9 things you need to know to survive in critical situation
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In life anything can happen, including situations that threatened her life. To prepare you for even the most unforeseen accidents, the Website will tell you about 9 of the rules of survival that will help to cope with difficulties and possibly save a life.
To fire from the batteries of the phone
If you are lost far away from civilization, then gadgets won't do any good except to breed with their help the fire.
Many smartphones and tablets are lithium batteries (on them the inscription Li-ion). If you pierce a battery with something sharp, it will start a chemical reaction and fire. Most importantly, prepare firewood for the campfire.
To swim across the rip current
While swimming in the sea we can wait for a very dangerous phenomenon which is called "Tyagun" or "rip". This rip current, which can appear anywhere. When we find ourselves in him, our instinct forces us to move faster to the shore. But we, on the contrary, distant.
If you are caught in the rip current, then move not directly but parallel to the shore or diagonally. Such trends are not broad, they can swim and thus save his life.
To escape from the crocodile
A straight line crocodiles can run faster than a human. But because of short legs and elongated torso they are clumsy on the turns, so will not chase prey that constantly lose sight of.
If the crocodile for you have pursued, to run away from him better in zigzags. And in General, ponds with crocodiles and alligators it's better to stay as far as possible.
If stung by a jellyfish
The sting of a jellyfish can cause a painful shock, allergic reactions and severe intoxication. Here's what you need to do to avoid or alleviate the unpleasant consequences of such a meeting:
Immediately wash the wound and get rid of the remnants of the tentacles. Do not remove tentacles with bare hands, not to get a new burn. Rinse the burn salt water. In any case, do not use fresh water it activates the stinging cells. To flush toxins, make a poultice of Apple cider vinegar or alcohol. Drink plenty of water and consult a doctor. The water will help to recover faster, and the doctor will prescribe the necessary medication. Remember the "rule of three"
The rule of three is a rule that shows the average values of human survival in certain conditions.
Use superglue on the wound
Let's say you are doing the repair in the country: one wrong move — and you wound the arm, and the bandage as luck would have ended. In such a situation, you can use superglue. It will not only pull together a large damaged area, but also disinfects it. But to the doctor it is better to contact.
Do not eat snow when thirsty
Some people think that to quench your thirst, you can eat the snow. But in an emergency you can not do that. And not because you can get sick the throat. The fact that the cold snow will cool your body, and the body, in turn, will have to spend extra energy to keep warm.
So you spend the extra power and faster will freeze. Rescuers recommend to wait for the snow to melt before quench your thirst.
To extinguish a burning pan
In a matter of seconds frying pan left unattended on the stove can catch fire. This happens when the oil heats up too much. What in any case do not need to do in this situation is to pour water on burning oil. This fire will become bigger and stronger, and the oil will squirt in all directions.
If the flame is small, you can fill with soda, it absorbs oxygen. But the most effective way to avoid fire is to cover the pan tight cotton fabric. Like a blanket or a pile of t-shirts out of the closet.
With a deep wound
Many believe that when wound the urgent need to remove the splinter and treat the wound. All right. But if the wound is deep, in any case, you cannot remove the object or splinter.
It's all in that baby trick with the water and package. Damaging large vessels, a fragment of their covers, but worth it to get it — will start bleeding. So sometimes it is better not to touch the wound until the ambulance arrived.
Usually we don't say, but I hope that these tips you will never use. Take care of yourself.Illustrator Leonid Khan specifically for the Website
According to the materials Be Amazed
via www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCnye1vn7H8
In life anything can happen, including situations that threatened her life. To prepare you for even the most unforeseen accidents, the Website will tell you about 9 of the rules of survival that will help to cope with difficulties and possibly save a life.
To fire from the batteries of the phone

If you are lost far away from civilization, then gadgets won't do any good except to breed with their help the fire.
Many smartphones and tablets are lithium batteries (on them the inscription Li-ion). If you pierce a battery with something sharp, it will start a chemical reaction and fire. Most importantly, prepare firewood for the campfire.
To swim across the rip current

While swimming in the sea we can wait for a very dangerous phenomenon which is called "Tyagun" or "rip". This rip current, which can appear anywhere. When we find ourselves in him, our instinct forces us to move faster to the shore. But we, on the contrary, distant.
If you are caught in the rip current, then move not directly but parallel to the shore or diagonally. Such trends are not broad, they can swim and thus save his life.
To escape from the crocodile

A straight line crocodiles can run faster than a human. But because of short legs and elongated torso they are clumsy on the turns, so will not chase prey that constantly lose sight of.
If the crocodile for you have pursued, to run away from him better in zigzags. And in General, ponds with crocodiles and alligators it's better to stay as far as possible.
If stung by a jellyfish

The sting of a jellyfish can cause a painful shock, allergic reactions and severe intoxication. Here's what you need to do to avoid or alleviate the unpleasant consequences of such a meeting:
Immediately wash the wound and get rid of the remnants of the tentacles. Do not remove tentacles with bare hands, not to get a new burn. Rinse the burn salt water. In any case, do not use fresh water it activates the stinging cells. To flush toxins, make a poultice of Apple cider vinegar or alcohol. Drink plenty of water and consult a doctor. The water will help to recover faster, and the doctor will prescribe the necessary medication. Remember the "rule of three"

The rule of three is a rule that shows the average values of human survival in certain conditions.
- 3 minutes without air in the average until the person loses consciousness.
- 3 days without water, followed by dehydration, life-threatening.
- 3 weeks without food without severe health damage. In a critical situation when the body changes and can sometimes go without food for a month.
Use superglue on the wound

Let's say you are doing the repair in the country: one wrong move — and you wound the arm, and the bandage as luck would have ended. In such a situation, you can use superglue. It will not only pull together a large damaged area, but also disinfects it. But to the doctor it is better to contact.
Do not eat snow when thirsty

Some people think that to quench your thirst, you can eat the snow. But in an emergency you can not do that. And not because you can get sick the throat. The fact that the cold snow will cool your body, and the body, in turn, will have to spend extra energy to keep warm.
So you spend the extra power and faster will freeze. Rescuers recommend to wait for the snow to melt before quench your thirst.
To extinguish a burning pan

In a matter of seconds frying pan left unattended on the stove can catch fire. This happens when the oil heats up too much. What in any case do not need to do in this situation is to pour water on burning oil. This fire will become bigger and stronger, and the oil will squirt in all directions.
If the flame is small, you can fill with soda, it absorbs oxygen. But the most effective way to avoid fire is to cover the pan tight cotton fabric. Like a blanket or a pile of t-shirts out of the closet.
With a deep wound

Many believe that when wound the urgent need to remove the splinter and treat the wound. All right. But if the wound is deep, in any case, you cannot remove the object or splinter.
It's all in that baby trick with the water and package. Damaging large vessels, a fragment of their covers, but worth it to get it — will start bleeding. So sometimes it is better not to touch the wound until the ambulance arrived.
Usually we don't say, but I hope that these tips you will never use. Take care of yourself.Illustrator Leonid Khan specifically for the Website
According to the materials Be Amazed
via www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCnye1vn7H8
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