The story of a woman from another time
I didn't see the tears of my friends. Boys cry alone or in front of the girls (players don't count, they all can be). When the other boys we cry rarely, and only when it is really bad.
The more etched in the memory of the tears of my friend, suddenly appeared in his eyes when we went to Moscow, and I poured myself a glass of tomato juice.
We now turn to the statement of fact, fun and instructive.
In my youth I had a lot of different companies, they are intertwined bodies, or Affairs, constantly appeared and disappeared. Young souls have lived, as if in a blender. One of those friends, coming out of nowhere, was Simon. Sloven of the good of the family in Leningrad. That, and the other was a condition of getting into our society. Not to say that we other "not take", not at all, just our paths haven't crossed. In the 90s slackers from poor families went to OPG, or simply slip on the proletarian slant, and Narashinodai from good families or have established businesses, or slip on a scientific slant, by the way, often in the same financial direction as proletarians.
We, a sort of gilded youth, the fast life, knowing that genetics and family stocks never let us down. Simon, I must say, tried to do something, he worked as a translator, traded some gold products, sometimes "bombed" in my father's car. He was very diligent, honest and compassionate, which in those days was hardly competitive advantage. Remember how we were engaged in carting, sure there were passengers with whom Senya was loose money and then didn't. And he was very much attached to relatives, which was introduced to me. Family we had a similar.
Young parents trying to find himself in a spirited post-socialism, the older generation, whose role has increased dramatically in the troubled times of the collapse of the Soviet Union. These steel people born in Russia in the early twentieth century and the survivors in his bloody waters, steel load-bearing walls in each family. They rightly believed that grandchildren to trust the children, because a child cannot raise a child. In the end, the family were frequently grandparents and two generations of the same foolish children.
Seeds grandmother name was Lydia Lvovna. There are load-bearing walls, which can cut through the arch, but Lydia Lvovna would blunt any drill. At the time of our meeting she was eighty, the same age as so to speak Oct, despised this the most Oct all my heart, but considered it beneath my dignity and intelligence to deal with it. She was no aristocrat aristocratic roots, although the proletariat, and the peasantry of her family tree bypassed. The veins in places bore the marks of Moses, what Lydia L. said: "any decent person should be Jewish blood, but no more than bread in the chops." She was in good health and so sane that some of it was caused by class hatred.
An hour conversation with Lydia Lvovna was replaced a year at the University, in terms of encyclopedic knowledge and was invaluable from the point of view of knowledge of life. Self-esteem competed in it only with the gravity of nature and merciless sarcasm. She was very wealthy, lived alone in a two-room apartment Ryleeva and often left to the country, which, of course, for Simon was more important than anything else. Sex in the car not everyone likes, and sex in a nice apartment, almost everything. Semeon she loved sex, and he would reciprocate by sending different girls for short - and medium-term relations. In addition, Lydia Lvovna has always been a source of food, sometimes money and a little more — good cognac. She understood and believed this dues not painful painful, besides loved grandson, and she knew how to love.This, by the way, not all can afford it. I'm afraid. Grandma Lida was not afraid of anything. Proud, independent, with great taste and impeccable manners, well-groomed hands, modest but expensive jewelry, it is still an example for me of what should be a woman at any age.
Quotations this woman would be issued, but we, fools, remember not so much:
"Doctoral thesis in the head does not give the right woman the head does not wash". Semeon agreed.
"Money is useful in old age and harmful to youth." Semeon did not agree.
"Man can't live without that woman who can live without it." Semeon had a clear position.
"Senya, you're gone for two weeks, that even Texas does not allow" (the writer, as I understand it, at the time, was shown to Lydia Lvovna interest).
"Grandma, why you're the one I couldn't call?" — tried to Ambaritsa semen.
"I, of course, not imposed, and you, blockhead, and it is certainly not going to. Moreover, you still run out of money and you will come, but you'll feel ungrateful pig. Joy is not great, but still."Semen almost on the hand itself ink wrote: "call grandma", but still forget, and, like me, by the way, the friends called "babushkiny".
"I know what happens here when I'm not, but if I ever find evidence of that, your house will be closed for the endless airing." From Lydia Lvovna I gained skills superior cleaners. The loss of such a boudoir would be a disaster for us.
"So. In this apartment can be only one rabbit pair. My room is inviolable. And by the way, remember this: by your behavior, in adulthood you will have difficulty with loyalty. Now, to sleep with his mistress on the bed wife can just completely fallen loser. Consider that my bed is your future family bed". Simon at his complete carelessness and cynicism defended her grandmother's room as the money from the bullies, that is all possible ways. This principle cost him his friendship with one friend, but inspired respect from all the rest.
"Senya, the only thing you should take care of is health. To hurt expensive, and trust me, the money you have will never happen." Grandmother was not mistaken. Unfortunately...
"Snow is like the face of a mother and the character of his father. It would be better Vice versa." This phrase Lydia Lvovna said in the presence of both parents Seeds. Aunt Lena's gaze burned mother-in-law through. Uncle Alex calmly asked: "And what you, Lenkino a person not to like?" and began to examine the wife, as if he really doubted. Travel by its nature remained unnoticed. "Lenine's face I really like, but it absolutely is not a man, like your character," Lydia Lvovna or really meant what I said, or felt sorry for the daughter-in-law.
"Aunt Tanya, going to the Symphony. With her is her granddaughter. Beautiful girl, can you meet and get to know her. I think she wants to pick you up when you're useless". Granddaughter of aunt Tanya picked up the other. And I picked that!
"Good daughter-in-law — ex-daughter-in-law". Along with the divorce, ex-wives Sennogo father received a notice finally fallen on the love former mother-in-law.
"Simon, if you tell a girl you love her just to get to bed, you're not just a scoundrel, you cowardly and incompetent bastard." I must say, this lesson we have learned.Well, at least I did.Honesty and openness in thought has always been the key to restful sleep, a quick solution to the opposite side and friendly relations in the future, regardless of whether the erotic component.
"Oh boys... in old age can be either bad or very bad. Well in old age can not be..."
Subsequently, I have met a lot of relatively happy seniors and no less unfortunate young. I think people initially live in the same age, and when their personal age coincides with the biological, they are happy. Look at Jagger, he always twenty-five. And how many of the thirty years in which the life force is barely seventy? Boring, grumbling, unblinking. Lydia Lvovna, I think, were happy years, thirty — five to forty, in that wonderful age, when a woman still beautiful, but wise, still looking for someone, but can live alone.
It so happened that I once was lucky (or rather, lucky) and I had the good fortune to chat with Lydia Lvovna in unexpected circumstances.
It all started very prosaic. I was retired his passion, was in anguish and was treated with spree. All of the tools necessary to do so, constantly I have had only desire. Sometimes, however, I was able to stick to any classmate or friend of a classmate that was a reason to ask Canopy the keys to grandma's apartment. According to reliable information, Lydia Lvovna had to go to the country. With the keys in my pocket and lust in my head, I invited the girl allegedly in the movie. We met two hours before the session, and my cunning plan was this: to say that my grandmother asked me to come over to check if she turned off the iron, offer tea, and then suddenly attack. A girl we once passionately kissed in the stairwell, and, judging by the reaction on my already blossoming hands, the chances of winning were great.
To acquaint a friend with relatives I wasn't going to, and therefore, to make apartments Lydia Lvovna apartment of my own grandmother I was not such a big problem. The photo Seeds I'm going to do in advance, but, of course, was late and therefore made up a story about the incredible love grandma to my friend, co-break and tears touching the card, which I did, and so I was in it. Selfie did not exist.
Everything went according to plan. Friend felt the same about the iron that I barely had time to run behind her. I now wonder if we were created in the image and likeness, then God, too, once was young and so fled across the sky... well, the ladder was taken by storm with stops at kissing. Of course, these youthful fears (what if I do not agree) to make us hurry up so that sometimes it is the rush and destroys everything. With lips lips, I began with trembling hands to try to push the key into the keyhole. The key is not zapihivanija. "A good start" — I recalled a classic pun.
— Let me! My favorite female phrase. Zatselovali girl gently inserted the key, turned and... the house blew up. More precisely, blew up the whole world.
— Who's there? asked Lydia Lvovna.
Is Sasha replied from outer space alien voice.
Then the door opened. Don't know what happened in my brain, but I gave impromptu entertaining.
— Grandma hi and we went to check on the iron as you asked.
Still can't understand how I had the nerve for such a move. You know, the intelligentsia have a great concept of "uncomfortable before...". To explain it another caste is impossible. It's not about rudeness or rudeness in someone's address and not even about the infringement of interests. It is a strange experience, think or feel the other person, if you ever do something that you don't seem to match his ideas about world harmony. Very often those to whom we are uncomfortable, sincerely would be surprised if they found out about our throwing.
I felt embarrassed in front of young girlfriend because I brought her in a strange house with an obvious goal. And this feeling won "inconvenience" before Lydia Lvovna.
She thought for exactly a second. Smile the corners of your eyes, "lady" has entered the game:
Thanks, but, see, I to the cottage did not go — do not feel very well, come in, have some tea.
— Meet... — with fear I forgot the girl's name. That is all. This still sometimes happens to me. I can forget a name quite close to me. It's terrible, but that's when I came up out of such a predicament.
I suddenly reached into his pocket for the phone (then only appeared the Eriksen small size), pretending that I called.
— Sorry, I answer, and, pretending to talk on the phone, listened closely as my girlfriend seems to be my "grandma".
— Kate.
— Lydia Lvovna. Come in, please.
I finished pseudoregular and we walked to the kitchen. I would say the kitchen is cramped and uncomfortable, with a window facing the wall of the house opposite, but it was probably the best cuisine in St. Petersburg. Many whole life like this kitchen, despite the presence of penthouses and villas.
— Katya, tea will be?
Lydia Lvovna was taught to address everyone, especially to the younger and the staff. I remember her lecture:
Someday you will have a driver. So, always, I repeat ALWAYS, be on You, even if he is the same age as yours and works for you for ten years. "You" is armor behind which you can hide from a boorishness and rudeness.
Lydia Lvovna took the cups, put them on saucers, also got a milk jug, the teapot, a silver spoon, put raspberry jam in a crystal vase. So Lydia Lvovna had tea always. There was no artificiality or pretentiousness. For her it was as natural as saying "Hello" and not Hello, not to walk around the house in a Bathrobe and visit the doctors with a small gift.
Katya's eyes took the shape of saucers. She immediately went to wash hands.
— Uh-Oh, Sasha, you're even her name can't remember... — Lydia Lvovna warm and with some sadness and looked at me.
— Thank you so much... I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do.
Don't worry, I know you raised a boy, uncomfortable in front of a girl, she is still young, needs to keep up appearances and through people's apartments and not to go.
— Name I accidentally forgot, honestly.
What about Ksenya? — As I said, I recently broke up with his girlfriend. We dated for a few years and often stayed in the hotel, including Lydia Lvovna.
Well, to be honest, she dumped me.
— Sorry, nice girl, although I knew that this would happen to me.
Why? — Xenia I loved and tear experienced hard enough.
— You know, she's not very good and even unique qualities that form the basis of your personality and make your weaknesses that are the flip side of these qualities, she is not ready.
Honestly, I didn't know what she's talking about, and then tried to change the people some traits, not realizing that they are inalienable dowry to the virtues of delighting me.
Suddenly, the face of Lydia Lvovna ran alert:
— Sasha, you're the only Passage continue to be friends, he's a good guy, kind, but there is no rage, and it should be the man, at least sometimes. I am very worried about him. Gonna look after him? You have everything in life work, and he doesn't, even though friends are worthy to be next. Promise?
The first time I saw a kind of helplessness in the gaze of the bravest woman I know.The biggest payoff for the happiness of loving someone is the inevitable pain from powerlessness to help. Sooner or later it always happens.
Kate returned from the bathroom, we drank strong tea and talked about something and left.
After a week, Lydia L., died in her sleep. Senya did not have time for her to go, because we are again somewhere umotal for the weekend.
Two months later we drove with him to Moscow. "Red arrow", a coupe, an adventure for the two blockheads. Our cell looked the barman and I asked for vodka, stockpiled in advance, of tomato juice.
Opened, poured a full glass and looked at Senya. He looked at my juice and cried. Well, the tears stopped right on the edge of the eyes, and here was to "break the dam".
— Senka, what happened?
— Grandmother. She always asked me to buy her tomato juice.
Senya turned away because boys don't cry the boys. After a few minutes, when he again looked at me, this was a different Senya. Very different. Older and older. Bright but not so bright. His face was like the sand that just poured a wave. Grandma passed away, and he finally believed it, as that no one will ever love him like that.
Then I realized that when a loved one dies, we're in for one second feel pain equal to all the heat, what is received from him for the countless moments of life around.
Some outer scale are aligned. And God, physics, and calm. published
Author: Alexander Tsypkin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: //tsypkin.com/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%BE-%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B5-%D0%B8%D0%B7-%D0%B4%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE-%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8/
The more etched in the memory of the tears of my friend, suddenly appeared in his eyes when we went to Moscow, and I poured myself a glass of tomato juice.
We now turn to the statement of fact, fun and instructive.

In my youth I had a lot of different companies, they are intertwined bodies, or Affairs, constantly appeared and disappeared. Young souls have lived, as if in a blender. One of those friends, coming out of nowhere, was Simon. Sloven of the good of the family in Leningrad. That, and the other was a condition of getting into our society. Not to say that we other "not take", not at all, just our paths haven't crossed. In the 90s slackers from poor families went to OPG, or simply slip on the proletarian slant, and Narashinodai from good families or have established businesses, or slip on a scientific slant, by the way, often in the same financial direction as proletarians.
We, a sort of gilded youth, the fast life, knowing that genetics and family stocks never let us down. Simon, I must say, tried to do something, he worked as a translator, traded some gold products, sometimes "bombed" in my father's car. He was very diligent, honest and compassionate, which in those days was hardly competitive advantage. Remember how we were engaged in carting, sure there were passengers with whom Senya was loose money and then didn't. And he was very much attached to relatives, which was introduced to me. Family we had a similar.
Young parents trying to find himself in a spirited post-socialism, the older generation, whose role has increased dramatically in the troubled times of the collapse of the Soviet Union. These steel people born in Russia in the early twentieth century and the survivors in his bloody waters, steel load-bearing walls in each family. They rightly believed that grandchildren to trust the children, because a child cannot raise a child. In the end, the family were frequently grandparents and two generations of the same foolish children.

Seeds grandmother name was Lydia Lvovna. There are load-bearing walls, which can cut through the arch, but Lydia Lvovna would blunt any drill. At the time of our meeting she was eighty, the same age as so to speak Oct, despised this the most Oct all my heart, but considered it beneath my dignity and intelligence to deal with it. She was no aristocrat aristocratic roots, although the proletariat, and the peasantry of her family tree bypassed. The veins in places bore the marks of Moses, what Lydia L. said: "any decent person should be Jewish blood, but no more than bread in the chops." She was in good health and so sane that some of it was caused by class hatred.
An hour conversation with Lydia Lvovna was replaced a year at the University, in terms of encyclopedic knowledge and was invaluable from the point of view of knowledge of life. Self-esteem competed in it only with the gravity of nature and merciless sarcasm. She was very wealthy, lived alone in a two-room apartment Ryleeva and often left to the country, which, of course, for Simon was more important than anything else. Sex in the car not everyone likes, and sex in a nice apartment, almost everything. Semeon she loved sex, and he would reciprocate by sending different girls for short - and medium-term relations. In addition, Lydia Lvovna has always been a source of food, sometimes money and a little more — good cognac. She understood and believed this dues not painful painful, besides loved grandson, and she knew how to love.This, by the way, not all can afford it. I'm afraid. Grandma Lida was not afraid of anything. Proud, independent, with great taste and impeccable manners, well-groomed hands, modest but expensive jewelry, it is still an example for me of what should be a woman at any age.
Quotations this woman would be issued, but we, fools, remember not so much:
"Doctoral thesis in the head does not give the right woman the head does not wash". Semeon agreed.
"Money is useful in old age and harmful to youth." Semeon did not agree.
"Man can't live without that woman who can live without it." Semeon had a clear position.
"Senya, you're gone for two weeks, that even Texas does not allow" (the writer, as I understand it, at the time, was shown to Lydia Lvovna interest).
"Grandma, why you're the one I couldn't call?" — tried to Ambaritsa semen.
"I, of course, not imposed, and you, blockhead, and it is certainly not going to. Moreover, you still run out of money and you will come, but you'll feel ungrateful pig. Joy is not great, but still."Semen almost on the hand itself ink wrote: "call grandma", but still forget, and, like me, by the way, the friends called "babushkiny".
"I know what happens here when I'm not, but if I ever find evidence of that, your house will be closed for the endless airing." From Lydia Lvovna I gained skills superior cleaners. The loss of such a boudoir would be a disaster for us.
"So. In this apartment can be only one rabbit pair. My room is inviolable. And by the way, remember this: by your behavior, in adulthood you will have difficulty with loyalty. Now, to sleep with his mistress on the bed wife can just completely fallen loser. Consider that my bed is your future family bed". Simon at his complete carelessness and cynicism defended her grandmother's room as the money from the bullies, that is all possible ways. This principle cost him his friendship with one friend, but inspired respect from all the rest.
"Senya, the only thing you should take care of is health. To hurt expensive, and trust me, the money you have will never happen." Grandmother was not mistaken. Unfortunately...
"Snow is like the face of a mother and the character of his father. It would be better Vice versa." This phrase Lydia Lvovna said in the presence of both parents Seeds. Aunt Lena's gaze burned mother-in-law through. Uncle Alex calmly asked: "And what you, Lenkino a person not to like?" and began to examine the wife, as if he really doubted. Travel by its nature remained unnoticed. "Lenine's face I really like, but it absolutely is not a man, like your character," Lydia Lvovna or really meant what I said, or felt sorry for the daughter-in-law.
"Aunt Tanya, going to the Symphony. With her is her granddaughter. Beautiful girl, can you meet and get to know her. I think she wants to pick you up when you're useless". Granddaughter of aunt Tanya picked up the other. And I picked that!
"Good daughter-in-law — ex-daughter-in-law". Along with the divorce, ex-wives Sennogo father received a notice finally fallen on the love former mother-in-law.
"Simon, if you tell a girl you love her just to get to bed, you're not just a scoundrel, you cowardly and incompetent bastard." I must say, this lesson we have learned.Well, at least I did.Honesty and openness in thought has always been the key to restful sleep, a quick solution to the opposite side and friendly relations in the future, regardless of whether the erotic component.
"Oh boys... in old age can be either bad or very bad. Well in old age can not be..."
Subsequently, I have met a lot of relatively happy seniors and no less unfortunate young. I think people initially live in the same age, and when their personal age coincides with the biological, they are happy. Look at Jagger, he always twenty-five. And how many of the thirty years in which the life force is barely seventy? Boring, grumbling, unblinking. Lydia Lvovna, I think, were happy years, thirty — five to forty, in that wonderful age, when a woman still beautiful, but wise, still looking for someone, but can live alone.
It so happened that I once was lucky (or rather, lucky) and I had the good fortune to chat with Lydia Lvovna in unexpected circumstances.
It all started very prosaic. I was retired his passion, was in anguish and was treated with spree. All of the tools necessary to do so, constantly I have had only desire. Sometimes, however, I was able to stick to any classmate or friend of a classmate that was a reason to ask Canopy the keys to grandma's apartment. According to reliable information, Lydia Lvovna had to go to the country. With the keys in my pocket and lust in my head, I invited the girl allegedly in the movie. We met two hours before the session, and my cunning plan was this: to say that my grandmother asked me to come over to check if she turned off the iron, offer tea, and then suddenly attack. A girl we once passionately kissed in the stairwell, and, judging by the reaction on my already blossoming hands, the chances of winning were great.
To acquaint a friend with relatives I wasn't going to, and therefore, to make apartments Lydia Lvovna apartment of my own grandmother I was not such a big problem. The photo Seeds I'm going to do in advance, but, of course, was late and therefore made up a story about the incredible love grandma to my friend, co-break and tears touching the card, which I did, and so I was in it. Selfie did not exist.
Everything went according to plan. Friend felt the same about the iron that I barely had time to run behind her. I now wonder if we were created in the image and likeness, then God, too, once was young and so fled across the sky... well, the ladder was taken by storm with stops at kissing. Of course, these youthful fears (what if I do not agree) to make us hurry up so that sometimes it is the rush and destroys everything. With lips lips, I began with trembling hands to try to push the key into the keyhole. The key is not zapihivanija. "A good start" — I recalled a classic pun.
— Let me! My favorite female phrase. Zatselovali girl gently inserted the key, turned and... the house blew up. More precisely, blew up the whole world.
— Who's there? asked Lydia Lvovna.
Is Sasha replied from outer space alien voice.
Then the door opened. Don't know what happened in my brain, but I gave impromptu entertaining.
— Grandma hi and we went to check on the iron as you asked.
Still can't understand how I had the nerve for such a move. You know, the intelligentsia have a great concept of "uncomfortable before...". To explain it another caste is impossible. It's not about rudeness or rudeness in someone's address and not even about the infringement of interests. It is a strange experience, think or feel the other person, if you ever do something that you don't seem to match his ideas about world harmony. Very often those to whom we are uncomfortable, sincerely would be surprised if they found out about our throwing.
I felt embarrassed in front of young girlfriend because I brought her in a strange house with an obvious goal. And this feeling won "inconvenience" before Lydia Lvovna.
She thought for exactly a second. Smile the corners of your eyes, "lady" has entered the game:
Thanks, but, see, I to the cottage did not go — do not feel very well, come in, have some tea.
— Meet... — with fear I forgot the girl's name. That is all. This still sometimes happens to me. I can forget a name quite close to me. It's terrible, but that's when I came up out of such a predicament.
I suddenly reached into his pocket for the phone (then only appeared the Eriksen small size), pretending that I called.
— Sorry, I answer, and, pretending to talk on the phone, listened closely as my girlfriend seems to be my "grandma".
— Kate.
— Lydia Lvovna. Come in, please.
I finished pseudoregular and we walked to the kitchen. I would say the kitchen is cramped and uncomfortable, with a window facing the wall of the house opposite, but it was probably the best cuisine in St. Petersburg. Many whole life like this kitchen, despite the presence of penthouses and villas.
— Katya, tea will be?
Lydia Lvovna was taught to address everyone, especially to the younger and the staff. I remember her lecture:
Someday you will have a driver. So, always, I repeat ALWAYS, be on You, even if he is the same age as yours and works for you for ten years. "You" is armor behind which you can hide from a boorishness and rudeness.
Lydia Lvovna took the cups, put them on saucers, also got a milk jug, the teapot, a silver spoon, put raspberry jam in a crystal vase. So Lydia Lvovna had tea always. There was no artificiality or pretentiousness. For her it was as natural as saying "Hello" and not Hello, not to walk around the house in a Bathrobe and visit the doctors with a small gift.
Katya's eyes took the shape of saucers. She immediately went to wash hands.
— Uh-Oh, Sasha, you're even her name can't remember... — Lydia Lvovna warm and with some sadness and looked at me.
— Thank you so much... I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do.
Don't worry, I know you raised a boy, uncomfortable in front of a girl, she is still young, needs to keep up appearances and through people's apartments and not to go.
— Name I accidentally forgot, honestly.
What about Ksenya? — As I said, I recently broke up with his girlfriend. We dated for a few years and often stayed in the hotel, including Lydia Lvovna.
Well, to be honest, she dumped me.
— Sorry, nice girl, although I knew that this would happen to me.
Why? — Xenia I loved and tear experienced hard enough.
— You know, she's not very good and even unique qualities that form the basis of your personality and make your weaknesses that are the flip side of these qualities, she is not ready.
Honestly, I didn't know what she's talking about, and then tried to change the people some traits, not realizing that they are inalienable dowry to the virtues of delighting me.
Suddenly, the face of Lydia Lvovna ran alert:
— Sasha, you're the only Passage continue to be friends, he's a good guy, kind, but there is no rage, and it should be the man, at least sometimes. I am very worried about him. Gonna look after him? You have everything in life work, and he doesn't, even though friends are worthy to be next. Promise?
The first time I saw a kind of helplessness in the gaze of the bravest woman I know.The biggest payoff for the happiness of loving someone is the inevitable pain from powerlessness to help. Sooner or later it always happens.
Kate returned from the bathroom, we drank strong tea and talked about something and left.
After a week, Lydia L., died in her sleep. Senya did not have time for her to go, because we are again somewhere umotal for the weekend.
Two months later we drove with him to Moscow. "Red arrow", a coupe, an adventure for the two blockheads. Our cell looked the barman and I asked for vodka, stockpiled in advance, of tomato juice.
Opened, poured a full glass and looked at Senya. He looked at my juice and cried. Well, the tears stopped right on the edge of the eyes, and here was to "break the dam".
— Senka, what happened?
— Grandmother. She always asked me to buy her tomato juice.
Senya turned away because boys don't cry the boys. After a few minutes, when he again looked at me, this was a different Senya. Very different. Older and older. Bright but not so bright. His face was like the sand that just poured a wave. Grandma passed away, and he finally believed it, as that no one will ever love him like that.
Then I realized that when a loved one dies, we're in for one second feel pain equal to all the heat, what is received from him for the countless moments of life around.
Some outer scale are aligned. And God, physics, and calm. published
Author: Alexander Tsypkin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: //tsypkin.com/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%BE-%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B5-%D0%B8%D0%B7-%D0%B4%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE-%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8/
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