Factory Pinball
We all know the arcade game pinball. In this gallery, we take a look at the factory Pinball in Melrose Park, near Chicago. According to "Stern Pinball" they are the only in the world of the creators of high-quality machines for the game of pinball, and produce annually approximately 10 000 vehicles, which are available worldwide.
A worker collects machine to play pinball. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS
A worker collects machine to play pinball in a factory, "Stern Pinball" in Melrose Park, near Chicago. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS
A worker lays one of the circuit boards used in the assembly of a pinball machine. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS
Box with balls used for pinball machines. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS
The label used to pinball machines. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS
The scheme to identify the location of the wires. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS
Source: aleks1780.livejournal.com

A worker collects machine to play pinball. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS

A worker collects machine to play pinball in a factory, "Stern Pinball" in Melrose Park, near Chicago. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS

A worker lays one of the circuit boards used in the assembly of a pinball machine. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS

Box with balls used for pinball machines. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS

The label used to pinball machines. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS

The scheme to identify the location of the wires. JIM YOUNG / REUTERS

Source: aleks1780.livejournal.com