Vasilisa Ivanovna bought the coat of a deceased friend in the commission, what she found in her pocket made her cry
Everyone knows that friendship is known in trouble. But it is also learned in old age. When you don’t have to chase money, love or career, people reveal themselves. Single mature womenSitting silently on benches can be much more devoted to each other than young people who hang out together every night in nightclubs.
Mutual assistance and support, wisdom and mutual understanding. So you can characterize the union of two bosom girlfriends, old women, who with age did not turn into typical scandalists, shouting at children running by. Two grandmothers, Vasilisa Ivanovna and Maria Andreevna, often sat next to each other on an old bench and fed bread to the eternally hungry pigeons.
From time to time, they exchanged some minor phrases, but mostly just sat next to each other and enjoyed warm sunny days. It’s good to live to old age at all. And if this old age does not pass alone, so much the better! Children have long lived their lives, raising their offspring. A loyal friend will always be there for you.
Maria Andreevna was a little older than her friend. 88 years old, but often joked that she was a little over seventy. In her youth, she always wore a long black braid, which she carefully cared for, which caused fierce envy among her peers. Recently, my grandmother wanted to go to the theater in her favorite grey coat. Show off to the local public, see other people during intermission. But her friend was heavy on the rise.
Vasilisa Ivanovna never considered herself beautiful. So she was very impressed with the friendship with the tall and spectacular Maria. But at their age to walk in theaters? Why?! To make young people laugh and poke their fingers? No, it's better to sit in the yard or walk around the neighborhood. There is every turn native and do not meet a single stranger. And stretch the bones, and not get into trouble. Good!
Although our two ladies lived in the same house, they never took part in the local gatherings. Repair or ennobling of the local area was engaged in the manager, who for a long time tried to persuade two friends to social activities, but in the end left all attempts to influence grandmothers. They were simply not interested in such activity.
And then Maria Andreevna suddenly went to a better world. I just didn’t wake up in my own bed. They say that only the lucky ones leave us. Immediately appeared out of nowhere relatives, there was a fuss, and a whole crowd of people formed at the entrance of the deceased woman.
Her friend, Vasilisa Ivanovna, was in shock. Of course, they both knew this could happen to each of them at any time. But one thing when you think about it, and another... What struck me most was the people who called themselves relatives of her friend. They were busily snooping from the entrance to her apartment, with packages of her things in their hands. "Parasites." Why would they want a lonely old woman? This is nothing more than a memory - negative thoughts themselves and climbed into the gray head of Vasilisa.
After the funeral, Grandma decided to take a walk around her familiar neighborhood. I had to calm my nerves, gather my thoughts. And, as a whim, pulled her towards the market. Not that she needed anything from the groceries, but it was possible to make a small hook, only to later return to his home, in an empty apartment.
Literally twenty meters from the market in the eyes of Vasilisa Ivanovna caught a commission store. “Why does an old man need new clothes? It was Masha who liked to dress up.” But, nevertheless, something attracted the old lady, and she entered the building. Nothing interesting. A bunch of rags, multicolored and mostly cheap, synthetic. And who are these clothes designed for, babies?
But at the end of the row with tasteless jackets, her attention was drawn by a light grey stain of such a familiar, almost native hue. It was an old or, as they say, vintage women’s coat. Clean, well-groomed, but with a small scar near the third button. Just like her friend Maria Andreevna's favorite coat. Vasilisa looked and froze in place, like she was dug in. It was definitely her coat, there could be no mistake!
Asking indifferent sellers to hold the goods, the grandmother almost ran to the house. There she took the money intended for herself for a rainy day and went back to buy her best friend's favorite thing. In fact, the price for such a “treasure” was not too high. But for an old man in retirement, every penny mattered. Anyway, she had a coat, which means that day was a little better.
Having returned home again, Vasilisa wanted to somehow celebrate her sudden successful purchase. After all, the female nature even age can not win. But what exactly is it? My girlfriend's gone. There is no desire to warm old bones on the bench. Maybe we should go out in this beautiful grey coat. Where? Well, of course, Masha always wanted to show off in it in the theater! That's not a bad idea. Walk like that!
Unfortunately, the performance itself turned out to be some newfangled variation on Hamlet. It was nice to sit next to other people and feel the atmosphere. And during the intermission, according to the behest of her best friend, Vasilisa Ivanovna went to the buffet. And to read the prices quoted on an old, shabby piece of paper, she mechanically climbed into the inner pocket of her, more recently, own coat. At hand unusually was not the hardness of glass from the lens of glasses, and soft texture of paper. It was some kind of document. Who knows how he got here.
When she got home, the woman put on glasses and began to examine the papers stored in her friend’s clothes. They turned out to be a will. With stamps, certified by a notary. According to him, all the property of Maria Andreevna was to go to her friend, Vasilisa. No one else was listed on it. Here is a farewell gift from an older woman who realized that sometimes the closest person is not a son or a daughter. A real best friend from the next door.
No matter how the relatives of the deceased protested, they could not do anything against the letter of the law. But Vasilisa Ivanovna did not grab her teeth for the opportunity. They agreed that her friend's empty apartment would be sold. And Vasilisa will receive a third of the amount received. It should be enough for a subscription to the theater at least.
With the proceeds, a monument was purchased for her best friend and land was bought near her grave. Time passes and it will take its course. And when the hour comes, Vasilisa will not be afraid of him. Quite the opposite. Then she can reunite with her best friend and discuss with her all the performances she can remember. Here we go. No matter what you say, female friendship does exist.

Mutual assistance and support, wisdom and mutual understanding. So you can characterize the union of two bosom girlfriends, old women, who with age did not turn into typical scandalists, shouting at children running by. Two grandmothers, Vasilisa Ivanovna and Maria Andreevna, often sat next to each other on an old bench and fed bread to the eternally hungry pigeons.
From time to time, they exchanged some minor phrases, but mostly just sat next to each other and enjoyed warm sunny days. It’s good to live to old age at all. And if this old age does not pass alone, so much the better! Children have long lived their lives, raising their offspring. A loyal friend will always be there for you.
Maria Andreevna was a little older than her friend. 88 years old, but often joked that she was a little over seventy. In her youth, she always wore a long black braid, which she carefully cared for, which caused fierce envy among her peers. Recently, my grandmother wanted to go to the theater in her favorite grey coat. Show off to the local public, see other people during intermission. But her friend was heavy on the rise.

Vasilisa Ivanovna never considered herself beautiful. So she was very impressed with the friendship with the tall and spectacular Maria. But at their age to walk in theaters? Why?! To make young people laugh and poke their fingers? No, it's better to sit in the yard or walk around the neighborhood. There is every turn native and do not meet a single stranger. And stretch the bones, and not get into trouble. Good!
Although our two ladies lived in the same house, they never took part in the local gatherings. Repair or ennobling of the local area was engaged in the manager, who for a long time tried to persuade two friends to social activities, but in the end left all attempts to influence grandmothers. They were simply not interested in such activity.
And then Maria Andreevna suddenly went to a better world. I just didn’t wake up in my own bed. They say that only the lucky ones leave us. Immediately appeared out of nowhere relatives, there was a fuss, and a whole crowd of people formed at the entrance of the deceased woman.

Her friend, Vasilisa Ivanovna, was in shock. Of course, they both knew this could happen to each of them at any time. But one thing when you think about it, and another... What struck me most was the people who called themselves relatives of her friend. They were busily snooping from the entrance to her apartment, with packages of her things in their hands. "Parasites." Why would they want a lonely old woman? This is nothing more than a memory - negative thoughts themselves and climbed into the gray head of Vasilisa.
After the funeral, Grandma decided to take a walk around her familiar neighborhood. I had to calm my nerves, gather my thoughts. And, as a whim, pulled her towards the market. Not that she needed anything from the groceries, but it was possible to make a small hook, only to later return to his home, in an empty apartment.
Literally twenty meters from the market in the eyes of Vasilisa Ivanovna caught a commission store. “Why does an old man need new clothes? It was Masha who liked to dress up.” But, nevertheless, something attracted the old lady, and she entered the building. Nothing interesting. A bunch of rags, multicolored and mostly cheap, synthetic. And who are these clothes designed for, babies?

But at the end of the row with tasteless jackets, her attention was drawn by a light grey stain of such a familiar, almost native hue. It was an old or, as they say, vintage women’s coat. Clean, well-groomed, but with a small scar near the third button. Just like her friend Maria Andreevna's favorite coat. Vasilisa looked and froze in place, like she was dug in. It was definitely her coat, there could be no mistake!
Asking indifferent sellers to hold the goods, the grandmother almost ran to the house. There she took the money intended for herself for a rainy day and went back to buy her best friend's favorite thing. In fact, the price for such a “treasure” was not too high. But for an old man in retirement, every penny mattered. Anyway, she had a coat, which means that day was a little better.
Having returned home again, Vasilisa wanted to somehow celebrate her sudden successful purchase. After all, the female nature even age can not win. But what exactly is it? My girlfriend's gone. There is no desire to warm old bones on the bench. Maybe we should go out in this beautiful grey coat. Where? Well, of course, Masha always wanted to show off in it in the theater! That's not a bad idea. Walk like that!

Unfortunately, the performance itself turned out to be some newfangled variation on Hamlet. It was nice to sit next to other people and feel the atmosphere. And during the intermission, according to the behest of her best friend, Vasilisa Ivanovna went to the buffet. And to read the prices quoted on an old, shabby piece of paper, she mechanically climbed into the inner pocket of her, more recently, own coat. At hand unusually was not the hardness of glass from the lens of glasses, and soft texture of paper. It was some kind of document. Who knows how he got here.
When she got home, the woman put on glasses and began to examine the papers stored in her friend’s clothes. They turned out to be a will. With stamps, certified by a notary. According to him, all the property of Maria Andreevna was to go to her friend, Vasilisa. No one else was listed on it. Here is a farewell gift from an older woman who realized that sometimes the closest person is not a son or a daughter. A real best friend from the next door.
No matter how the relatives of the deceased protested, they could not do anything against the letter of the law. But Vasilisa Ivanovna did not grab her teeth for the opportunity. They agreed that her friend's empty apartment would be sold. And Vasilisa will receive a third of the amount received. It should be enough for a subscription to the theater at least.

With the proceeds, a monument was purchased for her best friend and land was bought near her grave. Time passes and it will take its course. And when the hour comes, Vasilisa will not be afraid of him. Quite the opposite. Then she can reunite with her best friend and discuss with her all the performances she can remember. Here we go. No matter what you say, female friendship does exist.
67-year-old Natalia Andreychenko is not ashamed of her age and promotes natural beauty
The daughter in six months gets married, so we decided to meet the parents of the son-in-law, but the meeting took an unpleasant turn.