The healing properties of willow-herb and its recipe
We offer you the recipe of cooking delicious and very healthy tea of fireweed, or as it is called Ivan-tea. This plant is well familiar with, as it grows everywhere, even near my house in Moscow. Iwai-tea is unique in every sense of the natural tea!
But first a bit of history.
Fireweed is known in Russia more than ten centuries. This drink is mentioned in ancient Russian manuscripts, it was drunk during the time of construction of Moscow, he was known and loved Europe. In the XIX century Ivan-tea has been exported to the UK. But, at home in the nineteenth century, the Russian market was flooded with Indian tea and healing the national drink has been unjustly forgotten. But this primordially Russian flavored, slightly tart drink is not only tasty but also very useful for the entire body.
What magical healing properties has Ivan tea?
Astringent and anti-inflammatory
Analgesic and antipyretic
Sedatives for stress, nervous tension
Removes food, alcoholic poisoning, sobering
Alkalizes, cleanses the blood
Boosts immunity
Restores power for exhaustion
Hypertension, atherosclerosis and anemia
Gout and disorder of salt metabolism
Zarubova ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract
When the stones in the liver, kidney and diseases of the spleen
With internal bleeding, painful menstruation
Strengthens hair roots
Reduces the toxicity in cancer
Helps to get rid of prostatitis and prostate gland adenoma.
So, how to cook it?
1. We go to collect willow. Prepare a large package.
The leaves collect robust, green, juicy. It is possible to cut willow with stems (whole upper part of the stem) — but it is a barbaric method, moreover, it practically saves time, as shown by personal experience. Anyway, the leaves have home pick. So the sound approach — to pluck a couple of handfuls of leaves from the trunk, you can also take a handful of flowers. Then You'll tea, and willow is not suffering — it continues to grow; the loss of several leaves and flowers are not so terrible. But next year, You will be able to collect the tea at the same place.
2. Arriving home, prepare the leaves.
If necessary, they need vymyty dry. Then slightly podvyalit.
And then there are two options:
if you want loose leaf tea, the leaves remain intact, if loose, then the leaves must be finely chopped.
3. Can prepared whole leaf for a few pieces to grind it in his hand, before the formation of juice, as if to roll the sausage balls to make something like a lump. But it is inconvenient when preparing a large quantity of tea. So I'm on a wooden Board several times to roll sheets of wood with a rolling pin and then cut. If this is not done, the leaves are not fermented.
4. Tightly stacked in an enamel pan and cover with a damp cloth and put the yoke, or tight linen wrap in a damp towel. If the leaves in the pot, they need to stir, turning over the top of them to evenly ripen.
5. Next is the most important. Fermentation of tea.
From fermentation depends on which tea You get green or black. The time of fermentation depends on ambient temperature. The hotter — the more and the processes are faster.Note — the fermentation makes the green black tea: in the oven, no matter how much You fry the leaves, they turn into black tea.
Green tea: aged 6-12-24 hours.
Black tea: aged 2-3-5 days.
Here you need to see that strayed periodically to moisten the cloth. Tea should be dark, it will be delicious to smell — then it is time to dry.
I like black (it does not like what is sold in stores). He has amber color, pleasant aroma and flavor, and closer to green herbal infusion.
6.Drying of tea.
Green tea is dried naturally in the shade.
Black tea must be dried actively, either in the oven or in the sun or in a frying pan.
Sun: spread a thin layer on the cloth and ready.
Oven: heat the oven to 100 degrees and for half an hour, periodically to see that not burnt and not dry.
Frying pan: put the tea in a cast iron skillet on very low heat to "simmer" for forty minutes. After forty minutes of longing included a medium heat and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring the sheet to dry condition.
7.When fireweed dry, cool, it needs to be put in a glass or tin dishes with tight lids.
8. And what to do if he strayed?
If the tea ferment (You will know by smell) — it also can be dried and drink it, but it acquires a peculiar taste.
I make loose leaf tea with flowers, in the ratio of approximately 70 (sheet) 30 (color).
To enhance the action of tea can be imposed by the relevant plots, during the grinding sheet, so you can get the sacred tea, tea to cleanse from excess unwanted effects, tea is love, tea for profit.
This same technology can be used to prepare tea from the leaves of wild strawberry, raspberry leaf, leaves, currants. But I have something until it happens.
Add in tea peppermint, lemon balm, rose petals, Jasmine flowers, rose hips, honey.
This opens up a whole space for creative improvisation and finding. published
Source: www.perunica.ru/rastenia/833-kak-prigotovit-ivaj-chaj.html

But first a bit of history.
Fireweed is known in Russia more than ten centuries. This drink is mentioned in ancient Russian manuscripts, it was drunk during the time of construction of Moscow, he was known and loved Europe. In the XIX century Ivan-tea has been exported to the UK. But, at home in the nineteenth century, the Russian market was flooded with Indian tea and healing the national drink has been unjustly forgotten. But this primordially Russian flavored, slightly tart drink is not only tasty but also very useful for the entire body.
What magical healing properties has Ivan tea?
Astringent and anti-inflammatory
Analgesic and antipyretic
Sedatives for stress, nervous tension
Removes food, alcoholic poisoning, sobering
Alkalizes, cleanses the blood
Boosts immunity
Restores power for exhaustion
Hypertension, atherosclerosis and anemia
Gout and disorder of salt metabolism
Zarubova ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract
When the stones in the liver, kidney and diseases of the spleen
With internal bleeding, painful menstruation
Strengthens hair roots
Reduces the toxicity in cancer
Helps to get rid of prostatitis and prostate gland adenoma.
So, how to cook it?
1. We go to collect willow. Prepare a large package.
The leaves collect robust, green, juicy. It is possible to cut willow with stems (whole upper part of the stem) — but it is a barbaric method, moreover, it practically saves time, as shown by personal experience. Anyway, the leaves have home pick. So the sound approach — to pluck a couple of handfuls of leaves from the trunk, you can also take a handful of flowers. Then You'll tea, and willow is not suffering — it continues to grow; the loss of several leaves and flowers are not so terrible. But next year, You will be able to collect the tea at the same place.
2. Arriving home, prepare the leaves.
If necessary, they need vymyty dry. Then slightly podvyalit.
And then there are two options:
if you want loose leaf tea, the leaves remain intact, if loose, then the leaves must be finely chopped.
3. Can prepared whole leaf for a few pieces to grind it in his hand, before the formation of juice, as if to roll the sausage balls to make something like a lump. But it is inconvenient when preparing a large quantity of tea. So I'm on a wooden Board several times to roll sheets of wood with a rolling pin and then cut. If this is not done, the leaves are not fermented.
4. Tightly stacked in an enamel pan and cover with a damp cloth and put the yoke, or tight linen wrap in a damp towel. If the leaves in the pot, they need to stir, turning over the top of them to evenly ripen.
5. Next is the most important. Fermentation of tea.
From fermentation depends on which tea You get green or black. The time of fermentation depends on ambient temperature. The hotter — the more and the processes are faster.Note — the fermentation makes the green black tea: in the oven, no matter how much You fry the leaves, they turn into black tea.
Green tea: aged 6-12-24 hours.
Black tea: aged 2-3-5 days.
Here you need to see that strayed periodically to moisten the cloth. Tea should be dark, it will be delicious to smell — then it is time to dry.
I like black (it does not like what is sold in stores). He has amber color, pleasant aroma and flavor, and closer to green herbal infusion.
6.Drying of tea.
Green tea is dried naturally in the shade.
Black tea must be dried actively, either in the oven or in the sun or in a frying pan.
Sun: spread a thin layer on the cloth and ready.
Oven: heat the oven to 100 degrees and for half an hour, periodically to see that not burnt and not dry.
Frying pan: put the tea in a cast iron skillet on very low heat to "simmer" for forty minutes. After forty minutes of longing included a medium heat and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring the sheet to dry condition.
7.When fireweed dry, cool, it needs to be put in a glass or tin dishes with tight lids.
8. And what to do if he strayed?
If the tea ferment (You will know by smell) — it also can be dried and drink it, but it acquires a peculiar taste.
I make loose leaf tea with flowers, in the ratio of approximately 70 (sheet) 30 (color).
To enhance the action of tea can be imposed by the relevant plots, during the grinding sheet, so you can get the sacred tea, tea to cleanse from excess unwanted effects, tea is love, tea for profit.
This same technology can be used to prepare tea from the leaves of wild strawberry, raspberry leaf, leaves, currants. But I have something until it happens.

Add in tea peppermint, lemon balm, rose petals, Jasmine flowers, rose hips, honey.
This opens up a whole space for creative improvisation and finding. published
Source: www.perunica.ru/rastenia/833-kak-prigotovit-ivaj-chaj.html