Caution: green tea!
Mostly for adults, green tea is harmless, if consumed in moderation. Safe for most can be considered green tea extract — both indoors and for exterior use.
However, drinking too much green tea — more than 5 cups a day is considered unsafe. Side effects due to caffeine present in this tea may include some or all of the following symptoms:
— Migraine;
— Irritability;
— Nervousness;
— Sleep problems;
— Vomiting;
— Diarrhea;
— Heart rhythm disturbances;
— Tremor;
— Heartburn;
— Dizziness;
— Tinnitus;
— Convulsion»
— Disorientation.
Seventy seven million fifty one thousand three hundred twenty seven
Who should not drink green tea? Green tea is contraindicated for those who are experiencing the following problems and conditions.
1. Stomach problem
Tannins in green tea increase the secretion of gastric juice, which can cause abdominal pain, nausea and constipation. This is why green tea in Japan and China don't drink on an empty stomach. It is better to drink green tea after or during a meal. People with ulcers or heartburn should not consume too much green tea.
A study in 1984 revealed that tea is a powerful stimulant of gastric juice. To reduce this effect by adding milk and sugar.
Due to the high content of caffeine green tea in large amounts is contraindicated diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
2. Iron deficiency
It is assumed that green tea reduces the absorption of iron. A 2001 study showed that green tea extract reduces the absorption of iron by 25%. Iron is found in such foods as eggs, dairy and plant foods such as beans, but if you drink green tea, this component will be absorbed by your body worse.
This effect can be partially compensated by vitamin C which enhances the absorption of iron. To do this, squeeze in the lemon tea or add to your diet other foods rich in vitamin C, such as broccoli. In addition, according to the National cancer Institute (National Cancer Institute), the absorbability of iron has little effect drinking tea between meals.
3. Caffeine sensitivity
Like all teas, green tea contains caffeine and excessive consumption may cause nervousness, anxiety, irregular heartbeat, muscle spasms, tremor, and sweating. Some people are particularly sensitive to caffeine, and they will suffer from these symptoms anymore. Excessive caffeine consumption can also hinder calcium absorption, affecting your bone health and increasing the risk of osteoporosis. To prevent such problems, limit green tea intake to 5 or less cups a day. IMPORTANTLY! Consumption of very large doses of cafeine can be life-threatening. A lethal dose of caffeine in green tea is estimated at 10-14 grams (150-200 mg to kilogram).
Ninety nine million fifty eight thousand four hundred eighty
4. Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Green tea contains caffeine, catechins and tannins. All three substances are associated with risk for pregnancy. To completely abandon the drink is not necessary, but preferably limited to 2 cups per day. A larger number may increase the risk of miscarriage and other negative effects. Remember that caffeine passes into breast milk and may affect baby during feeding.
5. Diabetes
Caffeine in green tea can affect the regulation of blood sugar. If you are diabetic, and drink green tea, control blood sugar levels more carefully.
6. Glaucoma and high blood pressure
Drinking green tea increases intraocular pressure. This increase occurs within half an hour and lasts for about one and a half hours.
The caffeine in green tea, can increase blood pressure in hypertensive patients. However, it is not the case for people who regularly drink green tea or other caffeinated products.
In addition, green tea is not recommended for people with anxious personality disorder, bleeding disorders, disturbances in the heartbeat, and severe liver disease. Finally, green tea is contraindicated to the children that it contained tannins can block absorption of the growing body of nutrients such as proteins and fats.
Seventy seven million one hundred twenty four thousand ninety nine
How to drink green tea? The tea Council of great Britain recommends to drink no more than 6 cups of tea a day. For the best health benefits it is recommended that 3 to 4 cups. In Asian countries usually eat about 3 cups of green tea a day.
Tea people typically use 1 teaspoon of tea for 250 ml of boiling water.
Drink green tea when it first brewed, but slightly chilled. Scalding tea can damage your digestive system. In addition, recent studies show that excessive consumption of hot tea can cause throat cancer.
For health more useful fresh tea, as the positive effect of the catechins such as tannin, and vitamins C and b over time due to oxidation is reduced. If you brew the same tea leaves repeatedly, the duration of the welding before use, should be even less.
Do not steep more than twice. First, each successive brewing of tea leaves in the sky, more and more they contained carcinogenic substances (e.g., pesticides) that can make your tea even toxic. And secondly, in the old tea contains more bacteria.
Conclusion You should not refuse a Cup of his favorite drink, but if you have any of the above diseases, exercise caution and consult your doctor about how much tea you can drink. Observe moderation and safely enjoy all the benefits of green tea!
To read other articles about Caution: green tea!
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Source: fitfixed.com
However, drinking too much green tea — more than 5 cups a day is considered unsafe. Side effects due to caffeine present in this tea may include some or all of the following symptoms:
— Migraine;
— Irritability;
— Nervousness;
— Sleep problems;
— Vomiting;
— Diarrhea;
— Heart rhythm disturbances;
— Tremor;
— Heartburn;
— Dizziness;
— Tinnitus;
— Convulsion»
— Disorientation.
Seventy seven million fifty one thousand three hundred twenty seven
Who should not drink green tea? Green tea is contraindicated for those who are experiencing the following problems and conditions.
1. Stomach problem
Tannins in green tea increase the secretion of gastric juice, which can cause abdominal pain, nausea and constipation. This is why green tea in Japan and China don't drink on an empty stomach. It is better to drink green tea after or during a meal. People with ulcers or heartburn should not consume too much green tea.
A study in 1984 revealed that tea is a powerful stimulant of gastric juice. To reduce this effect by adding milk and sugar.
Due to the high content of caffeine green tea in large amounts is contraindicated diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
2. Iron deficiency
It is assumed that green tea reduces the absorption of iron. A 2001 study showed that green tea extract reduces the absorption of iron by 25%. Iron is found in such foods as eggs, dairy and plant foods such as beans, but if you drink green tea, this component will be absorbed by your body worse.
This effect can be partially compensated by vitamin C which enhances the absorption of iron. To do this, squeeze in the lemon tea or add to your diet other foods rich in vitamin C, such as broccoli. In addition, according to the National cancer Institute (National Cancer Institute), the absorbability of iron has little effect drinking tea between meals.
3. Caffeine sensitivity
Like all teas, green tea contains caffeine and excessive consumption may cause nervousness, anxiety, irregular heartbeat, muscle spasms, tremor, and sweating. Some people are particularly sensitive to caffeine, and they will suffer from these symptoms anymore. Excessive caffeine consumption can also hinder calcium absorption, affecting your bone health and increasing the risk of osteoporosis. To prevent such problems, limit green tea intake to 5 or less cups a day. IMPORTANTLY! Consumption of very large doses of cafeine can be life-threatening. A lethal dose of caffeine in green tea is estimated at 10-14 grams (150-200 mg to kilogram).
Ninety nine million fifty eight thousand four hundred eighty
4. Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Green tea contains caffeine, catechins and tannins. All three substances are associated with risk for pregnancy. To completely abandon the drink is not necessary, but preferably limited to 2 cups per day. A larger number may increase the risk of miscarriage and other negative effects. Remember that caffeine passes into breast milk and may affect baby during feeding.
5. Diabetes
Caffeine in green tea can affect the regulation of blood sugar. If you are diabetic, and drink green tea, control blood sugar levels more carefully.
6. Glaucoma and high blood pressure
Drinking green tea increases intraocular pressure. This increase occurs within half an hour and lasts for about one and a half hours.
The caffeine in green tea, can increase blood pressure in hypertensive patients. However, it is not the case for people who regularly drink green tea or other caffeinated products.
In addition, green tea is not recommended for people with anxious personality disorder, bleeding disorders, disturbances in the heartbeat, and severe liver disease. Finally, green tea is contraindicated to the children that it contained tannins can block absorption of the growing body of nutrients such as proteins and fats.
Seventy seven million one hundred twenty four thousand ninety nine
How to drink green tea? The tea Council of great Britain recommends to drink no more than 6 cups of tea a day. For the best health benefits it is recommended that 3 to 4 cups. In Asian countries usually eat about 3 cups of green tea a day.
Tea people typically use 1 teaspoon of tea for 250 ml of boiling water.
Drink green tea when it first brewed, but slightly chilled. Scalding tea can damage your digestive system. In addition, recent studies show that excessive consumption of hot tea can cause throat cancer.
For health more useful fresh tea, as the positive effect of the catechins such as tannin, and vitamins C and b over time due to oxidation is reduced. If you brew the same tea leaves repeatedly, the duration of the welding before use, should be even less.
Do not steep more than twice. First, each successive brewing of tea leaves in the sky, more and more they contained carcinogenic substances (e.g., pesticides) that can make your tea even toxic. And secondly, in the old tea contains more bacteria.
Conclusion You should not refuse a Cup of his favorite drink, but if you have any of the above diseases, exercise caution and consult your doctor about how much tea you can drink. Observe moderation and safely enjoy all the benefits of green tea!
To read other articles about Caution: green tea!
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Source: fitfixed.com