Soviet ice cream, which is impossible to forget
We eat ice cream in 30-degree heat and 25-degree cold, and each year, according to statistics, "consume" more than half a million tons of favorite treats, some species of which have reached us from the Soviet era.
1. Symbol era
The era of the ice cream in the Soviet Union began in 1936, when food Anastas Mikoyan, after his visit to America, formulated the main task: "to make ice cream mass product, releasing it at affordable prices." A year later, the assembly line went down the first batch of goodies. It released the single guests, so in every city in the country citizens ate the same kinds of ice cream. However, until the province assortment of ice cream reached in a shortened version.
A true symbol of the era was a popsicle. Advertise a new product decided by means of a penguin, consumers associate with the cold, and apparently with the exotic. The first decades of the Soviet popsicle was exclusively handmade products: glazed portion of each packer carefully wrapped in paper. Wand, incidentally, applied separately. It was only in 1947, with the advent of specialized equipment, production popsicle become more ambitious (it began to make not only in the capital), and the ice cream itself has become kind of "that" popsicle stick.
One of the most delicious popsicle thought with a name is not available, it seemed nothing to do with ice cream - "Chestnut". Parted with 28 pennies per serving without looking - too rarely "thrown" "Chestnut" on sale. Still less could not buy cream sundae "Chestnut", and chocolate.
2. "Gourmand»
Introduced in the mid-70s "Gourmand" almost immediately became one of the most favorite delicacies of Soviet citizens. As soon as the ice cream is not cheap - 28 cents. Shell out to acquire it too often could not everyone, therefore the eating of "Gourmet" became almost a holiday. The traditional "tube" of 12% strength ice cream produced at Moskhladokombinate №8 on the line of western production, which was not unique in the Union. A distinguishing feature of the product is that the glaze is not applied on the production line, and dipping method. According to legend, this technology is made possible by the invention of a nameless locksmith craftsman who invented a special nozzle. The basis of "Gourmet" could be white or chocolate, but the glazing - exclusively from milk chocolate. Clone "Gourmand" ice cream was "The Nutcracker" in which chocolate glaze generously seasoned with crushed nuts.
3. Ice cream for 48 cents
His legendary Soviet ice cream flavor is obliged to a single guest, who was listed in the documentation under the symbol 117-41. It was introduced in March 1941 and was considered almost the most stringent in the world - only natural ingredients and no "chemistry»!
One of the most expensive kinds of ice cream was ice cream for 48 cents. But the cost of its ingredients determined not special or complex recipes and volume portions. According to Soviet producers, one 250-gram cream was enough for the whole family. How wrong they were! Every (!) Member of the family ate a whole batch in one sitting, generously pouring snow-white delicacy jam or sprinkled with grated chocolate. "Family" ice cream is packed in foil, jammed into the large cup of paper or cardboard box. By the way, there was talk that the same box from the "great ice cream" glued to a mental hospital. In the child's mind is a grisly, eating ice cream from which it became even more enjoyable.
4. Berry and not only ...
The lowest ratings among Soviet children had fruit and berry ice cream (also called fruit-berry). But if you're "on the rocks", and ice cream horror as you want, then, as they say, and "fruit and berry - ice cream." To buy it, you had to scrape together only some 7 cents, and the coveted paper cup with bright red content found himself in the hands. By the way, to buy fruit and berry ice cream was not easy: either let his little because of the unpopularity, or, on the contrary, it quickly sold out, including due to the low cost.
Later, there were yellow ice cream with exotic pineapple or lemon flavor. It does not matter that it was not as tasty as cream or butter, the main thing - yellow! And old-timers remember the color of green tea ice cream and the "tomato." Recently released in waffle cups, and the top ice cream is traditionally covered with a paper circle with the image of a pretty tomato, invites you to taste exotic product. Taste "tomato" ice cream, said to have been disgusting, it is not surprising that it quickly enough removed from production. However, today the ice cream "tomato" received a second birth. Its hard, but can be found on the shelves of Russian, while in Japan, for example, ice cream-based tomato, cream and garlic sold in almost every store.
5. Two in one
Stoically endure surgery to remove the tonsils Soviet child could only when recognized that the entire postoperative period it will be fed ice cream at public expense. Most likely, the favorite - ice cream. But then parents could take this opportunity to order ice cream, some unusual and rare. The choice often falling on it, in which combines gastronomic dreams of all Soviet children - ice cream and cake in one package. Ice cream in a waffle cup, decorated with rosettes of pale cream, worth 19 cents. It can still be found in stores, with the look and feel so loved in childhood rosette not undergone seems significant changes.
Legendary ice cream was ice cream from the Main Department Store. Cream cups - creme brulee, chocolate, butter - the first thing in a few generations associated GUM. It is still produced in the GUM, and the secret of its taste is kept in secrecy.
In the production hall is not allowed, not only outsiders - reporters and curious, but even the store employees. Ice cream, which has become over time a cult, started selling in the main department store July 3, 1954. Total GUM's ice cream, there are nine species. The most popular is still using the cream.

1. Symbol era

The era of the ice cream in the Soviet Union began in 1936, when food Anastas Mikoyan, after his visit to America, formulated the main task: "to make ice cream mass product, releasing it at affordable prices." A year later, the assembly line went down the first batch of goodies. It released the single guests, so in every city in the country citizens ate the same kinds of ice cream. However, until the province assortment of ice cream reached in a shortened version.
A true symbol of the era was a popsicle. Advertise a new product decided by means of a penguin, consumers associate with the cold, and apparently with the exotic. The first decades of the Soviet popsicle was exclusively handmade products: glazed portion of each packer carefully wrapped in paper. Wand, incidentally, applied separately. It was only in 1947, with the advent of specialized equipment, production popsicle become more ambitious (it began to make not only in the capital), and the ice cream itself has become kind of "that" popsicle stick.
One of the most delicious popsicle thought with a name is not available, it seemed nothing to do with ice cream - "Chestnut". Parted with 28 pennies per serving without looking - too rarely "thrown" "Chestnut" on sale. Still less could not buy cream sundae "Chestnut", and chocolate.
2. "Gourmand»
Introduced in the mid-70s "Gourmand" almost immediately became one of the most favorite delicacies of Soviet citizens. As soon as the ice cream is not cheap - 28 cents. Shell out to acquire it too often could not everyone, therefore the eating of "Gourmet" became almost a holiday. The traditional "tube" of 12% strength ice cream produced at Moskhladokombinate №8 on the line of western production, which was not unique in the Union. A distinguishing feature of the product is that the glaze is not applied on the production line, and dipping method. According to legend, this technology is made possible by the invention of a nameless locksmith craftsman who invented a special nozzle. The basis of "Gourmet" could be white or chocolate, but the glazing - exclusively from milk chocolate. Clone "Gourmand" ice cream was "The Nutcracker" in which chocolate glaze generously seasoned with crushed nuts.
3. Ice cream for 48 cents
His legendary Soviet ice cream flavor is obliged to a single guest, who was listed in the documentation under the symbol 117-41. It was introduced in March 1941 and was considered almost the most stringent in the world - only natural ingredients and no "chemistry»!
One of the most expensive kinds of ice cream was ice cream for 48 cents. But the cost of its ingredients determined not special or complex recipes and volume portions. According to Soviet producers, one 250-gram cream was enough for the whole family. How wrong they were! Every (!) Member of the family ate a whole batch in one sitting, generously pouring snow-white delicacy jam or sprinkled with grated chocolate. "Family" ice cream is packed in foil, jammed into the large cup of paper or cardboard box. By the way, there was talk that the same box from the "great ice cream" glued to a mental hospital. In the child's mind is a grisly, eating ice cream from which it became even more enjoyable.
4. Berry and not only ...
The lowest ratings among Soviet children had fruit and berry ice cream (also called fruit-berry). But if you're "on the rocks", and ice cream horror as you want, then, as they say, and "fruit and berry - ice cream." To buy it, you had to scrape together only some 7 cents, and the coveted paper cup with bright red content found himself in the hands. By the way, to buy fruit and berry ice cream was not easy: either let his little because of the unpopularity, or, on the contrary, it quickly sold out, including due to the low cost.
Later, there were yellow ice cream with exotic pineapple or lemon flavor. It does not matter that it was not as tasty as cream or butter, the main thing - yellow! And old-timers remember the color of green tea ice cream and the "tomato." Recently released in waffle cups, and the top ice cream is traditionally covered with a paper circle with the image of a pretty tomato, invites you to taste exotic product. Taste "tomato" ice cream, said to have been disgusting, it is not surprising that it quickly enough removed from production. However, today the ice cream "tomato" received a second birth. Its hard, but can be found on the shelves of Russian, while in Japan, for example, ice cream-based tomato, cream and garlic sold in almost every store.
5. Two in one
Stoically endure surgery to remove the tonsils Soviet child could only when recognized that the entire postoperative period it will be fed ice cream at public expense. Most likely, the favorite - ice cream. But then parents could take this opportunity to order ice cream, some unusual and rare. The choice often falling on it, in which combines gastronomic dreams of all Soviet children - ice cream and cake in one package. Ice cream in a waffle cup, decorated with rosettes of pale cream, worth 19 cents. It can still be found in stores, with the look and feel so loved in childhood rosette not undergone seems significant changes.
Legendary ice cream was ice cream from the Main Department Store. Cream cups - creme brulee, chocolate, butter - the first thing in a few generations associated GUM. It is still produced in the GUM, and the secret of its taste is kept in secrecy.
In the production hall is not allowed, not only outsiders - reporters and curious, but even the store employees. Ice cream, which has become over time a cult, started selling in the main department store July 3, 1954. Total GUM's ice cream, there are nine species. The most popular is still using the cream.