How to collect, dry and ferment fireweed
On time and lovingly collected and carefully processed herbs and flowers will help you in any time of the year to improve their health and enjoy the aroma and taste of the drink, invented by nature. Nature is really generous – you just have to learn to accept its gifts.
To make maximum use of all the valuable properties of epilobium angustifolium (fireweed), it is necessary to properly collect, recycle (to ferment) and after processing to find a good place for drying and storage. When serving use the best recipes to brew delicious and healthful tea.
Eight million five hundred ninety seven thousand one hundred thirty
Leaves Ivan-tea harvested in early flowering (late June — mid-July-mid August). It is necessary to collect in dry weather, and is best in the morning. Of course, you need to wait until obsohnet dew. Immediately after the rain also makes no sense to go to the field or meadow. You can't collect plants, contaminated, dusty or sick, with the diseased leaves and stems. Places along busy roads are generally not designed for workpieces. In addition, the unwritten rule is not to collect "clean", according to the method of locusts, — please leave in a clearing a little medicinal grass and flowers! Epilobium angustifolium, though listed as a weed, but all the same...!
Collect mainly leaves, but allowed a small number of colors. The taste of the drink is virtually unchanged from the availability of flowers and bees and the future harvest flowers are of great importance. Growing the stem pinched between his fingers and holding his hand down. Thus, in the palm of your hand leaving only the leaves but the plant itself continues to grow and flourish.
Wash and dryThen the leaves should be washed from dust, sprinkle it on the paper or thick fabric in the shade with a layer of about 5 cm from time to Time to stir. About a day to give the leaves to dry up and zavalitsya. It is important to avoid direct sunlight!
FermentThe next step – fermentation make the leaves of the highlighted cell SAP. To do this, roll them between your palms, as if rolls small rolls or balls until it gets dark and release the juice. The shape and size of your "product" is not important – it all depends on your imagination!
Then it is necessary to stack the sheets in layers (also layers 5 cm) in the wide enamel bowl and cover tight with a damp cloth. Put the bowl in a warm (25-27º C) place from 8 to 20 hours, depending on air temperature and humidity is the best Time to pick up experimentally for their conditions. In fact fireweed can be both weakly and strongly fermented, it all depends on your preferences and tastes!!! During this time, the oxidation with oxygen. The smell changes with herbal honey-floral. The important thing is not to overdo raw materials, otherwise the flavor is partly lost and the brew tastes will resemble canteen black tea.
Cut and dryAfter the fermentation stage is over, it is necessary to prepare the leaves for drying. Finely chop our "sausages" and place on parchment or natural fabrics with a thin layer.
Then comes the stage of actual drying. In the process of drying the tea, you need to stir 1-2 times a day, to avoid fading.
Cover with a light, natural fabric or parchment on top to protect the tea from dust. To avoid direct sunlight. Well dried tea is a mixture of black and green tea, the tea leaves are broken, but not crumble to dust and dust.
Drying in a kiln or oven. After fermentation and maturation drying begins. Previously dried in a Russian stove, in our days this can be done in the oven of an ordinary gas stove. The leaves should be cut and spread out on baking sheets covered with vellum or parchment. The oven is heated to 50 degrees. The oven door should be ajar to avoid overdrying or pereyarki. In the process of drying the tea should be stirred. Well dried tea is again, black tea, tea leaves are broken, but not crumble to dust and dust.
Storage.Store Ivan-tea is better in a dark place in a glass jar with a tight lid. With proper preparation and storage the taste and aroma is most fully revealed in a month after preparation.
Useful property.We should start with the fact that the infusion of willow-herb cleanses the body that is indispensable for various kinds of intoxications (including alcohol). Stimulates hematopoiesis, with a rich set of vitamins and microelements, improves the immune system. The infusion of willow-herb heal almost all ailments, be it stomach problems, any inflammation, skin allergies, and cancers. And it is especially good for headaches and nervous diseases. Willow herb soothes. At night improves sleep, day – invigorates and stimulates, that is, normalizes and arranges the work of all the major systems of the body.
It is allowed to drink for pregnant and lactating women, even children, in severe eruption of primary teeth. It is also useful during the exacerbation of seasonal diseases, and in the midst of epidemics of influenza and SARS. Gently cures female ailments, and is used in cosmetics. In short, a true fount of health and strength.
He is famous and their taste.
Recipes and methods of brewing.METHOD of preparation: two teaspoons of willow-herb pour a glass of boiling water, steep and enjoy your tea! And remember: you can brew several times. When re-brewing the healing properties remain. And when storing fireweed due to internal fermentation improves their quality for two years. Infusion of fireweed retains its medicinal and aromatic properties of the whole three days. A drink that has a subtle, unobtrusive taste, a delicate aroma of summer grasses and distinct healing qualities.
The tea is often used a mixture of koporsky tea with the usual black, rarely Chinese, tea. For example: take Koporye and black tea in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:3, put in a warmed porcelain pot, pour boiling water, drain and immediately pour. Leave for 5 minutes to warm. To continue to savor a great drink!
To get some really good tea, it is very important to follow the rules of harvesting, fermentation of this plant. But equally important the mental state and thoughts of a man who goes through these stages. I advise you to do everything with love and then valuable quality, and the taste will be doubled! Triple!
Source: www.ekush.ru/teagrass/ivanteafermentaciafoto
To make maximum use of all the valuable properties of epilobium angustifolium (fireweed), it is necessary to properly collect, recycle (to ferment) and after processing to find a good place for drying and storage. When serving use the best recipes to brew delicious and healthful tea.
Eight million five hundred ninety seven thousand one hundred thirty
Leaves Ivan-tea harvested in early flowering (late June — mid-July-mid August). It is necessary to collect in dry weather, and is best in the morning. Of course, you need to wait until obsohnet dew. Immediately after the rain also makes no sense to go to the field or meadow. You can't collect plants, contaminated, dusty or sick, with the diseased leaves and stems. Places along busy roads are generally not designed for workpieces. In addition, the unwritten rule is not to collect "clean", according to the method of locusts, — please leave in a clearing a little medicinal grass and flowers! Epilobium angustifolium, though listed as a weed, but all the same...!
Collect mainly leaves, but allowed a small number of colors. The taste of the drink is virtually unchanged from the availability of flowers and bees and the future harvest flowers are of great importance. Growing the stem pinched between his fingers and holding his hand down. Thus, in the palm of your hand leaving only the leaves but the plant itself continues to grow and flourish.
Wash and dryThen the leaves should be washed from dust, sprinkle it on the paper or thick fabric in the shade with a layer of about 5 cm from time to Time to stir. About a day to give the leaves to dry up and zavalitsya. It is important to avoid direct sunlight!
FermentThe next step – fermentation make the leaves of the highlighted cell SAP. To do this, roll them between your palms, as if rolls small rolls or balls until it gets dark and release the juice. The shape and size of your "product" is not important – it all depends on your imagination!
Then it is necessary to stack the sheets in layers (also layers 5 cm) in the wide enamel bowl and cover tight with a damp cloth. Put the bowl in a warm (25-27º C) place from 8 to 20 hours, depending on air temperature and humidity is the best Time to pick up experimentally for their conditions. In fact fireweed can be both weakly and strongly fermented, it all depends on your preferences and tastes!!! During this time, the oxidation with oxygen. The smell changes with herbal honey-floral. The important thing is not to overdo raw materials, otherwise the flavor is partly lost and the brew tastes will resemble canteen black tea.
Cut and dryAfter the fermentation stage is over, it is necessary to prepare the leaves for drying. Finely chop our "sausages" and place on parchment or natural fabrics with a thin layer.
Then comes the stage of actual drying. In the process of drying the tea, you need to stir 1-2 times a day, to avoid fading.
Cover with a light, natural fabric or parchment on top to protect the tea from dust. To avoid direct sunlight. Well dried tea is a mixture of black and green tea, the tea leaves are broken, but not crumble to dust and dust.
Drying in a kiln or oven. After fermentation and maturation drying begins. Previously dried in a Russian stove, in our days this can be done in the oven of an ordinary gas stove. The leaves should be cut and spread out on baking sheets covered with vellum or parchment. The oven is heated to 50 degrees. The oven door should be ajar to avoid overdrying or pereyarki. In the process of drying the tea should be stirred. Well dried tea is again, black tea, tea leaves are broken, but not crumble to dust and dust.
Storage.Store Ivan-tea is better in a dark place in a glass jar with a tight lid. With proper preparation and storage the taste and aroma is most fully revealed in a month after preparation.
Useful property.We should start with the fact that the infusion of willow-herb cleanses the body that is indispensable for various kinds of intoxications (including alcohol). Stimulates hematopoiesis, with a rich set of vitamins and microelements, improves the immune system. The infusion of willow-herb heal almost all ailments, be it stomach problems, any inflammation, skin allergies, and cancers. And it is especially good for headaches and nervous diseases. Willow herb soothes. At night improves sleep, day – invigorates and stimulates, that is, normalizes and arranges the work of all the major systems of the body.
It is allowed to drink for pregnant and lactating women, even children, in severe eruption of primary teeth. It is also useful during the exacerbation of seasonal diseases, and in the midst of epidemics of influenza and SARS. Gently cures female ailments, and is used in cosmetics. In short, a true fount of health and strength.
He is famous and their taste.
Recipes and methods of brewing.METHOD of preparation: two teaspoons of willow-herb pour a glass of boiling water, steep and enjoy your tea! And remember: you can brew several times. When re-brewing the healing properties remain. And when storing fireweed due to internal fermentation improves their quality for two years. Infusion of fireweed retains its medicinal and aromatic properties of the whole three days. A drink that has a subtle, unobtrusive taste, a delicate aroma of summer grasses and distinct healing qualities.
The tea is often used a mixture of koporsky tea with the usual black, rarely Chinese, tea. For example: take Koporye and black tea in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:3, put in a warmed porcelain pot, pour boiling water, drain and immediately pour. Leave for 5 minutes to warm. To continue to savor a great drink!
To get some really good tea, it is very important to follow the rules of harvesting, fermentation of this plant. But equally important the mental state and thoughts of a man who goes through these stages. I advise you to do everything with love and then valuable quality, and the taste will be doubled! Triple!
Source: www.ekush.ru/teagrass/ivanteafermentaciafoto