, and costs only 60 yen (about 0, $ 60), so that it will be able to afford even a schoolboy, who remained in his pocket some change. And yet, get a prize-winning ice cream and get a second for free. Well, is it possible not to love ?!
Of course, this list - just listing some types of Japanese ice cream, but we hope that discovered several unknown to you before dessert. We are not presented in the list of our absolute favorite Yukimi Daifuku, because of its consistency, it is rarely sold in stores in the summer months. Perhaps we will have to make a separate list of the best winter varieties of ice cream. So stay with us.
Source: Muz4in.Net
Networks like Baskin Robbins and Ben & Jerry's, invested heavily to develop new flavors to attract Japanese consumers.

1. If little angels cocoa, it would look like ...

Pinooooo! Available all year, Pino - are small balls of ice cream, lovingly enclosed in a shell of milk chocolate. Although it exists in many different flavors, such as almond cream and chocolate, in the shop you will likely find the classic vanilla flavor.
According to urban legend, Pino exist in the form of a star that has been proven very lucky Twitter users and bloggers to spread in the network photo of your findings, and the people are even found two similar Pino in one box. Be sure to thank the little angels, if you are lucky enough to find this one in your box!

Usually my Pino never found himself on the plate, but for journalistic purposes, I decided to explore one.

2. Break off my bottle: Papico.

A favorite of children and adults throughout the year Papico is available in two flavors: Coffee, chocolate and vanilla shake, but from time to time, in stores across seasonal and limited-edition flavors. Most countries in this ice cream is that the package comprises two small plastic "bottle", which must first be broken off from each other, and then opened.
Papico ideal for those who like to share, and the small size of the bottle allows you to quickly eat a portion. But do not try to use all my strength to suck the remains of the container.

3. Another victory for science: Suika Baa.

Literally translated, "a piece of watermelon» Suika Baa - doubtless one of our favorites. If you like to quench their thirst with berry sorbet or fruit ice on paloche and are looking for something unusual, this ice cream for you. Once you unfold the package and see how it looks, you will agree - that this is the perfect summer treat.

You'll be ready to swear that someone just stuck a stick into a piece of watermelon! But perhaps, this ice cream is even better than the original: in fact, instead of pesky seeds in it little pieces of milk chocolate! Nature, Move.

4. Ice cream for real men with hairy chest: Jumbo.

If the artificial fruit and plastic bottles - it's too easy for you, how do you a classic ice cream sandwich? When it comes to taste and design, Jumbo is not asleep: the shell of soft waffles, filled with a thin layer of milk chocolate, vanilla ice cream and another layer of chocolate in the center, Jumbo wins where else ice cream simply can not, and over the years developed into for me the snack that you can eat very well in the summer months after a stormy night held. The design Jumbo, you can gently break apart, but who wants to do that when you can just sink his teeth into it, like a wild animal?

Rrrrrr! Come to me in the mouth, vkusnuypirogek!

5. Greetings from the South: Shiro Kuma.

This ice cream is a bit different from the rest, but it is certainly tasty. Produced in Kyushu, the southernmost of the four main islands of Japan, Shiro Kuma (literally "White Bear") on its consistency more like ice pop, but has a rich creamy taste. Kyushu hotter than Honshu, it is not surprising that this ice cream is cooling, and yet it contains pieces of oranges, cherries and nuts, which allows to constantly change the taste of ice cream until you move to the bottom of the tray. Perhaps this is an amateur ice cream, but it's a great option if you are in some kind of a special mood or just want a change.

6. For those who are older: Azuki Baa.

For those who are older, Azuki Bar - dairy ice cream with nuts. By all accounts, this is not the best looking in the world of ice cream, but it's a prime example of what happens when East and West meet. Nuts With these, you remember how mom listened and waited for the end of the afternoon, to expand the wrapper of one of these delicacies.
If you are buying ice cream for the old lady who lives in the neighborhood, or want to make an impression on the native Japanese, Azuki Bar for you.

7. Leisure: Ice Box.

Now something for the pleasure of ice. Capsule Morinaga's Ice Box is usually not so striking as compared to lying in the fridge next door creamy delicacies, but there are few desserts that can meet a hot summer day like this.
In fact, Ice Box - a box with flavored ice cubes, sweet and savory slices can be briefly detained in the mouth before they are completely melted. The only negative is that it is difficult to get ice cream anywhere with him, it is convenient to have only a spoon, so if you want to show this ice cream to someone outside the home, we recommend you just open your mouth wider and cover pieces right there.

8. Good old: Giant Cone.

Giant horn receives awards for originality, but will remain the undisputed winner. Hard wafer with thick slices of soft ice cream and cookies, you will never go wrong if you choose Giant Cone. One "but" - the name, after all, in fact, nothing in these giant horns there. In our hands, it seems huge ice cream normal size. However, you're unlikely to find anything tasty classic Japanese ice cream in a waffle cone with the tastes of biscuits and chocolate, biscuits and vanilla or chocolate nuts for 126 yen (1, $ 25) per share, which are sold all year round.
On vehicle manufacturers apparently do not save.

9.'s best friend for parents: Coolish.

We do not know who first thought of to put ice cream in a small, soft packaging, but this man is a genius. In spite of the stupid name, Coolish is ideal for those who do not like to be sticky, and for those who love to eat ice cream before it turns into a mixture of water and milk sugar. For those whose children manage to get dirty no matter how closely to them nor monitored by parents. You can even remove it in your pocket, if you suddenly have to run to the bus or train.
Sweeter than the rest of the ice cream in Japan Coolish is available in two flavors: vanilla and chocolate Belgisky. It is so incredible that I do not know, I wonder whether you are now, what's next ...

10. Back to basics: Garigari-kun.

Named in honor of a sucking sound Garigari-kun - Japanese classics. It's so simple that you begin to wonder whether it is worth your attention. But this cream is able to quench your thirst, and costs only 60 yen (about 0, $ 60), so that it will be able to afford even a schoolboy, who remained in his pocket some change. And yet, get a prize-winning ice cream and get a second for free. Well, is it possible not to love ?!

Of course, this list - just listing some types of Japanese ice cream, but we hope that discovered several unknown to you before dessert. We are not presented in the list of our absolute favorite Yukimi Daifuku, because of its consistency, it is rarely sold in stores in the summer months. Perhaps we will have to make a separate list of the best winter varieties of ice cream. So stay with us.
Source: Muz4in.Net