Landscapes tea plantations

Boh Tea Plantation in Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia, the largest tea plantation in Malaysia, the largest producer of black tea Malaysia.

Sunset on the tea plantation Taipei Tanguao.

Wild elephant wandered on a tea plantation in Munnar.

The green and quiet landscape of the tea plantations in Munnar.
Chinese legends ascribed to that tea began in 2737 BC

Children living in the mountains, close to the mountain tea plantations in the mountain town of Darjeeling, West Bengal, India. Mountain on the horizon - Kangchendzonga - the third highest peak in the world (Mount Everest further west).

An example of the bizarre labyrinth of tea bushes in the Camellia sinensis tea plantation.

Tea plantations in Munnar, Kerala, India.
"If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are too heated, ice tea will cool you. If you are depressed, it will invigorate you. If you vozduzhdeny, it will calm "- a quote from William Gladstone.

Girls on the tea plantation near the town of the town of Astara in Azerbaijan. Black Tea in Azerbaijan is not worse than the best foreign brands. The first tea was planted in Azerbaijan in 1896. After 20 years of experiments, it was decided that tea should be grown here. Now Astara region has three tea factories. As they say in Azerbaijan - "a cup of good tea, it's like listening to a good song." "I'll love you even more strongly, every day again and again" - a quote from the song Elbrus Dzhanmirzoeva.

Tea plantation on the way to mountain reserve in Sri Lanka.

The locomotive pulls the train through the tea plantations in Nuwara Eliya - Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Scenic view of mountain peaks Valparai, very scenic, vast land covered with tea plantations. English first imported tea to India in an attempt to undermine the Chinese monopoly on tea production.

Charleston Tea Plantation is a manufacturer of American-made vintage tea in the United States.

Group of Greek girls and women harvesting tea in Georgia, Kolo 1905 - 1915 GG
This photo made in 1905 - 1915 years, shows a group of Greek workers, girls, boys and women harvesting tea in Chakvi, Georgia, the Russian Empire. The photographer used a special processing to make a color photo at the beginning of the XX century.

You want some tea? Did you know that tea - the second most consumed beverage on earth after water. In many cultures, tea is made to use during various activities, including afternoon tea and tea. The tea ceremony originated in different cultures.

Collection of velvet tea workers in Kalas, India.
In the United States 80% upotreblyaestsya iced tea. Sweet tea is made Pritam in the south-eastern United States.

Panorama of the largest tea plantations in Cameroon Highlands near Kuala Lumpur.

Mountain tea plantation in Malawi.

A trip on a bicycle with an umbrella over tea plantation Cameron Highlands.
A Chinese proverb says, "every day drinking a cup of tea leaves without work pharmacist».

Bharat Tea Plantation near Tanah Rata, Malaysia.
Recently, scientists have suggested that green and black tea may protect against cancer. The catechins contained in green tea, are more effective in the prevention of certain cancers associated with obesity. Also, green and black tea can protect against cardiovascular disease, diseases of the esophagus, prostate, digestive system, urinary tract, pancreas, bladder, colon, breast and other.

Blue Mountains on a tea plantation in India Nallamudi.

Conor tea plantation in India.
A Chinese proverb says, "tea water is the mother, kettle - a father, a teacher and the fire».

Tea plantation in Ooty, India.

Tea Plantation botanical garden in Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

Tea Estate in Kochi, India.

The statue at the entrance to Malabar tea factory in Indonesia.
The history goes back to the Malabar 1890, when the Dutch began to develop in the Highlands Pangalengana. Malabar tea factory was founded in 1896 by Rudolf Karel Albert Bosch, who was a planter and the first head.

Collection of tea in Kerala, India.
Every employee on the day collects about 8 kg. tea. Workers employed full-time earn from 200 to 250 euros per month.

Bags with tea leaves factory Munnar.
Did you know, white tea, yellow tea, green tea, pu-erh tea and black tea, all collected from some bushes of tea, but they are handled differently to achieve different levels of oxidation.

Monga abandoned tea factory in East Africa.

Circular pattern formed by tea bushes in a plantation in Sri Lanka.

The gentle slopes of the tea plantation in the hill country of Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka.

Waterfall near the tea estates of Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka.
Located at an altitude of about 2000 m above sea level surrounded by lush tea plantations, Nuwara Eliya - this is the main mountain resort of Sri Lanka and the heart of the tea industry.

A tea plantation Bo, China.

Tea plantation in India. In the United Kingdom, tea consumed daily and tea is really perceived as one of Britain's cultural beverage. In India, tea - one of the most popular hot drinks. It is used daily in almost all houses.

Tea plantations in Sri Lanka.
The Swiss like to use their own unique blend of iced tea. Ireland for a long time was a country with one of the biggest figures in the world tea consumption per capita. On average in the country - everyone uses on a daily basis for four - six cups of tea.

Fields and fields of tea.

Tea plantation in Taipei, Taiwan.

Source: terraoko.com