The Kazan icon of the Mother of God: the value, miracles, and help on how to pray.
Memory: 8/21 July, October 22 / November 4
The value of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God to Russia it is not. The fact that the prototype had great miraculous power, no doubt, no one is. This is the most mysterious and enigmatic story. To this day, questions remains more than answers. To know about the events related to amazing relic for the Russian Orthodox Christian useful in order to understand what we had lost our country.
We offer you to buy icon of Kazan mother of God consecrated in the temple in the online store Икона7.ru
In July 2004 the Vatican a gift of Russia presents the Kazan image of the virgin. The world is waiting, really found the miraculous image! But no, the icon appeared in later letters. An ancient legend says: Russia protected by God, while on the four sides guarded by the Mother of God:
The finding of the miraculous relics
Kazan 1579. The month of July – hot, red-hot sun bakes mercilessly. The fire was terrible, the fire damaged nearly half the city. Many remained without a roof over your head. Burn beginning with St. Nicholas Church. Muslims resent Christians despise. Russian to blame God. And then the little girl has a dream: mother of God indicates the place and tells him to dig.
Believe 10-year-old girl three times, when the most blessed threatened to Not will go away, and you will be rooting for the rest of my life. Then ran to fulfill orders. At a depth of about one meter found a Board wrapped in cloth.
Turned and gasped: here it is the disappointed child. Yes, some bright, paint sparkle in the sun. Rather reported, who should be, about the discovery. The news of the miracle spread through the city at lightning speed. People were drawn to the place of finding to see the icon personally. Two blind men immediately saw the light, and fell on his knees before the most pure.
The monastery has produced a list of the first sent to Moscow to Ivan the terrible, an expert on the shrines. The king ordered to build a Cathedral in honor of the acquisition. The icon called the Kazanskaya. Healing was very much. News about the miracles spread through the state. The images of the virgin over 400, most of the copies of the Kazan. After a high-profile event, the icon was in almost every house. Now:
We offer you to buy icon seven arrows, which is also very revered by Orthodox Christians all over the world.
It helps Orthodox Kazan icon
Of all the icons of the virgin through Kazan was more than just miracles. Much depends on the congregation, as for example below. The Christians saw through this way often receive healing and protection from enemies: how external (attacks on the person and the country) and internal (demons). Resorting to the most pure, when required:
Healing: first, problems with the eyes. Other diseases without restrictions. In spiritual terms there are known cases of deliverance from demon possession.
Support: In certain circumstances the virgin Mary, as the Mother of all Christians, will strengthen, will give relief, peace, relief, to people overcome sorrow with fewer losses, saw in them the grace of God.
Intercession: Trusting to the Queen of Heaven, praying, brought Her as a protector against all ills and tribulations. She is quick to hear: quick, comes to the aid of crying.
To make a difficult decision: to avoid mistakes, call all-pure – Guide that will point the right way, will allow a particular situation.
Protection warriors: the icon has repeatedly defended the Russian soldiers giving the victory, saving thousands of soldiers from death. People noticed it, and now mothers beg sons, prolonging their lives.
To keep the family together: the Situations are different, but the Forces of Heaven always stand guard over the preservation of families, that children are not left orphans. Through the prayers of prohibits adultery which is a mortal sin to be saved by anyone.
Blessing: since Ancient times, the Kazan image of the virgin (was in every home), blessed the bride and groom. To the Union was strong, pure, true, and the kids grew up obedient and pious Christians.
Children's health: Who does not like the Mother of all times and peoples will be able to take care of the child. Besides prayer pure heart will always reach the Throne of God. Teach your sons and daughters to ask the patronage of the Queen of Heaven.
Please note that you can buy the icon vsetsaritsa, which is also very revered by Orthodox believers worldwide.
Rules prayer before the image
Miraculous images undoubtedly have a beneficial effect. The many Faces revealed to the Most blessed Queen of Heaven. There are legends, as some of them are written by the angels or the blessed painters. In ancient times, before writing was long in the making. All items: paint, Board, canvas, clay layer, etc., were sanctified, washed on the relics of saints (miracle-working prototypes) of the saints of God. To produce the list, we had to go through the ordinances of purification to the artist.
And however, helps in prayer, first and foremost, a person's faith. How entrusts his life to God. The heart of the supplicant must be clean as a baby's. This condition to achieve an adult, steeped in sin, just harder. To strengthen a feeble prayer to the petition has been fulfilled, it is necessary to prepare yourself. Here are some guidelines from the experience of the Holy fathers, which will help to fulfill the request:
The value of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God to Russia it is not. The fact that the prototype had great miraculous power, no doubt, no one is. This is the most mysterious and enigmatic story. To this day, questions remains more than answers. To know about the events related to amazing relic for the Russian Orthodox Christian useful in order to understand what we had lost our country.
We offer you to buy icon of Kazan mother of God consecrated in the temple in the online store Икона7.ru
In July 2004 the Vatican a gift of Russia presents the Kazan image of the virgin. The world is waiting, really found the miraculous image! But no, the icon appeared in later letters. An ancient legend says: Russia protected by God, while on the four sides guarded by the Mother of God:
- Kazan stood guard to the East;
- Smolensk – from the West;
- Iver – from the South;
- Tikhvin from the North;
- Vladimir and sovereign – in the center.
The finding of the miraculous relics
Kazan 1579. The month of July – hot, red-hot sun bakes mercilessly. The fire was terrible, the fire damaged nearly half the city. Many remained without a roof over your head. Burn beginning with St. Nicholas Church. Muslims resent Christians despise. Russian to blame God. And then the little girl has a dream: mother of God indicates the place and tells him to dig.
Believe 10-year-old girl three times, when the most blessed threatened to Not will go away, and you will be rooting for the rest of my life. Then ran to fulfill orders. At a depth of about one meter found a Board wrapped in cloth.
Turned and gasped: here it is the disappointed child. Yes, some bright, paint sparkle in the sun. Rather reported, who should be, about the discovery. The news of the miracle spread through the city at lightning speed. People were drawn to the place of finding to see the icon personally. Two blind men immediately saw the light, and fell on his knees before the most pure.
The monastery has produced a list of the first sent to Moscow to Ivan the terrible, an expert on the shrines. The king ordered to build a Cathedral in honor of the acquisition. The icon called the Kazanskaya. Healing was very much. News about the miracles spread through the state. The images of the virgin over 400, most of the copies of the Kazan. After a high-profile event, the icon was in almost every house. Now:
- The oldest (1606), our lady of Kazan icon is in the Tretyakov Museum.
- Vatican gift – in the home parish Church of the Patriarch.
- Another revered image in the Cathedral of Saint Petersburg the Prince Vladimir.
We offer you to buy icon seven arrows, which is also very revered by Orthodox Christians all over the world.
It helps Orthodox Kazan icon
Of all the icons of the virgin through Kazan was more than just miracles. Much depends on the congregation, as for example below. The Christians saw through this way often receive healing and protection from enemies: how external (attacks on the person and the country) and internal (demons). Resorting to the most pure, when required:
Healing: first, problems with the eyes. Other diseases without restrictions. In spiritual terms there are known cases of deliverance from demon possession.
Support: In certain circumstances the virgin Mary, as the Mother of all Christians, will strengthen, will give relief, peace, relief, to people overcome sorrow with fewer losses, saw in them the grace of God.
Intercession: Trusting to the Queen of Heaven, praying, brought Her as a protector against all ills and tribulations. She is quick to hear: quick, comes to the aid of crying.
To make a difficult decision: to avoid mistakes, call all-pure – Guide that will point the right way, will allow a particular situation.
Protection warriors: the icon has repeatedly defended the Russian soldiers giving the victory, saving thousands of soldiers from death. People noticed it, and now mothers beg sons, prolonging their lives.
To keep the family together: the Situations are different, but the Forces of Heaven always stand guard over the preservation of families, that children are not left orphans. Through the prayers of prohibits adultery which is a mortal sin to be saved by anyone.
Blessing: since Ancient times, the Kazan image of the virgin (was in every home), blessed the bride and groom. To the Union was strong, pure, true, and the kids grew up obedient and pious Christians.
Children's health: Who does not like the Mother of all times and peoples will be able to take care of the child. Besides prayer pure heart will always reach the Throne of God. Teach your sons and daughters to ask the patronage of the Queen of Heaven.
Please note that you can buy the icon vsetsaritsa, which is also very revered by Orthodox believers worldwide.
Rules prayer before the image
Miraculous images undoubtedly have a beneficial effect. The many Faces revealed to the Most blessed Queen of Heaven. There are legends, as some of them are written by the angels or the blessed painters. In ancient times, before writing was long in the making. All items: paint, Board, canvas, clay layer, etc., were sanctified, washed on the relics of saints (miracle-working prototypes) of the saints of God. To produce the list, we had to go through the ordinances of purification to the artist.
And however, helps in prayer, first and foremost, a person's faith. How entrusts his life to God. The heart of the supplicant must be clean as a baby's. This condition to achieve an adult, steeped in sin, just harder. To strengthen a feeble prayer to the petition has been fulfilled, it is necessary to prepare yourself. Here are some guidelines from the experience of the Holy fathers, which will help to fulfill the request:
- First, we need to confess;
- Then Partake of the Blood and Body of Christ;
- At home, in addition to prayer, read the Akathist;
- To take the vow, which is then run.
- To give alms or to make a donation for a good cause;
- Not to judge, not to hold a grudge.