Wedding violence
"Zipkin the end of me. I hit her, but I don't remember for what, and how, although it is not important. She cries and says she can't leave the room with a black eye. Her dad's gonna kill me, you saw him".
Here's a call I received from the hotel room where my friend spent her wedding night. The morning after the wedding and so it is an ordeal, and there is generally a nightmare.
But about all under the order:
Gene married not going to, neither Kate nor in principle.
He was intelligent Petersburg family. All scientists, some are in the encyclopedia. Grandma, of course, Jewish. Poor.
Kate arrived in Petersburg from Ryazan. The family are all military, even Pets. Of course, dad a former paratrooper. Rich.
Gene saw the photo of the Pope on the morning after, so to speak, unprotected intercourse and immediately understood. Grandma taught Gena to look at the pedigree to the first date, as you never know where it may end, but Gene's grandmother was not listening.
In the end, Kate suddenly became pregnant. The girl was lucky with the family of the father of the child, they were deeply decent people, so to marry Gene ordered, though that's Kate in the full relatives were not immediately accepted. This dichotomy, by the way, brought to divorce is not one ranneklassovye pair, so as to feel like a second-class woman, who suddenly fell on adore son or grandson, a dubious pleasure, especially if you like the zoo would be released, but are still talking to barsuchikha. And if there are differences in material status and intellectuals is much poorer, the position of women sometimes becomes unbearable. Her fault, and that insufficiently refined, and that is too rich.
But it was all possible details of the future. In this it was necessary to solve the issue with the wedding. When counting the number of guests it became clear that forces are totally unequal. The intelligentsia put on the field twelve people, mostly the injured and those with low motivation. The proletariat with the merchant already fifty-nine, collected from across the country, of which twenty-four Katya had never seen, and twenty-three would never want to see. They are all eager to fight, or rather to St. Petersburg for the wedding, "our Katya," with the man whose great-grandfather is mentioned in the Great Soviet encyclopedia. Practice "talking dog", it is necessary to look, touch, not to mention the test of its durability, which was the dream of father's friends via airborne. Relatives of Genes, it is clear that nobody wanted to see and especially to hear.
The cost of this friendly match took on the visiting team.
A wedding can be described in one word: funeral. This word represented the expression on the faces of the groomsmen, the bride and groom. I would also like to bury the lead, musicians and chefs. About the occasion I forgot as quickly as I forget at the funeral of the dead, when memorial day begins almost drunken dancing guests from different sides of the deceased. Two hours after the start of the match the referee lost control of the game and was sent off. Began Russian wedding, senseless and meaningless.
The bride's uncle, arrived from Rostov-on-don, began to drink in Rostov-on-don, and so succeeded in this that he forgot about his wife, although forget about this bulk cargo was complicated, and tried to invite to slow dance Genio mother, who had frozen in the chair, but uncle is not confused, and he lifted her with him. Under the applause of the Kuban Cossack circled the chair with the half-dead teacher of Philology at the hall and dropped them both almost in the cake.
The competitions were so stupid and absurd that even unspoiled animation guests from Ryazan (he was from Ryazan, and was under), they booed and asked everyone to start wearing their girlfriends together with chairs on the example of the Rostov comrades. Screeching, screaming and broken furniture.
Kate's mother, a simple woman, but kind and extremely educated sat down at the table to Henkinen parents and was encouraged: "You will bear with me, please, I understand".
Then came the funeral procession with the gifts and envelopes, and then the Requiem, ugh, a dance to the song "Because you can't be in the world so beautiful" and finally the throwing of wreaths into the crowd of prospective brides.
Offended by the act of the husband wife of the Rostov dancer said he also will catch the wreath, and pressed a couple of maiden, got the same pass in the next marriage.
One of the guests approached Genkina grandmother with some awkward compliments, and finished all the delicious sentence: "in Fact there are among the Jews are good people".
After that grandma shared with me the concern: "M-married, Yes it is bad, it is important then how to get a divorce, but here I'm afraid, if anything, the world does not work".
Friends Katya's father put me with the groom at the table and began to pour vodka into our frail bodies, in parallel teaching the groom the intricacies of family life.
"Gena, you are the main woman keep your hands to yourself! And remember, a good bream no one has died, no, of course hitting a woman is impossible, but bream can register!" — taught life my friend people with a wrist size Genkina head.
Wedding rattled by the whole hotel, I tried to drag in pre-charged room the lonely bridesmaid, but she was a girl with principles, to get I only managed a bottle of whiskey. With her I fell asleep.
This morning I woke announced, the above mentioned call.
"Sanya, do, do what? I do not understand why I did so, we fell asleep immediately almost when I have time? And you know me, I wouldn't murder a fly, and Katka, it's so smooth. God, how could I..."
"And Kate doesn't remember?"
"She's still only mumble maybe out in the full salad, though, as looked in the mirror, sobered up a bit, but when I hit her, does not remember, says only, dad's gonna kill me, and that she did not think that I, in principle, able to raise hand on woman. I didn't either".
Note that Gena among us was the most decent. To all, even the most fleeting acquaintance he were treated like best friends, always walked home, genuinely cared, talked about the girl's problems for hours if it wanted to. In General, we felt bad about myself in the rays of Genkina virtue. And then to beat his wife. Although once I saw how he flies head with coils, and then it was terrible. Note, the case occurred involving alcohol.
Nevertheless, the problem had to be solved. My head ached, and I asked roomservice to bring me a bottle of beer. Came the waiter asked me:
"The bride something like, alive? Got it yesterday..."
I choked: "what?"
It turned out that my thirst for beer saved the unit of society and personally to her husband. The gene kata, or rather with the body of Katya, went to sleep in your room. At the same time, the roomservice waiter carried the order into the next room and saw the following picture. The bride, more like a rolled up carpet, was leaning against the wall, and Gene tried to insert the card into the slot of the lock. When that failed, he opened the door to the room, took her in his arms, as this usually makes a lovely Prince, and tried to make the bride's house. Dangly leg bride struggled with on the left door jamb, and a dead head — on right. Gene was so hopped up on vodka that could estimate only one event: Katya at the door was not included, and that's why it happened, he didn't understand and therefore tried to make three times (the last almost a run), yet the waiter didn't stop him. Gene sent it, but I did, and dragged the bride sideways.
I called Gene and told me, then grabbed a waiter in his arms and went to find Katya's dad. He was found on the Breakfast sober, cheerful, and clean shaven. Only when I a former military man drank almost 0.7. Yes. Here is the hardening. After listening to the tragic story, briefly and without much emotion put everything in its place: "Like in dark glasses a week, and the whole business, and the husband good — like tradition to observe."
In the evening the couple departed on a journey, all the photographs, Kate has been in huge sunglasses, and about violence in the family no one else knew. Incidentally, they never divorced, moreover, the grandmother assumed the role of Professor, and a year Dulitl was not found. Became friends even fathers, with the exception of one disagreement. Frail Genkin father wants to give his grandson in the Ryazan airborne school, paratrooper — lobbying for the University. Everyone takes out their facilities to the children as best he can.
R. S. And a little more about Genkina family. At the time of the wedding Kate was not pregnant, did not happen in that time, unfortunately. She was worried, afraid that she would not believe think that it is, in principle, it's all invented, or that the groom will withdraw the proposal, but education is education. When Gene told her about the problem, grandma said quietly:
I'm sure your plans for marriage will not be affected. Not to get married pregnant girl cowardice, but to abandon the lost child — this is a betrayal. Dante left for these last round. I advise you not to.
— Grandma, I Dante know what is and what is not. published
Author: Alexander Tsypkin
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: tsypkin.com/%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5-%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B5/
Here's a call I received from the hotel room where my friend spent her wedding night. The morning after the wedding and so it is an ordeal, and there is generally a nightmare.
But about all under the order:

Gene married not going to, neither Kate nor in principle.
He was intelligent Petersburg family. All scientists, some are in the encyclopedia. Grandma, of course, Jewish. Poor.
Kate arrived in Petersburg from Ryazan. The family are all military, even Pets. Of course, dad a former paratrooper. Rich.
Gene saw the photo of the Pope on the morning after, so to speak, unprotected intercourse and immediately understood. Grandma taught Gena to look at the pedigree to the first date, as you never know where it may end, but Gene's grandmother was not listening.
In the end, Kate suddenly became pregnant. The girl was lucky with the family of the father of the child, they were deeply decent people, so to marry Gene ordered, though that's Kate in the full relatives were not immediately accepted. This dichotomy, by the way, brought to divorce is not one ranneklassovye pair, so as to feel like a second-class woman, who suddenly fell on adore son or grandson, a dubious pleasure, especially if you like the zoo would be released, but are still talking to barsuchikha. And if there are differences in material status and intellectuals is much poorer, the position of women sometimes becomes unbearable. Her fault, and that insufficiently refined, and that is too rich.
But it was all possible details of the future. In this it was necessary to solve the issue with the wedding. When counting the number of guests it became clear that forces are totally unequal. The intelligentsia put on the field twelve people, mostly the injured and those with low motivation. The proletariat with the merchant already fifty-nine, collected from across the country, of which twenty-four Katya had never seen, and twenty-three would never want to see. They are all eager to fight, or rather to St. Petersburg for the wedding, "our Katya," with the man whose great-grandfather is mentioned in the Great Soviet encyclopedia. Practice "talking dog", it is necessary to look, touch, not to mention the test of its durability, which was the dream of father's friends via airborne. Relatives of Genes, it is clear that nobody wanted to see and especially to hear.
The cost of this friendly match took on the visiting team.
A wedding can be described in one word: funeral. This word represented the expression on the faces of the groomsmen, the bride and groom. I would also like to bury the lead, musicians and chefs. About the occasion I forgot as quickly as I forget at the funeral of the dead, when memorial day begins almost drunken dancing guests from different sides of the deceased. Two hours after the start of the match the referee lost control of the game and was sent off. Began Russian wedding, senseless and meaningless.
The bride's uncle, arrived from Rostov-on-don, began to drink in Rostov-on-don, and so succeeded in this that he forgot about his wife, although forget about this bulk cargo was complicated, and tried to invite to slow dance Genio mother, who had frozen in the chair, but uncle is not confused, and he lifted her with him. Under the applause of the Kuban Cossack circled the chair with the half-dead teacher of Philology at the hall and dropped them both almost in the cake.
The competitions were so stupid and absurd that even unspoiled animation guests from Ryazan (he was from Ryazan, and was under), they booed and asked everyone to start wearing their girlfriends together with chairs on the example of the Rostov comrades. Screeching, screaming and broken furniture.
Kate's mother, a simple woman, but kind and extremely educated sat down at the table to Henkinen parents and was encouraged: "You will bear with me, please, I understand".
Then came the funeral procession with the gifts and envelopes, and then the Requiem, ugh, a dance to the song "Because you can't be in the world so beautiful" and finally the throwing of wreaths into the crowd of prospective brides.
Offended by the act of the husband wife of the Rostov dancer said he also will catch the wreath, and pressed a couple of maiden, got the same pass in the next marriage.
One of the guests approached Genkina grandmother with some awkward compliments, and finished all the delicious sentence: "in Fact there are among the Jews are good people".
After that grandma shared with me the concern: "M-married, Yes it is bad, it is important then how to get a divorce, but here I'm afraid, if anything, the world does not work".
Friends Katya's father put me with the groom at the table and began to pour vodka into our frail bodies, in parallel teaching the groom the intricacies of family life.
"Gena, you are the main woman keep your hands to yourself! And remember, a good bream no one has died, no, of course hitting a woman is impossible, but bream can register!" — taught life my friend people with a wrist size Genkina head.
Wedding rattled by the whole hotel, I tried to drag in pre-charged room the lonely bridesmaid, but she was a girl with principles, to get I only managed a bottle of whiskey. With her I fell asleep.
This morning I woke announced, the above mentioned call.
"Sanya, do, do what? I do not understand why I did so, we fell asleep immediately almost when I have time? And you know me, I wouldn't murder a fly, and Katka, it's so smooth. God, how could I..."
"And Kate doesn't remember?"
"She's still only mumble maybe out in the full salad, though, as looked in the mirror, sobered up a bit, but when I hit her, does not remember, says only, dad's gonna kill me, and that she did not think that I, in principle, able to raise hand on woman. I didn't either".
Note that Gena among us was the most decent. To all, even the most fleeting acquaintance he were treated like best friends, always walked home, genuinely cared, talked about the girl's problems for hours if it wanted to. In General, we felt bad about myself in the rays of Genkina virtue. And then to beat his wife. Although once I saw how he flies head with coils, and then it was terrible. Note, the case occurred involving alcohol.
Nevertheless, the problem had to be solved. My head ached, and I asked roomservice to bring me a bottle of beer. Came the waiter asked me:
"The bride something like, alive? Got it yesterday..."
I choked: "what?"
It turned out that my thirst for beer saved the unit of society and personally to her husband. The gene kata, or rather with the body of Katya, went to sleep in your room. At the same time, the roomservice waiter carried the order into the next room and saw the following picture. The bride, more like a rolled up carpet, was leaning against the wall, and Gene tried to insert the card into the slot of the lock. When that failed, he opened the door to the room, took her in his arms, as this usually makes a lovely Prince, and tried to make the bride's house. Dangly leg bride struggled with on the left door jamb, and a dead head — on right. Gene was so hopped up on vodka that could estimate only one event: Katya at the door was not included, and that's why it happened, he didn't understand and therefore tried to make three times (the last almost a run), yet the waiter didn't stop him. Gene sent it, but I did, and dragged the bride sideways.
I called Gene and told me, then grabbed a waiter in his arms and went to find Katya's dad. He was found on the Breakfast sober, cheerful, and clean shaven. Only when I a former military man drank almost 0.7. Yes. Here is the hardening. After listening to the tragic story, briefly and without much emotion put everything in its place: "Like in dark glasses a week, and the whole business, and the husband good — like tradition to observe."
In the evening the couple departed on a journey, all the photographs, Kate has been in huge sunglasses, and about violence in the family no one else knew. Incidentally, they never divorced, moreover, the grandmother assumed the role of Professor, and a year Dulitl was not found. Became friends even fathers, with the exception of one disagreement. Frail Genkin father wants to give his grandson in the Ryazan airborne school, paratrooper — lobbying for the University. Everyone takes out their facilities to the children as best he can.
R. S. And a little more about Genkina family. At the time of the wedding Kate was not pregnant, did not happen in that time, unfortunately. She was worried, afraid that she would not believe think that it is, in principle, it's all invented, or that the groom will withdraw the proposal, but education is education. When Gene told her about the problem, grandma said quietly:
I'm sure your plans for marriage will not be affected. Not to get married pregnant girl cowardice, but to abandon the lost child — this is a betrayal. Dante left for these last round. I advise you not to.
— Grandma, I Dante know what is and what is not. published
Author: Alexander Tsypkin
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: tsypkin.com/%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5-%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B5/