What happens to your body if you drink a lot of tea every day?
"Should we have tea?" This phrase greets and greets guests most of us. The fragrant drink is considered a healing drug, and its drinking is a special tradition. If tea is green, no one doubts it. medicinal: rich in antioxidants, well invigorated, lowers cholesterol, cleanses the body and is an ideal local anti-inflammatory.
In the East, green and white tea are considered the most useful. Then there are yellow, red and black varieties. Many people do not know that tea contains 4 times more caffeinethan coffee. But from dry tea leaves, caffeine is not extracted into the drink completely, its real content is always lower.
The post-Soviet tradition of tea drinking is similar to a tea ceremony in the Looking Glass, "in which everyone drinks tea like crazy." We like to drink a seagull after breakfast, lunch and dinner, a couple of cups in between work to quench your thirst. And always, when bored, you can pass the time for a fragrant drink. I think that's a lot.
Editorial "Site" I found out why you should not get carried away with tea drinking and what problems can arise against the background of prolonged use of green or black tea.
Despite the above disadvantages, green tea is the most useful and delicious drink. To keep your body healthy and attractive, don’t abuse it. It is better to quench thirst with water, and 2-3 cups of tea per day are enough to charge cheerfulness. Give preference to large-leaf varieties in which the maximum amount of medicinal substances is preserved.
Show these tea features to your friends, they will be surprised!
We care about your opinion. green teaThey say it can cure cancer! Don't forget to write a comment.

In the East, green and white tea are considered the most useful. Then there are yellow, red and black varieties. Many people do not know that tea contains 4 times more caffeinethan coffee. But from dry tea leaves, caffeine is not extracted into the drink completely, its real content is always lower.
The post-Soviet tradition of tea drinking is similar to a tea ceremony in the Looking Glass, "in which everyone drinks tea like crazy." We like to drink a seagull after breakfast, lunch and dinner, a couple of cups in between work to quench your thirst. And always, when bored, you can pass the time for a fragrant drink. I think that's a lot.

Editorial "Site" I found out why you should not get carried away with tea drinking and what problems can arise against the background of prolonged use of green or black tea.
- Bone destruction
Strongly brewed black tea contains a high concentration of fluoride, which, if consumed excessively, destroys calcium compounds. First of all, tooth enamel suffers, teeth turn yellow, caries occurs. Increased risk of skeletal disease fluorosis and osteoporosis - excessive fragility of the bones. Therefore, do not abuse brewing during cooking and insist on the drink no more than 3-5 minutes.
DepositPhotos - Yellow teeth
Look at your cup: if there is a plaque on its walls, it is better to refuse the tea that was brewed in it. After all, the plaque paints not only the snow-white surface of the mug, but also the enamel of your teeth! Most often this applies to cheap tea in bags, it can be not only dyes and flavors, but also low-quality tea leaves.
DepositPhotos - Heavy metals
In 2013, the Canadian Journal of Toxicology published the results of a study of packaged tea from different manufacturers. In all samples, toxicologists found lead, aluminum, arsenic and cadmium! Heavy metals enter the plant from pollutedTheir concentration is directly dependent on brewing. The maximum amount of toxic substances is released into tea if it is brewed for 15-17 minutes. Do not insist on the drink for more than 3 minutes. It is better to give preference to white tea, the leaves of which do not have time to accumulate harmful substances, because they are collected young.
DepositPhotos - Nose bleeding
The habit of drinking boiling water tea can have a bad effect on the vessels of the nasopharynx and provoke bleeding. Regular consumption of hot food and drinks destroys the walls of the esophagus, and cancerous tumors often occur in places of burns. To get the optimal temperature of tea (50-60 °), you do not need to wait long. Let it brew for 5-7 minutes and the drink is ready.
DepositPhotos - Insomnia
To the question, Can I drink green tea at night?The doctors answered in the affirmative: “No way!” From caffeine and essential oils, heartbeat and pulse speed up, blood flow accelerates, the adrenal glands secrete more adrenaline, and the central nervous system and brain become excited. In the evening, it is better to refrain from all types of tea and coffee, limiting yourself to herbal drinks.
DepositPhotos - Neutralize the effects of drugs
When you are sick and there is a temperature, you should not get carried away with strong tea. It contains theophylline, which has a diuretic effect and reduces efficiency. antipyretics. You can not drink tea nitrogen-containing drugs ("Papaverine", "Codeine", "Caffeine", "Euphyllin", cardiac glycosides and others). They form a precipitate when interacting with tea tannins and can have a bad effect on the heart.
DepositPhotos - Iron deficiency anemia
In 2011, American scientists found that tea blocks the absorption of iron. Regular consumption of tea during meals provokes iron deficiency anemia with unpleasant consequences. The condition of the skin and hair worsens, a person feels lethargy and rapid fatigue. Do not abuse tea for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is recommended to wait 20 minutes before or after eating. And normalize iron levelsIt is not enough to give up the drink. You need to take special drugs that the doctor will prescribe.
DepositPhotos - Can pregnant women have green tea?
During pregnancy, it is better to refrain from drinking drinks that contain caffeine. According to Japanese studies, 5 cups of green tea per day lead to underweight in newborns. In addition, having a pronounced diuretic effect, tea increases the load on the mother's kidneys. Green tea reduces the effectiveness of absorption folic acid. And it is one of the most important elements necessary for the proper development of the child! It is better to limit the use of tea during pregnancy, optimally - no more than 2 cups a day.
Like many herbal teas, tea leaves can accumulate pyrrolizidine alkaloids – toxins of plant origin. In 86% of the samples herbalismPregnant and lactating women have found these substances. For a healthy person, they are not dangerous. The threat exists for unborn children and small infants breastfed, to which toxins get from the mother.
Despite the above disadvantages, green tea is the most useful and delicious drink. To keep your body healthy and attractive, don’t abuse it. It is better to quench thirst with water, and 2-3 cups of tea per day are enough to charge cheerfulness. Give preference to large-leaf varieties in which the maximum amount of medicinal substances is preserved.
Show these tea features to your friends, they will be surprised!
We care about your opinion. green teaThey say it can cure cancer! Don't forget to write a comment.
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