The Dormition of the Holy Mother of God 2018: this is what you can not do on this day
The Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God A special holiday dedicated to the memory of the death of the Mother of God. Orthodox believers celebrate it annually on August 28, on this day the Assumption Lent ends.
Church tradition says that on this day the apostles, preaching in different countries, gathered in Jerusalem to lead the Virgin Mary on her last journey and make her burial.
Also the name of the holiday. The Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God It reminds us that after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ there is no more death. Therefore, the Mother of God does not die, but falls asleep and goes to eternity.
Suddenly in the upper room shone untold light of divine glory, darkening the lampstands. Those who saw this vision were horrified. They saw that the roof of the upper room was open and the glory of the Lord descended from heaven, the King of glory Christ himself, with the darkness of angels and archangels, with all the heavenly powers, with the holy forefathers and prophets who once foretold the Most Holy Virgin, and with all righteous souls approached His Most Pure Mother.
The feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Assumption, all Orthodox believers should visit the church and put a candle. In the old days, people took with them to the temple of God seeds and ears of different cultures for sanctification. The peasants asked the Virgin for a good harvest next year.
There are also a number of prohibitions on this holiday, which are observed by believers to this day. Our editorial board recommends favorite readers to listen to the advice of their ancestors.
What not to do on the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God
We wish our Orthodox readers to spend this holiday in peace and harmony with others! Do not forget to share interesting information about the holiday with loved ones.
Church tradition says that on this day the apostles, preaching in different countries, gathered in Jerusalem to lead the Virgin Mary on her last journey and make her burial.
Also the name of the holiday. The Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God It reminds us that after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ there is no more death. Therefore, the Mother of God does not die, but falls asleep and goes to eternity.
Suddenly in the upper room shone untold light of divine glory, darkening the lampstands. Those who saw this vision were horrified. They saw that the roof of the upper room was open and the glory of the Lord descended from heaven, the King of glory Christ himself, with the darkness of angels and archangels, with all the heavenly powers, with the holy forefathers and prophets who once foretold the Most Holy Virgin, and with all righteous souls approached His Most Pure Mother.
The feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Assumption, all Orthodox believers should visit the church and put a candle. In the old days, people took with them to the temple of God seeds and ears of different cultures for sanctification. The peasants asked the Virgin for a good harvest next year.
There are also a number of prohibitions on this holiday, which are observed by believers to this day. Our editorial board recommends favorite readers to listen to the advice of their ancestors.
What not to do on the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God
- You can't work on that day. It is better to spend the holiday with family and close friends.
- Also, you should not take stabbing and cutting objects into your hands. Believers prefer not to cut but to break bread with their hands.
- It is not advisable to make a fire on this day. It is believed that this can bring trouble to the house.
- Also, you can not go barefoot on a holiday. Believers believe that all diseases can be collected in this way.
- On this day you can not quarrel with relatives.
- Young girls are strictly forbidden to cut their hair on this day. It is believed that it is possible to attract the tears of the Virgin Mary.
We wish our Orthodox readers to spend this holiday in peace and harmony with others! Do not forget to share interesting information about the holiday with loved ones.