Prayer, healing from lack of money in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Hearing the Lord”

Today, October 5th, should sound Prayer to the Icon of the Mother of God “Hearer”. Once, while still a young man, Saint Cosmas of Athos himself prayed before her. He heard the voice of the Mother of God, which is why the icon was called “Hearing-Mother”.

Cosmas followed the advice of the Mother of God and healed his soul. All his life he spent in alienation, performing monastic feats, for which he received the gift of miracles. "Hearer" is still in the Zograf monastery on Mount Athos, in Greece. However, you can still pray to her today, on the day of veneration of the icon. And why do this, you will learn later in the article.

Prayer for the Lord’s Prayer for You. Throughout the history of its existence, the Hearer saved many human souls. Prayer to the icon of the Virgin helped to cure serious ailments and other minor health problems. She also prays to spouses who are unable to have a child. In addition, the icon heals people suffering from harmful addictions.

Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “Hearer” It can help those who are in financial difficulty. For example, once a woman from Ashgabat wanted to go to another city to see her own daughter. But she just didn't have the money. Then she prayed to the local icon of the Virgin. And after leaving the temple, she immediately met a good man who helped her solve a pressing problem.

People of different gender, age and nationality came to the Zograf monastery. They all wanted one thing: to be healed. It is not surprising that “Hearing” is famous for its miraculous properties throughout the world. For example, a women’s monastery of the Kiev diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is named in her honor.

Prayer of the Lord’s Prayer to the Lord Before the holy way, you can pray for yourself and for your neighbor. The Mother of God will help to cope with problems in everyday and family affairs. He will listen to those who believe in him. If you have health problems or are unable to cope with lack of money, be sure to say the words of prayer today.

O Blessed Lady, the Virgin of God, an ambulance to the Hearer of all who come to You with faith! See from the height of your heavenly majesty upon us, to your miraculous image of those who fall and, hearing our humble prayer, pray to your Son and our God that he may preserve our country in peace and prosperity, that he may strengthen the Orthodox Church and keep it firm from unbelief, heresies and schism.

Rescue all those who pray to You with faith, from the fall of sin, from the slander of evil people, from troubles, sorrows and diseases. Grant us the spirit of crushing, the humility of the heart, the purity of thought, the correction of sinful lives and the abandonment of our sins; may all of you, gratefully chanting your greatness, be worthy of the heavenly kingdom and Tamo with all the saints glorify the honorable and magnificent name in the Trinity of the glorified God: Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Do not miss the opportunity to pray on October 5 in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Hearing the Lord.” Pray to the Mother of God with a pure soul and intention. If they are sincere, she will surely hear your prayers and help you. May God take care of you!


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