What miracles to wait for every woman on Christmas
Christmas of the Most Holy Mother of God in 2022 It is traditionally celebrated on September 21. It is believed that from this day the new church year begins. On the eve of such an important holiday, the editorial board "Site" He hastens to remind you of the traditions and customs associated with it.
The Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God in 2022 is one of the most important and revered holidays in the Orthodox calendar. This day has special significance for women, since it became a symbol of the miracle of the Lord, because it was the Virgin who bore and gave birth to the Son of God.
This Christian holiday has a long and interesting history. According to legend, the parents of the Virgin Mary, Joachim and Anna, lived in the city of Nazareth. They dreamed of a child, but fate was unfavorable to them. The Jews believed that this is how God punishes people.
They prayed to God for forgiveness and asked Him to send them a child. Their grief was so great that the righteous Joachim went into the wilderness. He accepted the strictest fast and prayed unceasingly. When his wife found out about this, she began to pray to the Lord more than before. Anna blamed herself for all her troubles.
An angel appeared to Anna in prayer. He said that their prayers were heard, which means that the woman will give birth to a child. Angel didn't cheat. When Joachim returned to Nazareth, his wife gave birth to a daughter at the appointed time. The girl was named Maria.
This is why the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God is considered such an important holiday for women. Many of them wait for this day to ask the Virgin for a child. According to legend, on this bright day, the Virgin Mary fulfills women's requests. However, there are several important things Christians need to do.
On September 21, 2022, a festive service will be held in churches. If you want the Virgin Mary to hear you, go to the temple that day. All prayers to the Mother of God have miraculous power.
You can ask not only about the birth of a baby. You may feel unhappy in your marriage or you may not find a man. And the clergy say the following: “On the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God it is possible and necessary to give Sorokooust about health. And you can also submit notes: on protection and patronage, on the protection of children and adults from ailments, on the granting of children and on assistance in work.”
You can pray for a long time, literally all day. The cleaner your intentions are, the faster the cherished desire will be realized. September 21 will not be superfluous to help those in need. For example, it could be a homeless person, a refugee or even an animal living on the street. Remember that all good deeds will come back to you.
You can end this day in a family way. Prepare a dinner party and gather the closest people. Don't sting and make the table really rich. Previously, people believed that the more luxurious the feast on this holiday, the more generous the harvest will be next year.
However, remember that you can not cook meat dishes. Also under the ban dairy products and dishes from them. And the Virgin will not approve if there are hot drinks on the table.
In addition, on this day it will not be superfluous to visit your relatives, especially grandparents.
In honor of the holiday, the apartment can be decorated with fresh flowers. It is a symbol of the purity of the Virgin and her beauty. You can also use napkins and candles of blue or blue color as a decor. In the Orthodox liturgical tradition, these shades are called theologian.
If you have the opportunity, get out the day before to meet the dawn of September 21 near the river. According to popular belief, unmarried girls will be able to meet their love faster. Those who are already married are advised to wash themselves with river water. It will prolong youth and beauty.
According to legend, the Christmas of the Most Holy Mother of God tells us what the future autumn will be like. If the weather on this day is sunny and dry, then in October and November you can not expect heavy rains and cold. But if the festive sky is covered with clouds, expect a cold and rainy autumn this year.
Since this holiday is so important for women and most often they ask the Virgin for the birth of a baby, we have selected for you the appropriate prayer. Read it on September 21 if you have long dreamed of becoming a mother.
O Most Merciful, Good and True Defender to our Lady, the Virgin, who has known the happiness of Motherhood, in which the troubles, hopes, anxieties and sorrows of all mothers of the earth have come, do not leave with Your prayers those who fall to the saints and the miraculous icon of Your servant (names) and ask permission from Your Son and all God of sterility, in childbirth, their reliable protection and protection.
Behold, Most Pure Mother, these servants of Yours, united in marriage and begging for Your help, may Your mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful, and may they see the sons of their sons to the third and fourth generation, and live to the desired old age and enter into the kingdom of Your heavenly Son and our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is befitted with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
May the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God give you happiness and joy. Take care!

The Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God in 2022 is one of the most important and revered holidays in the Orthodox calendar. This day has special significance for women, since it became a symbol of the miracle of the Lord, because it was the Virgin who bore and gave birth to the Son of God.
This Christian holiday has a long and interesting history. According to legend, the parents of the Virgin Mary, Joachim and Anna, lived in the city of Nazareth. They dreamed of a child, but fate was unfavorable to them. The Jews believed that this is how God punishes people.

They prayed to God for forgiveness and asked Him to send them a child. Their grief was so great that the righteous Joachim went into the wilderness. He accepted the strictest fast and prayed unceasingly. When his wife found out about this, she began to pray to the Lord more than before. Anna blamed herself for all her troubles.
An angel appeared to Anna in prayer. He said that their prayers were heard, which means that the woman will give birth to a child. Angel didn't cheat. When Joachim returned to Nazareth, his wife gave birth to a daughter at the appointed time. The girl was named Maria.

This is why the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God is considered such an important holiday for women. Many of them wait for this day to ask the Virgin for a child. According to legend, on this bright day, the Virgin Mary fulfills women's requests. However, there are several important things Christians need to do.
On September 21, 2022, a festive service will be held in churches. If you want the Virgin Mary to hear you, go to the temple that day. All prayers to the Mother of God have miraculous power.
You can ask not only about the birth of a baby. You may feel unhappy in your marriage or you may not find a man. And the clergy say the following: “On the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God it is possible and necessary to give Sorokooust about health. And you can also submit notes: on protection and patronage, on the protection of children and adults from ailments, on the granting of children and on assistance in work.”

You can pray for a long time, literally all day. The cleaner your intentions are, the faster the cherished desire will be realized. September 21 will not be superfluous to help those in need. For example, it could be a homeless person, a refugee or even an animal living on the street. Remember that all good deeds will come back to you.
You can end this day in a family way. Prepare a dinner party and gather the closest people. Don't sting and make the table really rich. Previously, people believed that the more luxurious the feast on this holiday, the more generous the harvest will be next year.

However, remember that you can not cook meat dishes. Also under the ban dairy products and dishes from them. And the Virgin will not approve if there are hot drinks on the table.
In addition, on this day it will not be superfluous to visit your relatives, especially grandparents.
In honor of the holiday, the apartment can be decorated with fresh flowers. It is a symbol of the purity of the Virgin and her beauty. You can also use napkins and candles of blue or blue color as a decor. In the Orthodox liturgical tradition, these shades are called theologian.
If you have the opportunity, get out the day before to meet the dawn of September 21 near the river. According to popular belief, unmarried girls will be able to meet their love faster. Those who are already married are advised to wash themselves with river water. It will prolong youth and beauty.

According to legend, the Christmas of the Most Holy Mother of God tells us what the future autumn will be like. If the weather on this day is sunny and dry, then in October and November you can not expect heavy rains and cold. But if the festive sky is covered with clouds, expect a cold and rainy autumn this year.
Since this holiday is so important for women and most often they ask the Virgin for the birth of a baby, we have selected for you the appropriate prayer. Read it on September 21 if you have long dreamed of becoming a mother.
O Most Merciful, Good and True Defender to our Lady, the Virgin, who has known the happiness of Motherhood, in which the troubles, hopes, anxieties and sorrows of all mothers of the earth have come, do not leave with Your prayers those who fall to the saints and the miraculous icon of Your servant (names) and ask permission from Your Son and all God of sterility, in childbirth, their reliable protection and protection.

Behold, Most Pure Mother, these servants of Yours, united in marriage and begging for Your help, may Your mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful, and may they see the sons of their sons to the third and fourth generation, and live to the desired old age and enter into the kingdom of Your heavenly Son and our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is befitted with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
May the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God give you happiness and joy. Take care!
On the feast of the Holy Mother of God, I pray tirelessly, ask for protection for help.
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