What should a woman do on the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God?
The Assumption of the Virgin – 2023 Orthodox Christians will celebrate on the old Julian calendar on August 28. This holiday is dedicated to the date of the death of the Virgin Mary. But, despite all the tragedy of the historical event that became its basis, believers celebrate this day solemnly: the Mother of God ended her earthly life and was reunited in Heaven with Jesus.
The Dormition of the Virgin — 2023 In the biblical scriptures it is told that the Mother of God walked a long righteous path with the support of John the Theologian. Together they preached Christianity and by their example demonstrated the power of faith in Christ. She lived much longer than Jesus, and even then people turned to her for help and asked to pray for them before the Lord.
Three days before his death, an angel came down to Mary and told about the approaching death. She listened reverently to his words because she had long expected to meet her son. According to legend, Jesus Christ personally appeared for the Mother, accompanied by angels. The Most Holy Mother of God managed to say goodbye to her loved ones, and her soul was calmly transferred to the Heavenly Kingdom.
A church service is held annually on August 28. The parishioners visit the temple, light candles in front of the image of the Virgin Mary and pray for the health and well-being of all relatives. Mothers ask the saint for intercession and blessing for children.
On the holiday it is customary to consecrate bread and bundles of ears, since by this time the entire crop of grain has already been harvested. The Church does not forbid on the Assumption of the Virgin Mary to bake pies, sauerkraut vegetables, pick nuts, salt mushrooms and store food for the winter.
The Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God is preceded by a two-week fast. Assumption is what Christians call it. Restricting themselves in food, they pay homage to the majestic woman who gave the world the Son of God. And on the 28th it is allowed to set generous tables, invite guests to the house and visit relatives themselves.
The dream of the Assumption was considered prophetic: it came true within three weeks. Unmarried girls woke up very early, washed themselves in silence and did not talk to anyone until the end of the prayer. Three times crossed, they bowed before the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God and asked for blessings on the search for the betrothed and a safe marriage. After the holiday, it was customary to send matchmakers and arrange a wedding.
Prohibitions and signs on the Assumption there are prohibitions. It is forbidden on the day of the death of the Mother of God to get married and arrange festivities. It is not recommended to engage in heavy physical labor, house cleaning and needlework on the holiday. On this day, it is a great sin to swear and swear. It is impossible to deny charity and possible help to those in need.
Do not walk in dirty clothes and thin shoes, so that in the future there will be difficulties and hardships. But the new shoes were also treated with fear: calluses foreshadowed trouble. The dew on the grass symbolizes the tears of the Mother of God. Therefore, on the holiday it is forbidden to walk barefoot, so as not to attract troubles and diseases.
People's signs for August 28. What is the weather on this day, this should be expected in autumn. The rainbow portends a warm autumn. A foggy morning promises an abundance of mushrooms in the forest. Clear weather on the holiday predicts a cool baby summer. The web is everywhere – there will be little snow in winter. Frost on the grass foreshadowed the imminent onset of cold weather.
The Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God is a great occasion to go to the temple, visit parents and devote the day to family and children. It is your business to spend the holiday, but to listen to wise advice and church prohibitions has not prevented anyone.

The Dormition of the Virgin — 2023 In the biblical scriptures it is told that the Mother of God walked a long righteous path with the support of John the Theologian. Together they preached Christianity and by their example demonstrated the power of faith in Christ. She lived much longer than Jesus, and even then people turned to her for help and asked to pray for them before the Lord.

Three days before his death, an angel came down to Mary and told about the approaching death. She listened reverently to his words because she had long expected to meet her son. According to legend, Jesus Christ personally appeared for the Mother, accompanied by angels. The Most Holy Mother of God managed to say goodbye to her loved ones, and her soul was calmly transferred to the Heavenly Kingdom.
A church service is held annually on August 28. The parishioners visit the temple, light candles in front of the image of the Virgin Mary and pray for the health and well-being of all relatives. Mothers ask the saint for intercession and blessing for children.
On the holiday it is customary to consecrate bread and bundles of ears, since by this time the entire crop of grain has already been harvested. The Church does not forbid on the Assumption of the Virgin Mary to bake pies, sauerkraut vegetables, pick nuts, salt mushrooms and store food for the winter.

The Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God is preceded by a two-week fast. Assumption is what Christians call it. Restricting themselves in food, they pay homage to the majestic woman who gave the world the Son of God. And on the 28th it is allowed to set generous tables, invite guests to the house and visit relatives themselves.

The dream of the Assumption was considered prophetic: it came true within three weeks. Unmarried girls woke up very early, washed themselves in silence and did not talk to anyone until the end of the prayer. Three times crossed, they bowed before the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God and asked for blessings on the search for the betrothed and a safe marriage. After the holiday, it was customary to send matchmakers and arrange a wedding.
Prohibitions and signs on the Assumption there are prohibitions. It is forbidden on the day of the death of the Mother of God to get married and arrange festivities. It is not recommended to engage in heavy physical labor, house cleaning and needlework on the holiday. On this day, it is a great sin to swear and swear. It is impossible to deny charity and possible help to those in need.

Do not walk in dirty clothes and thin shoes, so that in the future there will be difficulties and hardships. But the new shoes were also treated with fear: calluses foreshadowed trouble. The dew on the grass symbolizes the tears of the Mother of God. Therefore, on the holiday it is forbidden to walk barefoot, so as not to attract troubles and diseases.
People's signs for August 28. What is the weather on this day, this should be expected in autumn. The rainbow portends a warm autumn. A foggy morning promises an abundance of mushrooms in the forest. Clear weather on the holiday predicts a cool baby summer. The web is everywhere – there will be little snow in winter. Frost on the grass foreshadowed the imminent onset of cold weather.

The Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God is a great occasion to go to the temple, visit parents and devote the day to family and children. It is your business to spend the holiday, but to listen to wise advice and church prohibitions has not prevented anyone.
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